Topics in Category Theory:
A Spring School
11-13 March 2020
International Centre for Mathematical Sciences
Edinburgh, UK
About the Conference
This Spring School will gather together PhD students and junior researchers who use category-theoretic ideas or techniques in their research. It will provide a forum to learn about important themes in contemporary category theory, both from experts and from each other.
Three invited speakers will each present a three-hour mini-course, accessible to non-specialists, introducing an area of active research. There will also be short talks contributed by PhD students and postdocs, and a poster session.
The focus of the Spring School is on aspects of pure category theory as they interact with research in other areas of algebra, geometry, topology and logic. Any "categorical thinker" - that is, any mathematician whose work makes use of categorical ideas - is welcome to participate.
Here is the conference poster.
Short courses by invited speakers
Important dates
Pre-registration opens: 2 September 2019Final decisions made on speakers and funding: 4 December 2019Registration opens: 4 December 2019
Registration and funding
The conference is fully booked, and will not be accepting any further applications. If you have pre-registered but have not yet paid the registration fee, you have been added to a waiting list. More spaces may become available in due course, in which case we will make registration available again to those on the waiting list.
Travel funding and accommodation for contributing speakers has now been fully allocated.
If you are a registered attendee and have caring responsibilities that make it difficult to travel, we may be able to offer additional financial support to enable you to attend the meeting. If this would be helpful to you, please contact us to discuss your needs.
We are grateful for financial support from the Glasgow Mathematical Journal Trust's Learning and Research Support Fund, the London Mathematical Society, the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, and the School of Mathematics at the University of Edinburgh. We also gratefully acknowledge in-kind support from the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences and Cambridge University Press.