Short Courses

Courtesy of the University of Insubria

Grothendieck Toposes

Olivia Caramello (University of Insubria)

Olivia Caramello is an Assistant Professor at the University of Insubria, in Como. Her research investigates the role of Grothendieck toposes as unifying spaces in mathematics and logic. Her main contribution has been the development of methods and techniques for transferring information between distinct mathematical theories by using toposes. She will offer a short course on Grothendieck toposes.

Model Categories and Higher Category Theory

Constanze Roitzheim (University of Kent)

Constanze Roitzheim is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Kent. She moved to the UK after her PhD in Bonn. Her work mostly involves stable homotopy theory and specifically stable model categories. Together with David Barnes she recently wrote an introductory textbook on the subject (currently still available free online).

Derived and Triangulated Categories

Greg Stevenson (University of Glasgow)

Greg is interested in most things derived and homotopical. In particular, he works with triangulated categories, and enhancements of such, in their various guises in topology, geometry, algebra, and representation theory.