Charlie's Thoughts

To look at me, you may think the hamter is dead, but the wheels are always spinning ...

The subpages here are just a quick and dirty place for me to document ideas for a TiddlyWiki portal, and ideas about anything and everything TiddlyWiki (TiddlyWiki Intertwingularity !!!) related to the management of information, knowledge, content, documentation, and anything "project management".

Anything and everything that is architecture, inter-connectivity, process/workflow.

Tapping into concepts from all of the management areas listed above, and knowledge/practices from the domain of software development.

Somehow maximizing the benefits of disparate/distributed everything, minimizing duplication of content/effort, making all things available from one place, making all things easy to find, giving folk the option to have all of these disparate/distributed resources available from one place to keep using as-is, or to help folk maintain their own lists of links/favorites.