An ecosystem of TiddlyWikis running on nodejs (https servers)

By "ecosystem", I mean this kind of ecosystem .

The built-in static server in TiddlyWiki is really fast. Having all things in nodejs TiddlyWiki instances, running on https servers, allows for all things TiddlyWiki to be easily embedded anywhere, Intertwingling of all things TiddlyWiki makes for better Information/Content/Knowledge/Documentation Management, better communication, less duplication, better project management

For example, a post at TiddlyTalk could appear here (if TiddlyTalk allowed content to be embedded in other sites. So I just pasted code from a discussion instead.)

And right near whatever, a reference of helpful documentation from a community source of TiddlyWiki documentation. (This would be much much better with the instance running as a nodejs TiddlyWiki on an https server. Here, I am using a copy of served by a host I use. With a nodejs version and using URL for TiddlyWiki's built-in static page server, the tiddler would look like a card of info without the tiddler buttons and sidebar button.)

\define search-string() \<\<tag\s"keyword"\>\>

Search results (2):

<$list filter="[regexp:text<search-string>] +[get[text]splitregexp[\n]trim[*]regexp<search-string>] +[sort[title]]" variable="line">

<<line>> (<$list filter="[regexp:text<line>]"><$link/>; </$list>)<br>
