Key to the Bibliography

4Rje-btsun Mi-la-ras-pa'i Rnam-thar Rgyas-par Phye-ba Mgur-'bum, woodblock print from recently carved blocks in Kulu Manali at Monastery of Ci-ta-ri.

4ARnal-'byor-gyi Dbang-phyug Dam-pa Rje-btsun Mi-la-ras-pa'i Rnam-thar Thar-pa dang Thams-cad Mkhyen-pa'i Lam-ston. Same printing as 4.

4XRnal-'byor-gyi Dbang-phyug Mi-la Bzhad-pa'i-rdo-rje'i Gsung Mgur — Mdzod Nag-ma, edited & arranged by Zhwa-nag III Rang-byung-rdo-rje (1284-1339), Damchoe Sangpo (Dalhousie 1978), in 2 vols.

5 — Lo-chen 'Gyur-med-bde-chen, Grub-pa'i Dbang-phyug Chen-po Brtson-'grus-bzang-po'i Rnam-thar — Kun-gsal Nor-bu'i Me-long, M.M. Press, Ballimaran (Delhi 1976).

9 — Detlef Ingo Lauf, Secret Doctrines of the Tibetan Books of the Dead, Shambhala (Boulder 1977).

12 — 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul, Rgya-chen Bka' Mdzod, a Collection of the Writings of 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul, Ngodup, Kyichu Temple (Paro n.d.), in 20 vols.

17 — 'Brug-chen IV Padma-dkar-po, Collected Works (Gsung-'bum) of Kun-mkhyen Padma-dkar-po (Darjeeling 1973-76).

19 — Tsepon W.D. Shakabpa, Tibet — A Political History, Yale University Press (New Haven 1973).

27 — D.S. Ruegg, The Life of Bu-ston Rin-po-che, Serie Orientale Roma no. XXIV, Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente (Rome 1966).

28 — Giuseppe Tucci, Preliminary Report on Two Scientific Expeditions in Nepal, Serie Orientale Roma vol. X (Rome 1956).

36 — Kong-sprul (comp.), Gdams-ngag Mdzod, reproduced from Dpal-spungs blockprint by N. Lungtok & N. Gyaltsan (Delhi 1971).

42 — Mi-pham-rgya-mtsho, Gzhan-gyis Brtsad-pa'i Lan Mdor-bsdus-pa Rigs-lam Rab Gsal — De-nyid Snang-byed (1969).

45 lahul — Collected Works (Gsung-'bum) of Sgam-po-pa Bsod-nams-rin-chen, "reproduced from a ms. from the Bkra-shis Chos-rdzong monastery in Miyad Lahul," Khasdub Gyatso Shashin (Delhi 1975).

56 — Giuseppe Tucci, Transhimalaya, Nagel Publishers (Geneva 1973).

60 — Khams-smyon Dharma-seng-ge, Nyams-mgur Chu-zla'i Gar 'Phreng (the visionary and mystic poetry of Khams-smyon Dharma-sengge) Sonam T. Kazi (Gangtok 1970).

61 — 'Phags-mchog-rdo-rje, Nges Don Phyag-rgya-chen-po'i Khrid-rim-gyi Zin Thun Rgyal Kun Dgyes-pa'i Gsang Mdzod, printed at Rta-mgo Monastery in Bhutan, a woodblock print in 115 folios. The colophon reads — Punyabhadras Mkhan-ljongs 'Od-gling-du// (?).

64 — Rgod-tshang-pa Mgon-po-rdo-rje, Collected Works (Gsung-'bum) (reproduced from the ms. set once belonging to Rje Shâkya-rin-chen and preserved at Pha-jo-lding Monastery), Jayyed Press (Delhi 1976), in 5 vols.

73Bka'-brgyud Yid-bzhin-nor-bu-yi 'Phreng-ba — A Precious Rosary of Lives of Eminent Masters of the 'Bri-gung-pa Dkar-brgyud-pa Tradition, SSS series no. 38, S.W. Tashigangpa (Leh 1972).

75 — Herbert V. Guenther, The Life and Teachings of Naropa, Oxford University Press (London 1963).

76 — Glo-bo Mkhan-chen Bsod-nams-lhun-grub, Tshad-ma Rigs-pa'i Gter-gyi Rnam-par Bshad-pa Rigs-pa ma-lus-pa-la 'Jug-pa'i Sgo, "a commentary on the Tshad-ma Rigs Gter of Sa-skya Paṇḍi-ta reproduced from an original ms., with English introduction by E. Gene Smith," Sonam T. Kazi (Gangtok 1970).

79 — Karma Grags-pa-yongs-'dus, Pha-gcig Bla-ma Dam-pa'i Rnam-thar Rjes-su Dran-cing Gsol-'debs-pa dang / Bshags-shing Bsngo-ba'i Rim-pa bcas Mos-gus Yid-kyi 'Khri-shing, a woodblock print.

87Rin-chen Gter Mdzod Chen-mo, Kyichu Monastery (Paro 1976), in 110 vols.

91Collected Rediscovered Teachings of Ratna-gling-pa, Taklung Tsetrul (Darjeeling 1977), in 14 vols.

120 — Mi-'jigs-pa-sbyin-pa-dpal (Abhāyadanaśrī), [translated by] Dge-slong Smon-grub-shes-rab. 'Phags-yul Grub-chen Brgyad-cu-rtsa-bzhi'i Byin-rlabs Skor-las / Lo-rgyus Rnam-par Thar-pa-rnams ("The Biography of 84 Saints of Buddhist," added English title), E. Kalsang (Varanasi 1972).

124Gcod-kyi Chos-skor (three texts on the history and practice of the Zhi-byed and Gcod precepts, reproduced from rare block prints from the library of the Tibet House; includes — Sher-phyin Tshigs-bcad Chen-mo of Āryadeva, Phung-po Gzan-skyur-gyi Rnam-bshad, and Zhi-byed dang Gcod-yul-gyi Chos-'byung by 'Jigs-bral-chos-kyi-seng-ge), Tibet House (New Delhi 1974).

127 — Alex Wayman, Calming the Mind and Discerning the Real, from the Lam-rim Chen-mo of Tsoṅ-kha-pa, Columbia University Press (New York 1978).

129Rtsib-ri Spar-ma, compiled by La-dwags Khrid-dpon 'Khrul-zhig Padma-rnam-rgyal, Kargyud Sungrab Nyamso Khang (Darjeeling 1978+), in 30 vols.

132 — Khams-smyon Dharma-seng-ge, Rje-btsun Thams-cad Mkhyen-pa Bai-ro-tsa-na'i Rnam-thar 'Dra-'bag Chen-mo, Ven. D.G. Khochhen Tulku, Nyingmapa Lama's College, Clement Town (Dehra Dun 1977?).

133 — Ngag-dbang-rig-gnas-rgya-mtsho, Bdud-rtsi Snying-po Yan-lag Brgyad-pa Gsang-ba Man-ngag-gi Rgyud-las Dum-bu Dang-po Rtsa-ba'i Rgyud-kyi Rnam-bshad Zhal-lung Don-gsal, "reproduced from a rare ms. from the library of Tashi Wangyal Martse," T. Sonam Tashigang (Leh 1977).

145Sa-skya-pa'i Bka'-'bum, Toyo Bunko (Tokyo 1968).

166Rong-zom Bka'-'bum (a collection of writings by the Rnying-ma-pa master Rong-zom Chos-kyi-bzang-po, reproduced from a ms. copy of an incomplete print of the Zhe-chen blocks with the detailed Dkar-chag of 'Jam-mgon Mi-pham Rin-po-che), Kunsang Topgay (Thimphu 1976).

171Three Lamas of Zangskar (three autobiographical works by 'Brug-pa Bka'-brgyud-pa masters of Zangs-dkar — Bzhad-pa-rdo-rje, Karma-bstan-'dzin, & Kun-dga'-chos-legs, reproduced from rare mss. preserved at Dzongkhul Monastery, Kawring, Gemur), Topden Tsering (Gemur 1978).

206Snyan-rgyud Nam-mkha'i 'Phrul-mdzod Drang-nges Skor and Zhang-zhung Snyan-rgyud Skor (texts from two cycles of Bon-po Rdzogs-chen Oral Transmission Precepts, compiled & reproduced by Sherab Wangyal from xylographic prints from Sman-ri blocks), Tibetan Bonpo Monastic Centre (Dolanji 1972).

212Collected Writings of 'Jam-mgon 'Ju Mi-pham-rgya-mtsho, Sonam Topgay Kazi (Gangtok 1975), in 15 vols.

234Ras-chung Snyan-rgyud (Bde-mchog Mkha'-'gro Snyan-rgyud [Ras-chung Snyan-rgyud]), S.W. Tashigangpa (Leh 1971), in 2 vols.

242Collected Works (Gsung-'bum) of Smin-gling Lo-chen Dharma-shri (reproduced from various mss. available in India & Nepal), Ven. D.G. Khochen Tulku, Nyingmapa Lama's College (Dehra Dun 1977), in 19 (?) vols.

267Mkha'-'gro Gsang Gcod Rgyud Skor / Zab Lam Mkha'-'gro Gsang-ba'i Gcod-kyi Gdams-pa (a collection of Bonpo Gcod tantras & related texts, largely from the oral transmission received by Sprul-sku Khro-gnyan-rgyal-mtshan, reproduced from mss. of Bsam-gling Monastery), Tashi Dorji, Tibetan Bonpo Monastic Centre (Dolanji 1973).

273ARtsa-rgyud Chen-po Gsang-ba-bsen-thub dang De'i 'Grel-pa, Tashi Dorje, Tibetan Bonpo Monastic Centre (Dolanji 1985), in 2 vols.

274Nam-mkha' Mdzod (a collection of ritual texts, khrid-yig, and treatises on aspects of the four consecrations. by Shar-rdza Bkra-shis-rgyal-mtshan, reproduced from Delhi lithographic editions of early 1950's and xylographic prints from Khams by Ngawang Sonam, Patshang Lama Sonam Gyaltsen, and Khedup Gyatso), Tibetan Bonpo Monastic Centre (Dolanji 1973), in 3 vols.

295Theg Rim Rtsa-'grel Cha-lag bcas (a collection of five Bon texts) TBMC (Dolanji 1972).

356Selected Writings of the First Zhwa-nag Karma-pa Dus-gsum-mkhyen-pa (reproduced from rare mss. from the library of Zhwa-dmar Rin-po-che), Dzongsar Chhentse Labrang, Palace Monastery (Gangtok 1980).

367Collected Works of A-kya Yongs-'dzin Dbyangs-can-dga'-ba'i-blo-gros, Lama Guru Deva (Delhi 1971+)

397The Collected Works of the Great 'Jam-dbyangs Mkhyen-brtse'i-dbang-po (reproduced from a set of prints from Rdzong-gsar blocks), Gonpo Tseten, Palace Monastery (Gangtok, 1977), in 24 vols.

440 — Dkon-mchog-rgyal-mtshan, Rdzogs-chen Sta-bla, 'Das-log Dkar-chag Thar-pa'i Lam Ston Gsal-ba'i Sgron-me, Konchhog Lhadripa (Paro, Bhutan 1983), includes a Foreword by Bkra-shis-tshe-ring.

445 — Klong-chen-pa Dri-med-'od-zer, Mdzod Bdun, Sherab Gyaltsen (Gangtok 1983), in 6 vols.

447Rten-'brel Yig Rnying, National Library of Bhutan (Thimphu 1985).

449 — 'Gos Lo-tsa-ba Gzhon-nu-dpal, Mkhas-pa-chen-po Dpal Nags-kyi-rin-chen-gyi Rnam-par Thar-pa (biography of Vanaratna), National Library of Bhutan (Thimphu 1985).

453 — Khyung-po-ras-pa Grub-dbang 'Gyur-med-'od-gsal, Rje-btsun Mi-'gyur-dpal-gyi-sgron-ma'i Rnam-thar Dad-pa'i Gdung-sel (composed in 1782), National Library of Bhutan (Thimphu 1984).

467'Bab-rom Bka'-brgyud-kyi Chos-skor Thor-bu Sna-tshogs, Mr. Hogen Sheza, Ladakh Baudh Vihara (Delhi 1982), in 3 vols.

472 — Zhabs-dkar Tshogs-drug-rang-grol, 'Od-gsal Rdzogs-pa-chen-po'i Khregs-chod Lta-ba'i Glu-dbyangs Sa Lam ma-lus Myur-du Bgrod-pa'i Rtsal-ldan Mkha'-lding Gshog Rlabs & Rang Gzhan Thams-cad 'Tshegs-pa'i Man-ngag Gser-gyi Ri-bo, Rangrig & Konchhog Lhadrepa (Darjeeling 1985).

476The Collected Writings (Gsung-'bum) of 'Bri-gung Chos-rje 'Jig-rten-mgon-po Rin-chen-dpal, Khangsar Tulku (New Delhi 1969-71), in 5 vols.

491Mdo-phran Nyi-shu-rtsa-gcig-pa (collection of hitherto unpublished Bonpo canonical works from the sūtra section of the Bonpo Kanjur, reproduced from rare a ms. from Hor Ba-chen Klu-phug Bde-chen-g.yung-drung-gling) TBMC (Dolanji 1985).

495 — Karma-'phrin-las-pa (1456-1539), The Songs of Esoteric Practice (Mgur) and Replies to Doctrinal Questions (Dris-lan), Ngawang Topgay (New Delhi 1975).

501The Bonpo Approach to Abhidharma (texts from the Sman-ri Yig-cha by Mnyam-med Shes-rab-rgyal-mtshan and Slob-dpon Bstan-'dzin-rnam-dag. Repr. from rare mss. from the library of the Bonpo Monastic Centre), Khedup Gyatso (Dolanji 1982).

506A — Shar-rdza Bkra-shis-rgyal-mtshan, Legs-bshad Rin-po-che'i Gter-mdzod, Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang, ed. by Rdo-rje-rgyal-po (Lhasa 1985).

600 — Dkon-mchog-'jigs-med-dbang-po, Chos-kyi Rnam-grangs (=Mdo Rgyud Bstan-bcos Du-ma-nas 'Byung-ba'i Chos-kyi Rnam-grangs Shes-ldan Yid-kyi Dga'-ston), Mtsho-sngon Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang (Xining 1992).

601Mnyam-med Chos-dbang-rgyal-mtshan-gyi Gsung-ngag Thor-bu-ba-rnams (an uncatalogued woodblock print in Hamburg Institute [no call no., accessions no. 1975.130], in 65 folios (marginal notation KA). It is an early Mang-yul Gung-thang print, and has fine woodcut illustrations in front and end.

602Dpal-ldan Bla-ma Dam-pa / Sprul-pa'i Skyes-mchog Nam-mkha'-rgyal-mtshan-dpal-bzang-po'i Rnam-par Thar-pa / Skal-ldan Dga'-ba Bskyed-pa'i Pad-tshal Yid-kyi 'Dod-'jo, woodblock print in 58 folios (marginal notation kha), in Hamburg institute collection (no call no., accessions no. 1975.129). It is an early Mang-yul Gung-thang print. Includes a woodcut portrait of the author.

Achard, L'Essence — Jean-Luc Achard, L'Essence perlée du secret — Recherches philologiques et historiques sur l'origine de la Grande Perfection dans la tradition rNying ma pa, Brepols (Turnhout 1999).

Alexander, Temples — André Alexander, The Temples of Lhasa: Tibetan Buddhist Architecture form the 7th to the 21st Centuries, Serindia Publications (Chicago 2005).

Allen, Search — Charles Allen, The Search for Shangri-LaA Journey into Tibetan History, Abacus (London 1999).

Allione, Women of Wisdom — Tsultrim Allione, Women of Wisdom, Arkana (London 1986). A newer edition is available.

Almogi, MA thesis — Orna Almogi, The Life and Works of Rong-zom Paṇḍita, "Wissenschaftliche Hausarbeit zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Magister Artium der Universität Hamburg" (Hamburg 1997).

Almogi, Materiality — Orna Almogi, The Materiality and Immanence of Gnosis in Some rNying-ma Tantric Sources, contained in: E. Franco & D. Eigner, Yogic Perception, Meditation & Altered States of Consciousness (Vienna 2009), pp. 241-262.

AMAsia Major (journal).

AOActa Orientalia (journal)

AOHActa Orientalia Hungarica (journal).

Arch. of TB — Agnieszka Helman-Wazny, The Archaeology of Tibetan Books, Brill (Leiden 2014).

Ardussi, Drinking — John Ardussi, Brewing and Drinking the Beer of Enlightenment in Tibetan Buddhism: The Dohā Tradition in Tibet. Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 97, no. 2 (1977), pp. 115-124.

Aris, Discourse — Michael Aris, 'Jigs-med-gling-pa's Discourse on India of 1789, Studia Philologica Buddhica, The International Institute of Buddhist Studies (Tokyo 1995).

ATPP — Olaf Czaja, The Administration of Tibetan Precious Pills: Efficacy in Historical & Ritual Contexts, Asian Medicine, vol. 10 (2015), pp. 36-89.

Avedon — John Avedon, In Exile from the Land of Snows, Wisdom (Boston 1984).

Aziz — Barbara Nimri Aziz, Tibetan Frontier Families — Reflections of Three Generations from D'ing-ri, Carolina Academic Press (Durham 1978).

B in L — Nawang Tsering, Buddhism in Ladakh (a study of the life & works of the eighteenth century Ladakhi saint scholar Ngag-dbang-tshe-ring by [his namesake] Nawang Tsering), Sterling Publishers (New Delhi 1979).

BA — George N. Roerich [and, of course, Gendun Chomphel], trs., The Blue Annals, Motilal Banarsidass (Delhi 1976), first published in Calcutta in 1949.

Bagchi, ST — Prabodh Chandra Bagchi, Studies in the TantrasPart One, University of Calcutta (Calcutta 1975).

Barnett, Resistance — Robert Barnett & Shirin Akiner, eds., Resistance and Reform in Tibet, Hurst & Co. (London 1994).

Bashey4 — Shin'ichi Tsumagari, "Bashey with Supplement: A Critical Edition of the Tibetan Text and an Annotated Translation (4)," Annual Review of Religious Studies, vol. 25 (2013), pp. 193-210.

BBNPBka'-gdams-kyi Man-ngag Be'u-bum Sngon-po'i Rtsa-'grel, Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang (Beijing 1991), equivalent to Gangs-can Rig-brgya'i Sgo-'byed Lde-mig series no. 16. The vocabulary is on pp. 464-486.

BD of T&TB — Khetsun Sangpo (=Mkhas-btsun-bzang-po), Biographical Dictionary of Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism (in Tibetan), Library of Tibetan Works and Archives (Dharamsala 1981+), in 12 volumes.

BDNV — José I. Cabezón, The Buddha's Doctrine and the Nine Vehicles: Rog Bande Sherab's Lamp of the Teachings, Oxford University Press (Oxford 2013).

Beckwith, OC Loans — Christopher I. Beckwith, Old Chinese Loans in Tibetan and the non-uniqueness of "Sino-Tibetan." Contained in: Christopher Beckwith, ed., Medieval Tibeto-Burman Languages III (Proceedings of the 11th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies), International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies (Halle 2008), pp. 161-201.

Bell, Religion — Sir Charles Bell (1870-1945), The Religion of Tibet, Clarendon Press (Oxford 1931).

Bellezza, D&B — John Vincent Bellezza, Death and Beyond in Ancient Tibet, Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Vienna 2013).

Bellezza, D of TThe Dawn of Tibet: The Ancient Civilization on the Roof of the World, Rowman & Littlefield (Lanham 2014).

Bellezza, Divine Dyads — John Vincent Bellezza, Divine Dyads: Ancient Civilization in Tibet, Library of Tibetan Works & Archives (Dharamsala 1997).

Bellezza, L&T — John Vincent Bellezza, gShen-rab Myi-bo: His Life and Times according to Tibet's Earliest Literary Sources, Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines, vol. 19 (October 2010), pp. 31-118.

Bernard — Theos Bernard, Land of a Thousand Buddhas, Rider & Co. (London 1950) reprint of 1st edition, 1940. Also published under the title Penthouse of the Gods.

Berounsky, Murdered — Daniel Berounsky, The Murdered King Protecting Fields: A Tibetan Deity-Medium from the Bonpo Village in Amdo. Mongolo-Tibetica Pragensia '12: Ethnolinguistics, Socio-linguistics, Religion & Culture, vol. 5, no. 2 (Prague 2012), pp. 21-50.

Beyer — Stephan V. Beyer, The Cult of Tārā: Magic and Ritual in Tibet, University of California Press (Berkeley 1973).

Beyer, CT Lang — Stephan V. Beyer, The Classical Tibetan Language, State University of New York Press (Albany 1992).

Bhattacharya, LW — Vidhushekhara Bhattacharya, Loan Words in Tibetan, Archiv Orientalni, vol. 6 (1934), pp. 353-357.

BHBW — Janet Gyatso, Being Human in a Buddhist World, Columbia University Press (New York 2015).

Bialek, SB — Joanna Bialek, Stretching the Body, Stretching the Mind: The OT Noun ring Revisited, ZDMG, vol. 168, no. 2 (2018), pp. 391-414. PDF.

Bka'-gdams Glegs-bam Pha-chos (PRC) — Published in 2 volumes: Jo-bo Rje Dpal-ldan A-ti-sha'i Rnam-thar Bka'-gdams Pha-chos, Mtsho-sngon Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang (Xining 1993) [volume 1]. 'Brom-ston Rgyal-ba'i-'byung-gnas-kyi Skyes-rabs Bka'-gdams Bu-chos, Mtsho-sngon Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang (Xining 1993) [volume 2].

Bka'-gdams Thor-buBka'-gdams-kyi Skyes-bu Dam-pa-rnams-kyi Gsung-bgros Thor-bu-pa-rnams. 44 fols. Margin: thor (p.n.) bu. Woodblock print, personal copy purchased in Lhasa (1993). Collection of sayings of early Bka'-gdams-pas; final prayer by 'Bri-gung-pa Dkon-mchog-ratna (i.e., Dkon-mchog-rin-chen, b. 1590).

Bka'-ma Rgyas-pa — Bdud-'joms Rin-po-che, ed., Rnying-ma Bka'-ma Rgyas-pa, Dupjung Lama (Kalimpong 1982-5).

BlaṅBlang-dor Gsal-bar Ston-pa'i Drang-thig Dwangs Shel Me-long by Sde-srid Sangs-rgyas-rgya-mtsho + 16 other texts. Sonam Drakpa (Dolanji 1979).

BLKC — Dkon-mchog-bstan-'dzin et al., Bod-kyi Lag-shes Kun-'dus Chen-mo, Krung-go'i Bod Rig-pa Dpe-skrun-khang (Beijing 2010), in 2 vols., profusely illustrated.

BLP — Bsod-nams-don-grub, Bod-kyi Lo-rgyus Dpe-tho, Bod-ljongs Mi-dmangs Dpe-skrun-khang (Lhasa 2000).

BLSRBod-lugs Gso-rig Tshig-mdzod Chen-mo, Bod Rang-skyong-ljongs Sman-rtsis-khang, Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang (Beijing 2006). Chief editor, Dgra-'dul.

Bo-dong-pa, Guhyasamāja History — Bo-dong Phyogs-las-rnam-rgyal (1376-1451), Gsang-'dus Lung-rigs Man-ngag Ston-par Byed-pa'i Bla-ma Tshad-ma'i Lo-rgyus, contained in: Bo-dong Phyogs-las-rnam-rgyal, Encyclopedia Tibetica, Tibet House (New Delhi 1970+), vol. 64, pp. 383-577.

Bon Kanjur (192-vol. version) — There are also some references to the 3rd edition. See the forthcoming catalogue (Osaka 2003?).

Bonnefoy, ed., Asian Mythologies — Yves Bonnefoy, ed., Mythologies, University of Chicago Press (Chicago 1991).

Bod Mkhas-pa, Snyan-ngag-gi Bstan-bcos — Bod Mkhas-pa Mi-pham-dge-legs-rnam-rgyal, Snyan-ngag-gi Bstan-bcos Chen-po Me-long-la 'Jug-pa'i Bshad-sbyar Daṇḍi'i Dgongs-rgyan (Rum btegs [Rumtek, Sikkim] 1972). Woodblock print in 244 fols. IASWR microfiche R-1628.

BPMan-ngag Lhan-thabs-kyi Lde-mig (cover title), SSS series no. 57, S.W. Tashigangpa (Leh 1973). This actually refers to the 3rd of three texts contained in this publication, the one by Dbon-sprul.

BRBrda Rnying Tshig-mdzod Gsar-bsgrigs, ed. by Blo-gros-rgya-mtsho, Bkra-shis-dngos-grub, Bod-ljongs Mi-dmangs Dpe-skrun-khang (Lhasa 2011), in 381 pages.

Braitstein, Dissertation — Lara E. Braitstein, Saraha's Adamantine Songs: Texts, Contexts, Translations and Traditions of the Great Seal, doctoral dissertation, McGill University (Montreal 2004).

Brauen, Ladakhi Marriage Ritual — Martin Brauen, 'Ladakhi Marriage Ritual.' Contained in: D. Kantowsky & R. Sander, eds., Recent Research on Ladakh (1983).

Brauen, VH — Martin Brauen, The Dalai Lamas: A Visual History, Serindia (Chicago 2005).

Broido (1984) — Michael Broido, Padma Dkar-po on Tantra as Ground, Path and Goal. Journal of the Tibet Society, vol. 4 (1984), pp. 5-46.

BruRgyal-rigs Bru-yi Ring-lugs-kyi Zhi-khro'i Sgrub Skor (ms. from library of the late Dpal-tshul," Sonam Dakpa (Delhi 1975), in 2 vols.

Brunner, TAK — H. Brunner, G. Oberhammer & A. Padoux, Tātrikābhidhānakośa, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Vienna 2004, with new volumes appearing).

Bsam-gtan Mig Sgron — Gnubs-chen Sangs-rgyas-ye-shes, Rnal-'byor Mig-gi Bsam-gtan, or, Bsam-gtan Mig Sgron, 'Khor-gdong Gter-sprul 'Chi-med-rig-'dzin (Leh 1974).

BSOASBulletin of the School of Oriental & African Studies (London).

BTRgyud bzhi dang rnams kyi Thang Phye Ril bu la sogs Btus pa Sbyor tshad Nor bu Rin chen Baitu rya'i Gter Mdzod. This is a manuscript work in the form of a xerox, in my personal collection, of an original that belonged to T.J. Norbu. No author given. Note that BT has been used elsewhere as an abbreviation for Bulletin of Tibetology.

Btsan-lha — Btsan-lha Ngag-dbang-tshul-khrims, Brda-dkrol Gser-gyi Me-long, Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang (Beijing 1997).

Btsan-lha A — Btsan-lha Ngag-dbang-tshul-khrims, A Lexicon of the rGyalrong bTsanlha Dialect: rGyalrong-Chinese-Tibetan-English, ed. by Marielle Prins & Yasuhiko Nagano, Senri Ethnological Reports no. 79, Bon Studies series no. 12, National Museum of Ethnology (Osaka 2009).

Bu-ston, WorksCollected Works of Bu-ston, Lokesh Chandra, International Academy of Indian Culture (New Delhi 1965).

Buddhist Studies Rev.Buddhist Studies Review (the British journal).

Buffetrille, PMK — Katia Buffetrille, The Pilgrimage to Mount Kha ba dkar po: A Metaphor for Bar do? contained in: Christoph Cueppers & Max Deeg, eds., Searching for the Dharma, Finding Salvation: Buddhist Pilgrimage in Time and Space, Lumibni International Research Institute (Lumbini 2014), pp. 197-220.

Buston — E. Obermiller, tr., The History of Buddhism in India and Tibet by Bu-ston, Sri Satguru Publications (Delhi 1986), reprint of Heidelberg 1932 edition, made in two volumes.

Buswell, Paths to Liberation — Robert E. Buswell, Jr. & Robert M. Gimello, eds., Paths to Liberation: The Mārga and Its Transformations in Buddhist Thought, Kuroda Institute, Studies in East Asian Buddhism no. 7 (Honolulu 1992).

BY — Thub-bstan-phun-tshogs, et al., Bod-yig Tshig-gter Rgya-mtsho, Si-khron Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang (Chengdu 2012), in 3 vols., p. nos. continuous, in 4013 pages.

BYNP — Padma-bkra-shis, Bod-yig Gna'-dpe'i Rnam-bshad, Bod-ljongs Mi-dmangs Dpe-skrun-khang (Lhasa 2013).

BzoBzo-rig Nyer-mkho Bdams-bsgrigs (Gangs-can Rig-mdzod series no. 14), Bod-ljongs Bod-yig Dpe-rnying Dpe-skrun-khang (Lhasa 1990).

Cabezón, Great Debates — José Ignacio Cabezón, Buddhist Narratives of the Great Debates, Argumentation, vol. 22 (2008), pp. 71-92.

Cabezón, Rog — José Cabezón, tr., The Buddha's Doctrine and the Nine Vehicles: Rog Bande Sherab's Lamp of the Teachings, Oxford University Press (Oxford 2013).

C&LT — Dagkar Namgyal Nyima, Colloquial and Literary Tibetan: Practical Usage, Selbstverlag (Berlin 2008).

CAJCentral Asiatic Journal.

CC, List — Christoph Cüppers, A List of Necessary Items for Officials who Accompanied the Fifth Dalai Lama on His Tour to China, contained in: Olaf Czaja & Guntram Hazod, eds., The Illuminating Mirror: Tibetan Studies in Honour of Per K. Sørensen on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday, Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag (Wiesbaden 2015), pp. 81-86.

CCT — Dorji Wangchuk, ed., Cross-Cultural Transmission of Buddhist Texts (Hamburg 2016).

CFMS — Tsering Gyalbo, Guntram Hazod & Per K. Sørensen, Civilization at the Foot of Mount Shampo: The Royal House of lHa Bug-pa-can and the History of g.Ya'-bzang, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften & Tibetan Academy of Social Sciences (Wien 2000), Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse Denkschriften, 290. Band; Beiträge zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens, Nr. 36.

Chag — G. Roerich, Biography of Dharmasvāmin (Chag Lo-tsa-ba Chos-rje-dpal), K.P. Jayaswal Research Institute (Patna 1959).

Chagdud, Lord of the Dance — Chagdud Tulku (d. 2003), Lord of the Dance: The Autobiography of a Tibetan Lama, Padma Publishing (Junction City 1992).

Chandra — Lokesh Chandra, Tibetan-Sanskrit Dictionary, International Academy of Indian Culture (New Delhi 2001). Originally published in 1959-1961.

Chang — Garma C. C. Chang, The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa, Shambhala (Boulder 1977), reprint of 1962 edition.

Changing Minds — Guy Newland, ed., Changing Minds: Contributions to the Study of Buddhism and Tibet in Honor of Jeffrey Hopkins, Snow Lion (Ithaca 2001).

Chatt. — Alaka Chattopadhyaya, Atīśa and Tibet: Dīpaṃkara Śrījñāna in Relation to the History and Religion of Tibet, Indian Studies Past and Present (Calcutta 1967).

Chimpa, THBI — Tāranātha's History of Buddhism in India, tr. from Tibetan by Lama Chimpa and Lama S. Rinpoche, ed. by Debiprasad Chattpadhyaya, Motilal (Delhi 1990), reprint of 1970 edition.

CHMO 15Bod-kyi Lo-rgyus Rig-gnas Dpyad-gzhi'i Rgyu-cha Bdams-bsgrigs [6 Spyi'i 'Don Thengs 15-pa], Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang (Beijing 1993).

Chö Yang — Also spelled Chöyang, or Chos-dbyangs (occasional journal, Ganchen Kyishong).

Chödag — This is an old 'handwritten' (not woodblock printed) European book formatted version of the dictionary by Sog-po Dge-bshes Chos-grags, with no publishing information. (There is no title page, and the title on the outer cover is illegible). After some efforts, I was able to find a bibliographical reference to what appears to be this particular edition: Geshe Chhosdag (Dge-bshes Chos-grags), Brda-dag Ming-tshig Gsal-ba — Tibetan Dictionary, Gnas-chung Sprul-sku (Delhi 1967). There have been several other printings.

Choix — Ariane Macdonald and Yoshiro Imaeda, Choix de documents tibétains conservés à la Bibliothèque Nationale, Bibliothèque Nationale (Paris 1978).

Christopoulos — Lucas Christopoulos, Greek Combat Sports and Their Transmission to Central and East Asia, Classical World, vol. 106, no. 3 (2013), pp. 431-459.

CHWT — Deborah Klimburg-Salter, Liang Junyan, Helmut Tauscher & Zhou Yuan, eds., The Cultural History of Western Tibet: Recent Research from the China Tibetology Research Center and the University of Vienna, China Tibetology Publishing House (Vienna 2008).

Clifford — Terry Clifford, Tibetan Buddhist Medicine and Psychiatry: The Diamond Healing, Samuel Weiser (York Beach 1984). Most references here are to the list on pp. 222-235.

Coblin, Sinologist's — Weldon South Coblin, A Sinologist's Handlist of Sino-Tibetan Lexical Comparisons, Steyler (Nettetal 1986).

Combe — G.A. Combe, A Tibetan on Tibet, Ratna Pustak Bhandar (Kathmandu 1975). First published in 1926.

Cox, COC — Collett Cox, From Category to Ontology: The Changing Role of Dharma in Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma, forthcoming in Journal of Indian Philosophy (2004?).

Cozort & Preston — Daniel Cozort and Craig Preston, Buddhist Philosophy: Losang Gönchok's Short Commentary to Jamyang Shayba's Root Text on Tenets, Snow Lion Publications (Ithaca 2003).

CSKG — Rnam-rgyal-tshe-ring, Bod-yig Mngon-brjod Gcig Shes Kun Grol, Kan-su'u Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang (Lanzhou 1991). This is a useful reference work for stock literary metaphors and the like.

CTEVRgya Bod Dbyin Gsum Gsar-byung Rgyun-bkol Ris-'grel Ming-mdzod (Chinese-Tibetan-English Visual Dictionary of New Daily Vocabulary, Si-khron Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang (Chengdu 2007).

Cuevas, Travels — Brian Cuevas, Travels in the Netherworld: Buddhist Popular Narratives of Death and the Afterlife in Tibet, Oxford University Press (Oxford 2008).

Cüppers, Remarks — Christoph Cüppers, Some Remarks on Bka' 'gyur Production in 17th-Century Tibet. A forthcoming paper (Paris 2010).

Dag-yigDag-yig Gsar Bsgrigs, Mtsho-sngon Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang (Xining 1979). This is especially trusted for its verbal morphologies.

Dagyab — L.S. Dagyab, Bod Brda'i Tshig-mdzod [Tibetan Dictionary], Lama L.S. Dagyab (Dharamsala 1966).

Dagyab, Tibetan Religious Art — Loden Sherap Dagyab, Tibetan Religious Art, Otto Harrassowitz (Wiesbaden 1977).

Dalai Lama VII, Yig — These entries were supplied by Christoph Cüppers (Lumbini, Nepal). They are all taken from a work included under the general title Rgya Hor Bod-kyi Mchog Dman Bar-pa-la Stsal-ba'i 'Phrin-yig-gi Rim-pa Phyogs-gcig-tu Bkod-pa Dpyod-ldan Yid-kyi Shing-rta, which is a 161-folio work that can be located in the Seventh Dalai Lama's collected works.

Dalton, Crisis — Jacob Dalton, A Crisis of Doxography: How Tibetans Organized Tantra during the 8th-12th Centuries, Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, vol. 28, no. 1 (2005), pp. 115-181.

Dargyay, Ausbildung — Geshay Lobsang Dargyay, Die Ausbildung buddhistischer Moenche in Tibet. IN: Martin Brauen & Per Kvaerne, eds., Tibetan Studies, Völkerkundemuseum der Universität Zürich (Zürich 1978), pp. 103-112.

Dargyay, TVC — Eva K. Dargyay, Tibetan Village Communities: Structure and Change, Aris & Phillips Ltd. (Warminster 1982).

Das — Rai Sarat Chandra Das, Bahadur, C.I.E.; Mkhan-chen Bla-ma Shes-rab-rgya-mtsho, O-rgyan-rgya-mtsho, A Tibetan-English Dictionary with Sanskrit Synonyms, revised by Graham Sandberg & A. William Heyde, Superintendent, Government Printing, West Bengal Government Press (Alipore 1960), reprint of 1902 Calcutta edition.

Das, JTL&CT — Sarat Chandra Das, Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet, Mañjuśrī Publishing (N.Delhi 1970), reprint of 1902 edition.

David-Neel, My Journey to Lhasa — Alexandra David-Neel, My Journey to Lhasa, Beacon Press (Boston 1986), reprint of Harper & Brothers' 1927 edition, with a new introduction.

Dbus-pa — The numbers are those used in the following two works: Katsumi Mimaki, Index to Two brDa gsar rñiṅ Treatises: The works of dBus pa blo gsal and lCaṅ skya Rol pa'i rdo rje, special issue of the Bulletin of the Narita Institute for Buddhist Studies (Naritasan Bukkyôkenkyûjo kiyô), vol. 15, no. 2 (1992), pp. 479-503. Katsumi Mimaki, dBus pa blo gsal no "Shin Kyu Goi Shu": Kôtei bon Shokô [The brDa gsar rñiṅ gi rnam par dbye pba of dBus pa blo gsal: A First Attempt at a Critical Edition, contained in: Asian Languages and General Linguistics, Festschrift for Prof. Tatsuo Nishida on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday (Tokyo 1990), pp. 17-54. Contains a critical text edition in Roman transcription (with numbers inserted so that one may locate words in Mimaki's alphabetic index, and then locate them in the critical text edition).

DCD — 'Bras-blo-gling Nyag-re Lha-rams Dge-bshes Tshe-dbang-nyi-ma, Dam-chos 'Dul-ba Gtso-gyur-gyi Gzhung Sne-mang-las Btus-pa'i Tshig-mdzod Mun-sel Sgron-me, Nor-gling Bod-kyi Rig-gzhung Gces-skyong-khang (Dharamsala 2009).

DD — Go-'jo Dbang-'dus, Bod Gangs-can-pa'i Gso-ba Rig-pa'i Dpal-ldan Rgyud-bzhi Sogs-kyi Brda' dang Dka'-gnad 'Ga'-zhig Brkol-ba Sngon-byon Mkhas-pa'i Gsung-rgyun G.yu-thog Dgongs-rgyan, Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang (Beijing 1982). This is one of the most useful dictionaries of Tibet's traditional medicine, although perhaps guilty of a certain degree of 'modernization' (and note, too, the socialist realist anatomical drawings at the end of the book).

Decleer, Tragkar — Hubert Decleer, From Tragkar Taso Tulku, Chökyi Wangchug's 'Sacred Biography of 'Phags pa Wa ti bzang po": The Hymns, Annotations to Franz-Karl Ehrhard's translation. Forthcoming review essay, draft.

DG — Dil-dmar Dge-bshes Bstan-'dzin-phun-tshogs, Dri-med Shel-gong & Dri-med Shel-'phreng (cover title: Principles of Lamaist Pharmacognosy), Tashi Yangphel Tashigangpa (Leh 1970). A very important source for materia medica.

Dge-'dun-chos-'phel-gyi Gsung-rtsom (1990) — Dge-'dun-chos-'phel-gyi Gsung-rtsom, Bod-ljongs Bod-yig Dpe-rnying Dpe-skrun-khang, Gangs-can Rig-mdzod nos. 10-12 (Lhasa 1990), in 3 vols.

Dgongs-gcig (1990) — Rdo-rje-shes-rab, Dam-chos Dgongs-pa Gcig-pa'i 'Grel-chen Snang-mdzad Ye-shes Sgron-me, Drikung Kagyu Institute (Dehradun 1990).

Dietz, BBI — Siglinde Dietz, Die Buddhistische Briefliteratur Indiens, Asiatische Forschungen Band 84, Otto Harrassowitz (Wiesbaden 1984).

Dilgo Khyentse, Hundred Verses of Advice of Padampa Sangye — Dilgo Khyentse, The Hundred Verses of Advice of Padampa Sangye, Shechen Publications (Kathmandu 2002?). Tr. by the Padmakara Translation Group.

Dkon-mchog-bstan-'dzin, Bzo-gnas — Dkon-mchog-bstan-'dzin (b. 1949), Bzo-gnas Skra Rtse'i Chu-thigs, Krung-go'i Bod-kyi Shes-rig Dpe-skrun-khang (Beijing 1994).

Doboom, Buddh. Path to Enlightenment — Lama Doboom Tulku, The Buddhist Path to Enlightenment: Tibetan Buddhist Philosophy and Practice, Point Loma (San Diego 1996).

Donden — Dr. Yeshey Donden, Tibetan Medicine, a Brief History, Tibet Society Bulletin (Bloomington 1972).

Dotson, D&L — Brandon Dotson, Divination and Law in the Tibetan Empire: The Role of Dice in the Legislation of Loans, Interest, Marital Law and Troop Conscription, contained in: Matthew T. Kapstein & Brandon Dotson, eds., Contributions to the Cultural History of Early Tibet, Brill (Leiden 2007), pp. 3-77.

Dotson, Dissert. — Brandon Dotson's dissertation.

Dotson, Horse — Brandon Dotson, The Horse and the Grass-Grazing Man: Domestication, Food, and Alterity in Early Tibetan Cosmologies of the Land of the Dead, History of Religions, vol. 57, no. 2 (Feb. 2018), pp. 270-287.

Dotson, Naming — Brandon Dotson, Naming the King: Accession, Death & Afterlife through the Re-, Un-, and Nick-Naming of Tibet's Kings, contained in: Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie, vol. 24 (2015), pp. 1-27.

Dotson, Note — Brandon Dotson, A Note on Zhang: Maternal Relatives of the Tibetan Royal Line and Marriage into the Royal Family. Journal Asiatique, vol. 292, nos. 1-2 (2004), pp. 75-99.

Dotson, OTA — Brandon Dotson, The Old Tibetan Annals, an Annotated Translation of Tibet's First History, with an Annotated Cartographical Documentation by Guntram Hazod, Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Vienna 2009).

Dotson, Princess — Brandon Dotson, The Princess and the Yak: The Hunt as Narrative Trope and Historical Reality in Early Tibet, contained in: Brandon Dotson, Kazushi Iwao and Tsuguhito Takeuchi, eds., Scribes, Texts, and Rituals in Early Tibet and Dunhuang, Reichert Verlag (Wiesbaden 2012), pp. 62-85.

Dpa'-ris — Dpa'-ris Sangs-rgyas, Dpe-chos Tshig-mdzod, Mtsho-sngon Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang (Xining 1999). This gathers examples from all kinds of literature, especially Ge-sar epic, and not from the Dpe-chos work by Po-to-ba, as one might erroneously expect.

DPBDon-brgyud Dpal-ldan 'Brug-pa'i Chos-mdzod Chen-po Bsam-'phel Nor-bu'i Bang-mdzod, Nang-chen Bsod-nams (Khams Nang-chen 2010), in 116 volumes.

Dpe-chosDpe-chos dang Dpe-chos Rin-chen Spungs-pa (= Gangs-can Rig Brgya'i Sgo-'byed Lde-mig series no. 17), Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang (Beijing 1991). The glossary, entitled Dpe-chos Rin-chen Spungs-pa'i Brda Bkrol Don-gnyer Yid-kyi Dga'-ston, is contained on pp. 502-520.

Drège — Jean-Pierre Drège, ed., De Dunhuang au Japon: Etudes chinoises et bouddhiques offertes à Michel Soymié, Droz (Geneva 1996).

Dreyfus, Rationality — Georges B. Dreyfus, What is Debate for? The Rationality of Tibetan Debates and the Role of Humor, Argumentation, vol. 22 (2008), pp. 43-58.

Dreyfus, Sound — Georges B.J. Dreyfus, The Sound of Two Hands Clapping: The Education of a Tibetan Buddhist Monk, University of California Press (Berkeley 2003).

DTK5Bod-kyi Lo-rgyus Deb-ther Khag Lnga, Bod-ljongs Bod-yig Dpe Rnying Dpe-skrun-khang (Lhasa 1990).

DTMM — Dr. Pasang Yonten Arya, Dictionary of Tibetan Materia Medica, tr. & ed. by Dr. Yonten Gyatso, Motilal Banarsidass (Delhi 1998). This excellent reference work, which consistently supplies scientific Latin names (but hardly ever common English names), has unfortunately not been used very much here.

Dudjom, Nyingma History — Dudjom Rinpoche Jikdrel Yeshe Dorje, The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism: Its Fundamentals and History, tr. by Gyurme Dorje and Matthew Kapstein, Wisdom Publications (Boston 1991), in 2 volumes.

Dung-dkar — Dung-dkar Blo-bzang-'phrin-las, Dung-dkar Tshig-mdzod Chen-mo, Krung-go'i Bod-rig-pa Dpe-skrun-khang (Beijing 2002).

Dutt — Uday Chand Dutt, The Materia Medica of the Hindus, Modan Gopal Dass (Calcutta 1922).

DZBLMdzangs-blun zhes bya-ba'i Mdo, Mdzangs blun zhes bya ba'i mdo, Mtsho-sngon Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang (Xining 2003), in 430 pp.

Eastman, Eighteen Tantras — Kenneth W. Eastman, The Eighteen Tantras of the Tattvasaṃgraha / Māyājāla. Transactions of the International Congress of Orientalists in Japan, Tôhô Takkai (Tokyo), no. 26 (1981), pp. 95-96.

Eastman, Mahāyoga Texts at Tun-huang — Kenneth Eastman, Mahāyoga Texts at Tun-huang. Bukkyô bunka kenkyûjo kiyô, vol. 22 (1982-3), pp. 42-60.

Eastman, Vajrayana Handbook — An unpublished paper by Kenneth W. Eastman, its present whereabouts unknown.

Edou, Machig — Jérôme Edou, Machig Labdrön and the Foundations of Chöd, Snow Lion (Ithaca 1996).

Ehrhard, Old & New — Franz–Karl Ehrhard, Old and New Tibetan Sources Concerning Svayaṃbhūnāth, Zentralasiatische Studien, vol. 36 (2007), pp. 105-130.

Eimer, Dbyangs — Helmut Eimer, dByaṅs-can dga'-ba'i blo-gros' Explanation of Some Expressions from the Sa skya legs bshad. IN: Vicitrakusumāñjali — Volume Presented to Richard Othon Meisezahl on the Occasion of his Eightieth Birthday, Indica et Tibetica series no. 11 (Bonn 1986) pp. 49-60.

Eimer, NG — Helmut Eimer, Rnam thar rgyas pa, Materialien zu einer Biographie des Atiśa (Dīpaṃkaraśrījñāna). 2. Teil: Textmaterialien, Asiatische Forschungen Band 67, Otto Harrassowitz (Wiesbaden 1979).

Eimer, Testimonia — Helmut Eimer, Testimonia for the Bstod-pa Brgyad-cu-pa: An Early Hymn Praising Dīpaṃkarasrījñāna, Lumbini International Research Institute (Lumbini 2003).

Eleven Deeds — Rgyal-dbang Padma'i Rnam-thar Mdzad-pa Bcu-gcig-ma, Terma of Gu-ru Chos-dbang. This was filmed by Karma Puntshok's group in Bhutan: Phurdrup thorbu 021.

Encyclopaedia of BuddhismEncyclopaedia of Buddhism, Malalasekera, G.P. & W.G. Weeraratne, eds., Government of Ceylon (Colombo 1965-2007), in 8 vols.

Epstein, Dissertation — Lawrence Epstein, Causation in Tibetan Religion: Duality and Its Transformations, University of Washington (Seattle 1997). UMI no. 77-18,332.

EoBEncyclopedia of Buddhism.

Esin, History of Pre-Islamic — Emil Esin, A History of Pre-Islamic and Early-Islamic Turkish Culture, Ünal Matbaasī (Istanbul 1980).

Essais — A. MacDonald & Yoshiro Imaeda, eds., Essais sur l'art du Tibet. Librairie d'América et d'Orient (Paris 1977).

Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya — Gerd-Wolfgang Essen & Tsering Tashi Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya: Buddhistische Kunst Tibets, die Sammlung Gerd-Wolfgang Essen, Prestel (München 1989).

Essential Nectar — Geshe Rabten, Essential Nectar, Snow Lion (Ithaca xxxx).

Facets — Alfredo Cadonna & Ester Bianchi, eds., Facets of Tibetan Religious Tradition and Contacts with Neighbouring Cultural Areas, Leo S. Olschki (Florence 2002).

Facets of Indian CultureFacets of Indian Culture: Gustav Roth Felicitation Volume (Patna 1988).

FBTB — Charles Ramble & Hanna Havnevik, eds., From Bhakti to Bon: Festschrift for Per Kvaerne, The Institute for Comparative Human Culture, Novus Forlag (Oslo 2015).

Flick, Carrying Enemies — Hugh Meredith Flick, Carrying Enemies on Your Shoulder: Indian Folk Wisdom in Tibet, Sri Satguru Publications (Delhi 1996).

Francke, Antiquities — A. H. Francke, Antiquities of Indian Tibet, Asian Educational Services (N.Delhi 1992), 1st published in 1914.

French, Yoke — Rebecca R. French, The Golden Yoke: The Legal Cosmology of Buddhist Tibet, Cornell University Press (Ithaca 1995).

FundamentalsFundamentals of Tibetan Medical Practice (Lha-sa Sman-rtsis-khang prints of works by Mkhyen-rab-nor-bu, 'Ju Mi-pham, Chos-grags-rgya-mtsho, and 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul), D.L. Tashigangpa (Leh 1974). Alternative title : Lag-len Nyer-mkho 'Chi-med Bdud-rtsi'i Bum-bzang. PDF.

Garje, Memories — Garje Khamtrul Rinpoche, Memories of Lost and Hidden Lands: The Life Story of Garje Khamtrul Rinpoche Jamyang Dondrub, Chime Gatsal Ling ['Chi med dga' tshal gling] (Dharamsala 2009).

Gateway — Thubten Legshay Gyatsho, the Eighteenth Chogay Trichen, Gateway to the Temple: Manual of Tibetan Monastic Customs, Art, Building & Celebrations, tr. by David Paul Jackson, Ratna Pustak Bhandar (Kathmandu 1979).

GcesLegs-par Bshad-pa Bka'-gdams Rin-po-che'i Gsung-gi Gces Btus Nor-bu'i Bang Mdzod, ed. by Don-grub-rgyal-mtshan, alias Ye-shes-don-grub-bstan-pa'i-rgyal-mtshan (reproduced from a print from the Lhasa Bzhi-sde blocks), D. Tsondu Senghe, The Bir Tibetan Society (Bir 1985). The refs. here are to a brief vocabulary found at the end of this work. Note that this vocabulary is keyed to the text, so that sometimes one may locate the actual passage where the word is used.

Gdams-ngag MdzodGdams-ngag Mdzod: A Treasury of Precious Methods and Instructions of the Major and Minor Buddhist Traditions of Tibet, Brought Together and Structured into a Coherent System by 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul (edited from a set of the Dpal-spungs Prints and published at the order of H.H. Dingo Chhentse [Dis-mgo Mkhyen-brtse] Rimpoche), Lama Ngodrup and Sherab Drimey (Paro 1979-1981), in 18 volumes.

Gerke, BKT — Barbara Gerke, Biographies and Knowledge Transmission of Mercury Processing in Twentieth-Century Tibet, Asia, vol. 69, no. 4 (2015), pp. 867-899. PDF.

Gerke, PT — Barbara Gerke, The Poison of Touch: Tracing Mercurial Treatments of Venereal Diseases in Tibet, Social History of Medicine, Advance Access (Feb. 26, 2015).

Gerke, SLT — Barbara Gerke, The Social Life of Tsotel: Processing Mercury in Contemporary Tibetan Medicine, Asian Medicine, vol. 8 (2013), pp. 120-152.

Germano, Poetic Thought — David F. Germano, Poetic Thought, the Intelligent University, and the Mystery of the Self: The Tantric Synthesis of rDzogs chen in Fourteenth Century Tibet, University Microfilms International (Ann Arbor 1992), order no. 9231691.

Gling-ras-pa, Bka'-'bumGling-chen Ras-pa Padma-rdo-rje'i Bka'-'bum (The Collected Works (Bka'-'bum) of Gling-chen Ras-pa Padma-rdo-rje) (reproduced from a collection of rare mss. from Go-'jo Nub Dgon), Khampa Gar Sungrab Nyamso Gyunphel Parkhang, Tashijong (Palampur 1985), in 2 vols.

Gnyos — Dznyāna badzra, 'Bri gung skyob pa 'jig rten mgon po'i dngos slob 'phrin las rang mnyam bcu gsum las dpal gnyos rgyal ba lha nang pa'i rnam thar, Thon mi'i rig lam series no. 2, 'Bri gung bka' brgyud gtsug lag slob gnyer khang (Dehra Dun 1997).

Gold Ms. — A photocopied version of a 4-volume manuscript of the Bka'-'bum of Phag-mo-gru-pa. Not yet published.

Goldstein — Melvyn Goldstein, ed., Tibetan English Dictionary of Modern Tibetan, Ratna Pustak Bhandar (Kathmandu 1983).

Goldstein, History — Melvyn Goldstein, A History of Modern Tibet, 1913-1951, University of California Press (Berkeley 1989).

Goldstein, Taxation — Melvyn Goldstein, Taxation & Structure of a Tibetan Village. Central Asiatic Journal, vol. 15, no. 1 (June 1971), pp. 1-27.

'Gos, Stong-thunGsan- 'dus Stong-thun [Bod-kyi Lo-tsā-ba Chen-po Mgos Khug-pa Lhas-btsas-kyis mdzad-pa'i Gsang-'dus Stong-thun], Trayang (New Delhi 1973).

Gro-lung-pa, Bstan-rim — Dge-bshes Gro-lung-pa Blo-gros-'byung-gnas, Bde-bar-gshegs-pa'i Bstan-pa Rin-po-che-la 'Jug-pa'i Lam-gyi Rim-pa Rnam-par Bshad-pa. The only version of this work, dating to circa 1200, available to me (although it is now being published in India), is the one supplied in digital form by Asia Classics Input Project.

Grousset, Empire — Rene Grousset, The Empire of the Steppes: A History of Central Asia (New Jersey 1970).

Gruschke, Amdo — Andreas Gruschke, The Cultural Monuments of Tibet's Outer Provinces, Amdo, White Lotus (Bangkok 2001), in 2 volumes.

GSB — Gopāla Siṃha Boharā & Balarāma Prasāi, Byāṃsī (Raṃ)-Nepālī-Aṃgrejī Ādhārabhūta Śabdakoṣa (Byansi [Rang]-Nepali-English Basic Dictionary), Gopāla Siṃha Boharā (Lalitpur 2008).

Gser Sbram — Blo-bzang-chos-grags & Bsod-nams-rtse-mo, eds., Gangs-ljongs Mkhas-dbang Rim-byon-gyi Rtsom-yig Gser-gyi Sbram-bu, Mtsho-sngon Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang (Zi-ling 1988), in 3 volumes, pagination continuous.

GTSP — Tsong-kha-pa, The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment, tr. by The Lamrim Chenmo Translation Committee, Snow Lion (Ithaca 2000, 2002, 2004), in 3 vols.

Guenther, Ecstatic — Herbert Guenther, Ecstatic Spontaneity — Saraha's Three Cycles of Dohā, Asian Humanities Press (Berkeley 1993).

Gutschow, Being a Buddhist Nun — Kim Gutschow, Being a Buddhist Nun: The Struggle for Enlightenment in the Himalayas, Harvard Univ. Press (Cambridge 2004).

Gyalzur, Spells — Losang Paldhen Gyalzur & Antony H. N. Verwey, Spells on the Life-Wood: An Introduction to the Tibetan Buddhist Ceremony of Consecration. Contained in: Ria Kloppenborg, ed., Selected Studies on Ritual in the Indian Religions, E.J. Brill (Leiden 1983), pp 169-196.

Gyatso, Apparitions — Janet Gyatso, Apparitions of the Self: The Secret Autobiographies of a Tibetan Visionary, Princeton University Press (Princeton 1998).

Gzer-myigGzer-mig (the Bon scripture, the medium-lengthed biography of Lord Gshen-rab).

Haarh, Yar-luṅ — Erik Haarh, The Yar-luṅ Dynasty, G.E.C. Gad (København 1969).

Habib, Pursuing — Irfan Habib, Pursuing the History of Indian Technology: Pre-Modern Modes of Transmission of Power, Social Scientist, vol. 20, nos. 3-4 (March 1992), pp. 1-22.

Hackin, Formulaire — Joseph Hackin, Formulaire sanscrit-tibétain du Xe siècle, Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner (Paris 1924).

Hahn, GrammarLehrbuch der klassischen tibetischen Schriftsprache, Indica et Tibetica series no. 10, Indica et Tibetica Verlag (1971/1985). An English translation is said to be forthcoming.

Hahn, IE — Michael Hahn, tr., Invitation to Enlightenment: Letter to the Great King Kaniṣka by Mātṛceṭa & Letter to a Disciple by Candragomin, Dharma Press (Berkeley 1998).

Hahn, JV — Michael Hahn, Jñānaśrīmitras Vṛttamālāstuti (eine Beispielsammlung zur altindischen Metrik, nach dem tibetischen Tanjur, zusammen mit der mongolischen Version herausgegeben, übersetzt und erläutert), Asiatische Forschungen, no. 33 (Wiesbaden 1971).

Hahn, Striving — Michael Hahn, Striving for Perfection: On the Various Ways of Translating Sanskrit into Tibetan, Pacific World, 3rd series, vol. 9 (Fall 2007), pp. 123-149.

Hahn, Ting — Miscellanea Etymological Tibetica VIII: Ting nge 'dzin et alia, contained in: Brigitte Huber, et al., eds., Chomolangma: Festschrift für Roland Bielmeier zu seinem 65. Geburtstag (Bonn 2008), pp. 107-118.

Hahn, TSD — Michael Hahn, The Tibetan Shes rab sdong bu and Its Indian Sources [1], South Asian Classical Studies, no. 4 (2009), pp. 1-78.

Hahn, VG — Hahn, VG — Michael Hahn, Vararuci’s Gāthāśataka (Tshigs su bcad pa brgya pa) and its Indian Sources, South Asian Classical Studies, no. 7 (2012), pp. 367-458.

Halkias, Translating — Georgios Halkias, Translating the Foreign into the Local: The Cultural Production and Canonization of Buddhist Texts in Imperial Tibet, contained in: Uganda Sze-pui Kwan & Lawrence Wang-chi Wong, Translation and Global Asia, Research Centre for Translation (Hong Kong 2014), pp. 143-166.

Hanson — 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul, Nges Don Sgron-me, Judith Hanson, tr., The Torch of Certainty, Shambhala, Boulder 1977. For a Tibetan-language text, see 12 VIII 3-123.

Harding, NLI — Sarah Harding, Niguma: Lady of Illusion, Snow Lion (Ithaca 2010).

Hartzell, Dissert. — James F. Hartzell, Tantric Yoga: A Study of the Vedic Precursors, Historical Evolution, Literatures, Cultures, Doctrines, and Practices of the 11th Century Kasmiri Saivite and Buddhist Unexcelled Tantric Yogas, PhD dissertation, Columbia University (1996).

Havnevik, Dissertation — Hanna Havnevik, The Life of Jetsun Lochen Rinpoche (1865-1951) as Told in Her Autobiography, Faculty of Arts, University of Oslo (Oslo 1999).

Hill, Aspirated — Nathan W. Hill, Aspirated and Unaspirated Voiceless Consonants in Old Tibetan, Language and Linguistics, vol. 8, no. 2 (2007), pp. 471-493.

Hill, Review — Nathan W. Hill, Review of Handbook of Proto-Tibeto-Burman: System and Philosophy of Sino-Tibetan Construction, by James A. Matisoff, Language & Linguistics, vol. 10, no. 1 (2009) 173-195.

Hill, Lexicon — Nathan W. Hill, A Lexicon of Tibetan Verb Stems as Reported by the Grammatical Tradition, Kommission für Zentral- und Ostasiatische Studien Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Munich 2010).

History and Doctrine of Bon-po Nispanna Yoga (1968)History and Doctrine of the Bonpo Niṣpanna-yoga, Śatapiṭaka Series (Delhi 1968).

Ho-Chin Yang, Annals of Kokonor — Ho-chin Yang, tr., The Annals of Kokonor, Uralic and Altaic Series no. 106, Indiana University (Bloomington 1969).

Hobson Jobson — Henry Yule & A. C. Burnell, Hobson-Jobson: The Anglo-Indian Dictionary, Wordsworth Reference (Herfordshire 1996), reprint of 2nd edition of 1902, 1st edition in 1886.

HP,PE — Hugh Richardson, High Peaks, Pure Earth: Collected Writings on Tibetan History and Culture, Serindia (London 1998).

HS — Dpal-brtsegs Bod-yig Dpe-rnying Zhib-'jug Khang, ed., Bod-kyi Lo-rgyus Rnam-thar Phyogs-bsgrigs, Mtsho-sngon Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang (Xining 2011), 60 volumes published so far, with another 30 forthcoming. The HS of the abbreviation just stands for "history set."

Huber, Pure Crystal — Toni Huber, The Cult of Pure Crystal Mountain: Popular Pilgrimage and Visionary Landscape in Southeast Tibet, Oxford University Press (Oxford 1999).

Huber, Sacred Spaces — Toni Huber, ed., Sacred Spaces and Powerful Places in Tibetan Culture: A Collection of Essays, Library of Tibetan Works & Archives (Dharamsala 1999).

Hübotter/1 — Franz Hübotter, Beiträge zur Kenntnis der chinesischen sowie der tibetische-mongolischen Pharmakologie (Berlin/Wien 1913).

Hübotter/2 — Franz Hübotter, Chinesisch-Tibetische Pharmakologie und Rezeptur, Karl F. Haug Verlag (Donau 1957).

Huntington, Iconography — John C. Huntington, The Iconography and Structure of the Mountings of Tibetan Paintings, Studies in Conservation, vol. 15, no. 3 (August 1970), pp. 190-205.

IHQIndian Historical Quarterly (journal).

IIJIndo-Iranian Journal.

Indian AntiquaryIndian Antiquary (periodical).

Indianisme et BouddhismeIndianisme et Bouddhisme: Mélanges offerts à Mgr Étienne Lamotte, Université catholique de Louvain, Institut Orientaliste (Louvain-la-neuve 1980).

ISTS — International Seminar on Tibetan Studies (Oxford 1979), Michael Aris & Aung San Suu Kyi, eds., Tibetan Studies in Honour of Hugh Richardson, Aris & Phillips, Ltd. (Warminster 1980).

Iwao, Preliminary — Iwao Kazushi, Preliminary Study on the Old Tibetan Land Registries from Central Asia, containedin: The History Behind the Languages: Essays of Turfan Forum on Old Languages of the Silk Road, Academia Turfanica (Shanghai 2013) 175-182. PDF.

JAJournal Asiatique.

Jackson — David P. & Janice A. Jackson, Tibetan Thangka Paintings: Methods & Materials, Shambhala (Boulder 1984).

Jackson, MB — David P. Jackson, Mirror of the Buddha: Early Portraits from Tibet, with contributions by Christian Luczanits, Rubin Museum of Art (New York 2011).

Jackson, Mollas — David P. Jackson, The Mollas of Mustang: Historical, Religious and Oratorical Traditions of the Nepalese-Tibetan Borderland, Library of Tibetan Works & Archives (Dharamsala 1984).

Jaeschke — Heinrich August Jäschke, A Tibetan-English Dictionary, with Special Reference to the Prevailing Dialects, Routledge & Kegan Paul (London 1972), reprint of 1881 edition.

Jamspal, TreasuryTreasury of Good Sayings of Sa-skya Pandita the Eminent Tibetan Lama, 1182-1251: Development of Awareness and Conduct (Rje-btsun Sa-skya Paṇḍi-ta'i Legs-par Bshad-pa Rin-po-che'i Gter zhes bya-ba'i Bstan-bcos), ed. by Lozang Jamspal, tr. by Lozang Jamspal & Ngawang Sonam Tenzin (Jared Douglas Rhoton, 1941-1993), Ladakhratnashridipika (Leh 2003).

Jansen, Elephant — Berthe Jansen, How to Tame a Wild Monastic Elephant: Drepung Monastery according to the Great Fifth. IN: C. Ramble, P. Schwieger, A. Travers, eds., Tibetans who Escaped the Historian's Net: Studies in the Social History of Tibetan Societies, Vajra Books (Kathmandu 2013), pp. 111-139.

JAOSJournal of the American Oriental Society.

JD — 'Jam-dpal-rdo-rje, Gso-byed Bdud-rtsi'i 'Khrul-med Ngos-'dzin Bzo-rig Me-long-du Rnam-par Shar-ba Mdzes Mtshar Mig-rgyan (Added English title: An Illustrated Tibeto-Mongolian Materia Medica of Ayurveda), International Academy of Indian Culture (New Delhi 1971). IASWR microfiche R-600.

JIABRThe Journal of the International Association for Bon Research.

JIABSJournal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies.

'Jig-rten-mgon-po, Bka'-'bum (2001) — The Collected Works (Bka'-'bum) of Khams-gsum Chos-kyi Rgyal-po Thub-dbang Ratna-srī (Skyob-pa 'Jig-rten-gsum-mgon). Tibetan title page: Khams-gsum Chos-kyi Rgyal-po Thub-dbang Ratna-shrī'i Phyi-yi Bka'-'bum Nor-bu'i Bang-mdzod, H.H. Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche, Drikung Kagyu Institute (Dehradun 2001), in 12 vols.

Jinpa — Oral explanations by Thubten Jinpa (Montreal 2002).

Jo-bo Brgya-rtsa — Atiśa, Chos-chung Brgya-rtsa (Byang-chub Lam-gyi Sgron-ma sogs Chos-chung Brgya-rtsa, Lama Ngodrup & Sherab Drimey (Paro 1979).

JoBSJournal of Buddhist Studies Sri Lanka.

'Jog-ri, Gung-thang Dkar-chag — 'Jog-ri-ba Ngag-dbang-bstan-'dzin, Gung-thang Dpal-gyi Gtsug-lag-khang / Byung-rabs dang bcas-pa'i Dkar-chag 'Gro-mgon Zhal-lung Bdud-rtsi'i Chu-rgyun, a xylograph print in 76 folio leaves, found in the author's 2-volume Collected Works. Composed in 1782.

JQRJewish Quarterly Review.

JTSJournal of the Tibet Society.

KailashKailash (Kathmandu).

Kapstein, BBTC — Matthew Kapstein, Buddhism between Tibet and China, Wisdom (Boston 2009).

Kapstein, Dialectic — Matthew Kapstein, The Dialectic of Eternal Heaven: A Tibetan Defense of Mongol Imperial Religion, contained in: M.T. Kapstein & R. Jackson, eds., Mahāmudrā and the Kagyü Tradition, International Institute for Tibetan & Buddhist Studies (Andiast 2011), pp. 259-316.

Kapstein, ILIT — Matthew Kapstein, The Indian Literary Identity in Tibet, contained in: Sheldon Pollock, ed., Literary Cultures in History: Reconstructions from South Asia, University of California Press (Berkeley 2003), pp. 747-802.

Kelsang Gyatso, Clear Light of Bliss — Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, Clear Light of Bliss: Mahamudra in Vajrayana Buddhism, Wisdom Publications (London 1982).

Karmay, Arrow — Samten G. Karmay, The Arrow and the Spindle: Studies in History, Myths, Rituals and Beliefs in Tibet, Mandala Book Point (Kathmandu 1998).

Karmay, Confucius — Samten Karmay, A Gzer-mig Version of the Interview between Confucius and Phyva Keṅ-tse Lan-med. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, vol. 38 (1975), pp. 562-580. Reprinted in Karmay (1998), pp. 169-189.

Karmay, New Horizons — S. G. Karmay & Y. Nagano, eds., New Horizons in Bon Studies (Senri Ethnological Reports no. 15), National Museum of Ethnology (Osaka 2000).

Karmay, Great Perfection — Samten G. Karmay, The Great Perfection (Rdzogs-chen): A Philosophical and Meditative Teaching of Tibetan Buddhism, E.J. Brill (Leiden 1988).

Karmay, Habitants — Samten G. Karmay & Philippe Sagant, eds., Les Habitants du Toit du Monde, Société d'Ethnologie (Nanterre 1997).

Karmay, Treasury — Samten G. Karmay, The Treasury of Good Sayings: A Tibetan History of Bon, London Oriental Series vol. 26, Oxford University Press (London 1972).

Kaschewsky — Rudolph Kaschewsky & Pema Tsering, Das Leben der Himmelsfee Gro-ba Bzaṅ-mo, Octapus Verlag (Vienna 1975). Glossary on pp. 81-86.

Kaschewsky2 — Rudolph Kaschewsky & Pema Tsering, Gesars Abwehrkampf gegen Kaschmir. ZAS, vol. 6 (1972), pp. 273-398. The glossary is on pp. 394-398.

Karsten, MT — Joachim G. Karsten, Mu-tig thug-khog: A Note on Lhasa-Tibetan Pearl Coifs (Late 17th to Mid-20th Centuries), the 'Proper' Version. A finalized version of a paper as posted on the internet.

Katen — Samten Karmay & Yasuhiko Nagano, eds., A Catalogue of the New Collection of Bonpo Katen Texts [Bon Studies series 4, with indices in 5], National Museum of Ethnology (Osaka, 2001), published in 2 vols. There may be some confusion, since this abbreviation is used for both the Bon Tanjur (the Bka'-rten, or Katen), and its catalogue.

Kawamura — Herbert V. Guenther & Leslie S. Kawamura, Mind in Buddhist Psychology, Dharma Publishing (Emeryville 1975).

Kazi — Lama Dawasamdup Kazi, An English-Tibetan Dictionary containing a Vocabulary of Approximately Twenty Thousand Words with Their Tibetan Equivalents, Oriental Books Reprint Corporation (N.Delhi 1973), reprint of 1919 Calcutta edition.

KBDpal-ldan Gso-ba Rig-pa'i Khog-'bugs Legs-bshad Baidurya'i Me-long Drang-srong Dgyes-pa'i Dga'-ston, by Sde-srid Sangs-rgyas-rgya-mtsho. Spine title: AYURVEDA IN TIBET. SSS series no. 4. Sonam W. Tashigangpa (Leh 1970).

Khangkar, Yellow Annals — Khang-dkar Tshul-khrims-skal-bzang, Chos Mngon-pa'i Lta-grub 'Phel-rim 'Brel-yod dang bcas-pa'i Dpyad-zhib Mchims Mdzod Mdzes-rgyan (Deb-ther Ser-po), Gangs-ljongs Nang-rig Mthun-tshogs (Kyoto 1992).

Khetsun Sangpo, History — Khetsun Sangpo, Bod-kyi Rgyal-rabs Sa-'og-nas Brnyes-pa'i Dum Bsgrigs Rna-ba'i Bdud-rtsi ('A Nectar for the Ear: An Early History of Tibet Edited from the Findings Unearthed at the Dunhuang Caves'), Nyingmapa Wishfulfilling Center for Study and Practice (Kathmandu 1986).

Khyung-sprul — Khyung-sprul Rin-po-che (1897-1955), Gangs-can Bod-kyi Brda-skad Ming-gzhi Gsal-bar Ston-pa'i Bstan-bcos Dgos-'byung Nor-bu'i Gter-chen, G.yung-drung Bon-gyi Bshad-sgrub 'Dus-sde [Bon Dialectic School] (Dolanji 2004).

Klong-chen-pa — Klong-chen-pa, Chos-dbyings Rin-po-che'i Mdzod. References are to chapter and verse numbers.

Kollmar-Paulenz, Schmuck — Karenina Kollmar-Paulenz, Der Schmuck der Befreiung — Die Geschichte der Zi byed- und gCod-Schule des tibetischen Buddhismus, Harrassowitz Verlag (Wiesbaden 1993).

Kolmaš, Ch'ing shi kao — Josef Kolmaš, Ch'ing Shi Kao on Modern History of Tibet (1903-1912). Archiv Orientalni, vol. 32 (1964), pp. 77-99.

Kong-sprul/1 Yon-tan-rgya-mtsho, Gso-rig Zin-tig Gces-bsdus, Mtsho-sngon Mi-dmangs Dpe-skrun-khang (Xining 1976).

Kongtrul, Treasury — This refers to the translations of parts of Kong sprul's Shes bya kun khyab, which have been published in recent years.

KP — Khrungs-dpe. This means the work on botany contained in different manuscript versions in the following 4 publications.

KP1Gso-spyad Sngo-sbyor Tshogs-kyi Man-ngag Rin-chen 'Khrungs-dpe Bstan-pa (Leh 1974).

KP2Sngo-sbyor-gyi 'Khrungs-dpe Man-ngag Rin-chen. Contained in: Bod-kyi Sngo-sman, Library of Tibetan Works & Archives (Dharamsala 1980), pp. 141-233.

KP3Rin-chen 'Khrungs-dpe. Contained in: Bod-kyi Sngo-sman [Four Treatises on the Principle and Practice of Tibetan Medicine] (Dharamsala 1980), pp. 235-347.

KP4Gso Dpyad Sngo Tshogs-gis Man-ngag Rin-chen 'Khrungs-dpe Bsten-pa. Contained in: Three Tibetan Medical Texts, Tseten Dorji (Tezu 1973), pp. 359-583.

Kramer, rNgog — Ralf Kramer, The Great Tibetan Translator: Live and Works of rNgog Blo ldan shes rab (1059-1109), Indus Verlag (Munich 2007).

Kreijger, Tibetan Painting — Hugo E. Kreijger, Tibetan Painting: The Jucker Collection, Serindia (London 2001).

Kretsch. — Andreas Kretschmar, 'Brug pa kun legs: das wundersame Leben eines verrückten Heiligen, VGH Wissenschaftsverlag (Sankt Augustin 1981).

KRNT — Brandon Dotson, ed., Kingship, Ritual & Narrative in Tibet and the Surrounding Cultural Area (Cahiers d'Exrême-Asie 24), École Française d'Extrême-Orient (Kyoto 2015).

Kuijp (1986) — Leonard van der Kuijp, Studies in the Life and Thought of Mkhas-grub-rje IV: Mkhas-grub-rje on Regionalism and Dialects. Berliner Indologische Studien, vol. 2 (1986), pp. 23-50.

Kuijp, Earliest — Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp, The Earliest Indian Reference to Muslims in a Buddhist Philosophical Text of Circa 700, Journal of Indian Philosophy, vol. 34 (2006), pp. 169-202.

Kuijp, Edge — Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp, On the Edge of Myth and History: Za-hor, Its Place in the History of Early Indian Buddhist Tantra, and Dalai Lama V and the Genealogy of Its Royal Family, contained in: Wang Bangwe, Chen Jinhua & Chen Ming, eds., Studies on Buddhist Myths: Texts, Pictures, Traditions and History (2013), pp. 114-164.

Kuijp, KPTB — Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp, The Kālacakra And the Patronage of Tibetan Buddhism by the Mongol Imperial Family, Central Eurasian Studies Lectures series no. 4, Dept. of Central Eurasian Studies, Indiana University (Bloomington 2004).

Kuijp, Rivers — Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp, U rgyan pa Rin chen dpal (1230-1309), Part Two: For Emperor Qubilai? His Garland of Tales about Rivers, contained in: Christoph Cüppers, ed., The Relationship between Religion and State (chos srid zung 'brel) in Traditional Tibet (Lumbini 2004), pp. 299-339.

Kuijp, TBTC — Leonard van der Kuijp, Fourteenth Century Tibetan Cultural History IV: The Tshad ma'i byung tshul 'chad nyan gyi rgyan, a Tibetan History of Indian Buddhist Pramāṇavāda, contained in Nalini Balbir & Joachim K. Bautze, eds., Festschrift Klaus Bruhn zur Vollendung des 65. Lebensjahres dargebracht von Schülern, Freunden und Kollegen, Verlag für Orientalistische Fachpublikationen (Reinbek 1994), pp. 375-402.

Kuijp, Treatise — Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp, A Treatise on Buddhist Epistemology & Logic attributed to Klong chen Rab 'byams pa (1308-1364) and Its Place in Indo-Tibetan Intellectual History, Journal of Indian Philosophy, vol. 31 (2003), pp. 381-437.

Kunsang, The Lotus-Born — Erik Pema Kunsang, tr., The Lotus-Born — The Life Story of Padmasambhava, Composed by Yeshe Tsogyal, Revealed by Nyang Ral Nyima Öser, Shambhala (Boston 1993).

Kvaerne — Per Kvaerne, A Chronological Table of the Bonpo, the Bstan rcis of Ñi ma bstan 'jin, Acta Orientalia, vol. 33 (1971), pp. 205-282.

Kvaerne, A-khrid — Per Kvaerne, Bonpo Studies: The A Khrid System of Meditation, Kailash, vol. 1 (1973), no. 1, pp. 19-50; vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 247-332. This is now a separate publication.

Kvaerne, Bonpo Wheel — Per Kvaerne, A Bonpo Version of the Wheel of Existence. Contained in: Michel Strickmann, ed., Tantric and Taoist Studies in Honour of R. A. Stein, Institut Belge des Hautes Etudes Chinoises (Bruxelles 1981), vol. 1, pp. 274-289.

KWT — Christian Jahoda & Christiane Kalantari, Kingship in Western Tibet in the 10th and 11th Centuries, Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie, vol. 24 (2015), pp. 77-125.

Lag-len — This is probably the following medical text, although this still needs verification: Kun-dga'-'phrin-las-dpal-ldan, Gso-ba Rig-pa'i Lag-len Gces-rigs Phyogs-gcig-tu Sdebs-pa Gnad-don Gsal-ba Nor-bu'i 'Phreng-ba (A Collection of Important Instructions on Tibetan Medical Practice), Sonam Tashigang (Leh 1977).

Lange, Boatman — Diana Lange, The Boatman is more Beautiful than a God. PDF.

LaRocca, Warriors — Donald J. La Rocca, et al., Warriors of the Himalayas: Rediscovering the Arms and Armor of Tibet, Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York 2006).

Las-chen, Chos-'byung — Las-chen Kun-dga'-rgyal-mtshan, Bka'-gdams-kyi Rnam-par Thar-pa Bka'-gdams Chos-'byung Gsal-ba'i Sgron-me, B. Jamyang Norbu (New Delhi 1972), in 2 volumes.

Lati Rinbochay, Death — Lati Rinbochay & Jeffrey Hopkins, Death, Intermediate State and Rebirth, Snow Lion (Ithaca 1985), first published in 1979.

Laufer, Bird Div. — Berthold Laufer, Bird Divination among the Tibetans, T'oung Pao, 2nd series, vol. 15 (1914), pp. 1-110.

Laufer, Kleinere Schriften — Hartmut Walravens, ed., Kleinere Schriften von Berthold Laufer, Franz Steiner Verlag (Wiesbaden 1979).

Laufer, Sino-Tibetan Studies — A recent reprint of Berthold Laufer's articles published in India. Have mislaid the reference for the time being.

Lcang-skya — Lcang-skya Rol-pa'i-rdo-rje, Dag-yig Mkhas-pa'i 'Byung-gnas, Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang (Beijing 1999). Included here are the words in the final section entitled Brda' Gsar Rnying-gi Skor, on pp. 265-277. All these entries were supplied by Christoph Cüppers (Lumbini, Nepal).

Levey, Aromatic — Martin Levey, Ibn Māsawaih and His Treatise on Simple Aromatic Substances: Studies in the History of Arabic Pharmacology I, Journal of the History of Medicine & Allied Sciences, vol. 16 (1961), pp. 394-410.

Lha Lama Bio. — Gu-ge Paṇḍi-ta Grags-pa-rgyal-mtshan, Lha Bla-ma Ye-shes-'od-kyi Rnam-thar Rgyas0pa, Bod-ljongs Mi-dmangs Dpe-skrun-khang (Lhasa 2013), in 169 pages.

Lhalungpa — Lobsang P. Lhalungpa, tr., The Life of Milarepa, Granada Publishing (London 1979.

Lhasa A — A version of the Bka'-'bum (Collected Works) of Zhang G.yu-brag-pa Brtson-'grus-grags-pa (1123-1193). Photocopy of a 4-volume version made in Lhasa.

Li Gotami, Pictures — Li Gotami Govinda, Tibet in PIctures: A Journey into the Past, Dharma Publishing (Berkeley 2002), reprint of 1979 edition.

Liebenthal Festschrift (1957) — Kshitis Roy, ed., Liebenthal Festschrift (=Sino-Indian Studies, vol. 4, pts. 3-4, 1957).

Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman AreaLinguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area (the journal).

Lo-ras-pa, Gsung-'bumSmad 'Brug Bstan-pa'i Mnga'-bdag Rgyal-ba Lo-ras-pa Grags-pa-dbang-phyug Mchog-gi Gsung-'bum Rin-po-che, Ven. Khenpo Shedup Tenzin & Lama Thinley Namgyal, Shri Gautam Buddha Vihar (Kathmandu, Nepal 2002), in 5 vols.

Lo-ras Rnam-thar — Rgod-tshang-ras-pa, Chos-rje Lo-ras-pa'i Rnam-thar, Mtsho-sngon Mi-rigs Dpe-skrung-khang (Xining 1993).

Lobsang Dorjee Rabling, Five Treatises — Lobsang Dorjee Rabling, tr., Five Treatises of Ācārya Dīpaṃkaraśrījñāna (Jo-bo Rjes Mdzad-pa'i Gzhung-tshan Lnga), Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies (Sarnath 1999).

Lobsang Gyatso, Memoirs of a Tibetan Lama — Lobsang Gyatso, Memoirs of a Tibetan Lama, tr. & ed. by Gareth Sparham, Snow Lion (Ithaca 1998).

Lopez, Heart Sūtra Explained — Donald S. Lopez, Jr., The Heart Sūtra Explained: Indian and Tibetan Commentaries, Sri Satguru Publications (Delhi 1990), reprint of 1988 edition.

LungtaLungta, publication of the Amnye Machen Institute (McLeod Ganj).

LW — Berthold Laufer, Loan-words in Tibetan, Toung Pao, vol. 17 (1916), pp. 403-552.

LZ — Pasar Tsultrim Tenzin, Changru Tritsuk Namdak Nyima & Gatsa Lodroe Rabsal, A Lexicon of Zhangzhung and Bonpo Terms, ed. by Yasuhiko Nagano & Samten G. Karmay, Senri Ethnological Reports no. 76, National Museum of Ethnology (Osaka 2008).

MaMa-rgyud Sangs-rgyas Rgyud Gsum (=The Three Basic Mother Tantras with Commentaries), Bonpo Monastic Centre (Dolanji 1971).

ManMan (the anthropological journal by this name).

Mandala & Landscape — A.W. Macdonald, ed., Maṇḍala and Landscape, D.K. Printworld (New Delhi 1997).

Mang-thos, Bstan-rtsis — Mang-thos Klu-sgrub-rgya-mtsho (1523-1596), Bstan-rtsis Gsal-ba'i Nyin-byed and Tha-snyad Rig-gnas Lnga'i Byung-tshul Blo-gsal Mgrin-rgyan, Bod-yig Dpe Rnying Dpe-skrun-khang (Lhasa 1987).

Manuscripta OrientaliaManuscripta Orientalia (journal, St. Petersburg).

Maraini — Fosco Maraini, Secret Tibet, Hutchinson (London 1952).

Matisoff, TI — James A. Matisoff, Translucent Insights: A Look at Proto-Sino-Tibetan through Gordon H. Luce's Comparative Word-list. BSOAS 46 no 3 (1983) 462-476.

McGovern, To Lhasa in Disguise — W. Montgomery McGovern, To Lhasa in Disguise: An Account of a Secret Expedition through Mysterious Tibet, Thornton Butterworth (London 1924).

MdoMdo Dbus Mtho Sgang Sman-ris Gsal-ba'i Me-long (Ziling 1973). This was published in 3 volumes, the first two on botanical, the third on animal-derived medicinals (a significant reference work on botany and zoology, but very difficult to find).

Mdo-'dusMdo-'dus Rin-po-che'i Rgyud Thams-cad Mkhyen-pa'i Bka' Tshad-ma, Khedup Gyatsho, Tibetan Bonpo Monastic Centre (Dolanji 1985), published on the basis of a text from Khyung-po Ri-rtse-drug.

Mdo-sde Me-tog Gsil-ma Dpal-mdzes-rgyal-mtshan, Mdo-sde Me-tog Gsil-ma, "A Book of Stories of the Early Bka'-gdams-pa Tradition," Topden Tsering (Delhi 1978). "Reproduced from an Ancient Manuscript from the Gemur Monastery in Lahul."

Memories of Life — Tubten Khétsun, Memories of Life in Lhasa under Chinese Rule, translated with an introduction by Matthew Akester, Columbia University Press (New York 2008).

Mengele, dGe-'dun-chos-'phel — Irmgard Mengele, dGe-'dun-chos-'phel: A Biography of the 20th-Century Tibetan Scholar, Library of Tibetan Works & Archives (Dharamsala 1999).

Mishra, ABS — Kameshwar Nath Mishra, ed., Aspects of Buddhist Sanskrit (Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Language of Sanskrit Buddhist Texts, Oct. 1-5, 1991), Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies (Sarnath 1993).

MKB — Rgyal-po Srong-btsan-sgam-po, Gsang-chen Snga-'gyur Rnying-ma-pa'i Gsung-rab Phyogs-bsgrigs Dri-med Legs-bshad Kun-'dus Nor-bu'i Bang-mdzod-las Pod Dang-po / Bka'-'bum, ed. by 'Ba' Seng-khri Chos-grwa Chen-mo, Mtsho-sngon Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang (Xining 2007).

Mkhyen-brtse, WorksThe Collected Works of the Great 'Jam-dbyangs Mkhyen-brtse'i-dbang-po (reproduced from a set of prints from Rdzong-gsar blocks) Gonpo Tseten, Palace Monastery (Gangtok 1977).

Mkhyen rab/11 — Mkhyen-rab-nor-bu, Sman-sbyor-gyi Nus-pa Phyogs-bsdus Phan-bde'i Legs-bshad. Contained in: Fundamentals, pp. 201-247.

Mkhyen-rab-rgya-mtsho 1557 — 'Dul-'dzin Mkhyen-rab-rgya-mtsho (= G.yag-sde 'Dul-'dzin), Sangs-rgyas Bstan-pa'i Chos-'byung Dris-lan Smra-ba'i Phreng-ba, Dzongsar Chhentse Labrang, Palace Monastery (Gangtok 1981), in 611 pages (but note that pp. 103-106 are missing).

Monlam — Acharya Karma Monlam, ed., The New English-Tibetan Dictionary / Dbyin Bod Tshig-mdzod Gsar-ma, Department of Education, Central Tibetan Administration (Dharamsala 2000/2001).

MTLSC — Lauran R. Hartley & Patricia Schiaffini-Vedani, eds., Modern Tibetan Literature & Social Change, Duke University Press (Durham 2008).

MTTP — ? The reference is lost, unfortunately.

Mvy. — R. Sakaki, Mahāvyutpatti, Shingonshû Kyoto Daigaku (Kyoto 1916). The numbers given here are entry numbers, not page numbers.

Namdak — Tenzin Namdak, Rgyal Gshen Rnam-thar (Life of Lord Shenrab) (excerpted from original texts by Tenzin Namdak), Tibetan Bonpo Monastic Centre (Dolanji 1971), in 2 vols. The vocabulary is at the end of vol. 2.

Namdak, Bzo-rig — Tenzin Namdak, Bzo-rig Gsal-ba'i Rgyan (Dolanji 1984). This work was not well distributed, and may be difficult to locate.

Namdak, History of Tibet — Tenzin Namdak (= Slob-dpon Bstan-'dzin-rnam-dag, b. 1927), Snga-rabs Bod-kyi Byung-ba Brjod-pa'i 'Bel-gtam Lung-gi Snying-po (Dolanji 1983), in 191 pages. A revised edition published under the same title in 1997 has different pagination.

Nebesky — Réne de Nebesky-Wojkowitz, Oracles and Demons of Tibet (The Hague 1956).

Negi — J.S. Negi, Tibetan-Sanskrit Dictionary (Bod-skad dang Legs-sbyar-gyi Tshig-mdzod Chen-mo), Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies (Sarnath 1993-2005), in 16 vols.

Ngag-dbang-chos-grags — Mkhan-chen Ngag-dbang-chos-grags (1572-1641), Sdom-pa Gsum-gyi Rab-tu Dbye-ba'i Rnam-bshad Legs-bshad Zla-'od Nor-bu, T. G. Dhongthog Rimpoche (New Delhi 1978).

Ngag sgron — Dpal-khang Lo-tsā-ba Ngag-dbang-chos-kyi-rgya-mtsho (fl. 16th century), Dag-yig Ngag-sgron (1538), contained in: Ngag-sgron Rtsa-'grel dang De'i Yang-'grel, Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang (Lhasa 1989), pp. 1-40. This publication includes Dag-yig Ngag-sgron-gyi 'Grel-pa by [Khu-nu Rin-po-che] Bstan-'dzin-rgyal-mtshan (pp. 41-176) and Dag-yig Ngag-sgron-gyi Yang-'grel Byis-pa Dga'-byed by Kun-bzang-rnam-rgyal (pp. 177-511), the latter being a subcommentary by a modern school teacher.

Nine Ways — David Snellgrove, The Nine Ways of Bon: Excerpts from Gzi-brjid Edited and Translated, Prajñā Press (Boulder 1980). First published by Oxford University Press (London 1967).

Nishida, TTDD — Two Tibetan Divination Texts from Dunhuang: Pelliot tibétain 1046B and IOL Tib J 740, CAJ, vol. 51, no. 1 (2018), pp. 133-150.

Niyogi, SBM — Puspa Niyogi, Some Buddhist Monasteries in Ancient Bengal & Bihar, Journal of Indian History, vol. 54 (1976), pp. 273-298.

NNV — Namgyal Nyima's forthcoming book on Tibetan verbs. This is now published as C&LT, q.v.

Noble Mountaineer — Daniel Berounskí and Martin Slobodník, The Noble Mountaineer: An Account of a la btsas Festival in Gengya Villages of Amdo, Archiv Orientalni, vol. 71, no. 3 (2003), pp. 263-284.

Nomads — Namkhai Norbu, A Journey into the Culture of Tibetan Nomads (Bod 'Brog-gi Lam-yig), Shang-Shung Edizioni (Arcidosso 1983). In Tibetan. Has now been translated into English.

Norbu, Cycle — Namkhai Norbu, The Cycle of Day and Night where One Proceeds along the Path of the Primordial Yoga: A Basic Text on the Practice of Dzog chen, tr. & ed. by John M. Reynolds, Zhang Zhung Editions (Oakland 1984).

Norbu, Drung — Namkhai Norbu, Drung, De'u & Bön: Narrations, Symbolic Languages and the Bön Tradition in Ancient Tibet, Library of Tibetan Works & Archives (Dharamsala 1995), tr. by Andrew Lukianowicz & Adriano Clemente.

Norbu, Dzog Chen and Zen — Namkhai Norbu, Dzog Chen and Zen, ed. with preface & notes by Kennard Lipman, Zhang Zhung Editions (Oakland 1984).

Norbu Chophel, Folk Culture of Tibet — Published by the Library of Tibetan Works & Archives (Dharamsala).

Nowak, Tib. Refugees — Margaret Nowak, Tibetan Refugees — Youth and the New Generation of Meaning, Rutgers University Press (New Brunswick 1984).

NSOTD — Yoshiro Imaeda, Matthew Kapstein & Tsuguhito Takeuchi, eds., New Studies of the Old Tibetan Documents: Philology, History and Religion, Old Tibetan Documents Online Monograph Series no. 3, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (Tokyo 2011).

N-T — Franz-Karl Ehrhard & Petra Maurer, eds., Nepalica-Tibetica: Festgabe for Christoph Cüppers, International Institute for Tibetan & Buddhist Studies (Andiast 2013), in 2 volumes.

NTFC — Franz-Karl Ehrhard & Petra Maurer, eds., Nepalica-Tibetica: Festgabe for Christoph Cüppers, International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies (Andiast 2013), in 2 volumes.

NTSP — Mchims Nam mkha' grags, Snar thang gser 'phreng (a descriptive rather than an actual title), a manuscript supplied at TBRC RID W2CZ7888.

NVTC — David Templeman, ed., New Views of Tibetan Culture, Monash University Press (Caulfield 2010).

Nyang-ral, History (PRC ed.) — Nyang Nyi-ma-'od-zer, Chos-'byung Me-tog Snying-po Sbrang-rtsi'i Bcud (= Gangs-can Rig-mdzod series no. 5), Bod-ljongs Mi-dmangs Dpe-skrun-khang (Lhasa 1988).

NZT — Dge-bshes Blo-gros-rab-gsal, Gna'-bo'i Zhang Bod Tshig-mdzod, Kan-su'u Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang (Lanzhou 2010).

Obeyesekere, Conscience — Gananath Obeyesekere, The Conscience of the Parricide: A Study in Buddhist History, Man, new series vol. 24, no. 2 (June 1989), pp. 236-254.

OTAOld Tibetan Annals (here references are made not to any page nos., but to the dates of the entries). See also Dotson, OTA, which contains the text also.

OZZ — Siegbert Hummel, On Zhang-zhung, Library of Tibetan Works & Archives (Dharamsala 2000), tr. by Guido Vogliotti.

P. tib. — Pelliot tibetaine (Dunhuang manuscripts kept in the Bibliotheque Nationale), with the catalogue number of the text given. Note that sometimes line numbers are given (generally referring to the total line count, not the line count of one individual leaf), divided from the page number by a decimal point.

Pabongka, Liberation — Pabongka Rinpoche, Liberation in Our Hands, tr. by Sera Mey Geshe Lobsang Tharchin with Artemus B. Engle, Mahayana Sutra & Tantra Press (Howell 1990-2001), in 3 vols.

Padma-gling-pa, Works — Padma-gling-pa, Collected Gter-ma Rediscoveries of Padma-gling-pa, N. Topgay (New Delhi 1975-7), in 7 vols.

Padma-rig-'dzin, Chos Thams-cad-kyi Spyir Brtags — Padma-rig-'dzin, Chos Thams-cad-kyi Spyir Btang Dka'-ba'i Gnas-kyi Brjed-byang Gsal-bar Ston-pa Rnam-grangs Rgya-mtsho'i Gter, Lama Dodrup Sangyay (Gangtok 1977).

Paṇ-chen I, Gsung-'bumCollected Works (Gsung-'bum) of Blo-bzang-chos-kyi-rgyal-mtshan, the First Paṇ-chen Bla-ma of Bkra-shis-lhun-po, "retracings from prints of the Bkra-shis-lhun-po blocks," Mongolian Lama Gurudeva (New Delhi 1973).

Past & PresentPast and Present (the British periodical).

Pelliot, Notes on Marco Polo — Paul Pelliot, Notes on Marco Polo, Impremerie Nationale, Librarie Adrien-Maisonneuve (Paris 1959).

Pelliot, QT — Paul Pelliot, Quelques transcriptions apparentées a Çambhala dans les textes chinois, T'oung Pao, 2nd series vol. 20, no. 2 (1920-1921), pp. 73-85.

Perdue, Debate — Daniel E. Perdue, Debate in Tibetan Buddhism, Snow Lion (Ithaca 1992).

Petech — Luciano Petech, Aristocracy and Government in Tibet, 1728-1959, IsMEO (Rome 1973).

Petech (1983) — Luciano Petech, Tibetan Relations with Sung China and with the Mongols. Contained in: Morris Rossabi, ed., China Among Equals, University of California Press (Berkeley 1983), pp. 173-203.

Pha-dam-pa dang Ma-cig (PRC 1992) — Chos-kyi-seng-ge & Gang-pa, Pha-dam-pa dang Ma-cig Lab-sgron-gyi Rnam-thar, Mtsho-sngon Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang (Xining 1992).

Pho-brang Po-ta-la (1988) — Lost reference.

Pho-brang Po-ta-la (1994/5) — Pho-brang Po-ta-la (The Potala), Krung-go'i Rig-gnas Kun-btus Dpe-deb Chen-mo'i Dpe-skrun-khang (Encyclopedia of China Publishing House) (Beijing 1994/5).

Po-ta-la (1996) — Gangs-ljongs Gnas-mchog Pho-brang Po-ta-la, Khrung-go Yul-skor Dpe-skrun-khang (Beijing 1996).

Pollock, Forms — Sheldon Pollock, ed., Forms of Knowledge in Early Modern Asia, Duke University Press (Durham 2011).

Poussin, Tib. Ms. — Louis de la Vallée Poussin, Catalogue of the Tibetan Manuscripts from Tun-huang in the India Office Library, Oxford University Press (Oxford 1962).

Prats, Pandita & Siddha — Ramon N. Prats, The Pandita and the Siddha: Tibetan Studies in Honour of E. Gene Smith, Amnye Machen Institute (Dharamsala 2007).

Precious DepositsPrecious Deposits: Historical Relics of Tibet, China, Morning Glory Publishers (Beijing 2000), in 5 vols.

PWBTsongkhapa's The Perpetually Weeping Bodhisattva, tr. by Pema Gyatso & Geoff Bailey, Bod 'jongs mi dmangs dpe skrun khang (Lhasa 2008), in 198 pages.

Rabsal — Dge-'dun-rab-gsal (Gedun Rabsal), Bod-kyi Rtsom-rig-gi Byung-ba Brjod-pa Rab-gsal Me-long, Miscellaneous Series no. 13, Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies (Sarnath 2001).

Rdo Grub-chen III, Works — Rdo Grub-chen III 'Jigs-med-bstan-pa'i-nyi-ma, The Collected Works of Grub-chen III 'Jigs-med-bstan-pa'i-nyi-ma, Dodrup Chen Rimpoche (Gangtok 1974-5), in 5 vols.

Reynolds, OTZ — John Myrdhin Reynolds, The Oral Tradition from Zhang-zhung, Vajra Publications (Kathmandu 2005)

Rhoton, CD — Sakya Pandita Kunga Gyaltshen, A Clear Differentiation of the Three Codes: Essential Distinctions among the Individual Liberation, Great Vehicle and Tantric Systems (The Sdom gsum rab dbye and Six Letters), tr. by Jared Douglas Rhoton, ed. by Victoria R.M. Scott, State University of New York Press (Albany 2002).

Richardson, Corpus — H. E. Richardson, A Corpus of Early Tibetan Inscriptions, Royal Asiatic Society (London 1985).

Richardson, Ceremonies — Hugh Richardson, Ceremonies of the Lhasa Year, Serindia (London 1993).

Rin — Skal-ldan-nyi-ma, Rin-po-che dang Sa-rdo'i Sman-gyi Ngos-'dzin Gsal-ston Me-long, Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang (Beijing 2010) reprint of 2013.

Rnying Rgyud 1973Rnying-ma'i Rgyud-'bum (reproduced from a manuscript preserved at Gting-skyes Dgon-pa Byang Monastery in Tibet), Dingo Khyentse Rimpoche (Thimphu 1973), in 36 vols.

Rnying Rgyud 1982The Mtshams-brag Manuscript of the Rnying-ma'i Rgyud-'bum, Bhutan National Library (Thimphu 1982), in 44 vols.

Roberts, King — Peter Alan Roberts, tr., The King of Samādhi Sūtra, 84000 Project, available online.

Rock, Nāga Cult — Joseph Rock, The Na-khi Nāga Cult and Related Ceremonies, Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente (Rome 1952).

Roesler, Dpe — Ulrike Roesler, Der dPe chos rin chen spuṅs pa'i btus miṅ - eine Quelle zur tibetisch-mongolischen Lexographie und Schriftkunde. Contained in: D. Dimitrov, U. Roesler & R. Steiner, eds., Sikhisamuccayah — Indian & Tibetan Studies (Collectanea Marpurgensia Indologica et Tibetica), Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien, Universität Wien (Wien 2002), pp. 151-173. Glossary by Chos-rje Lcam-sring-skyabs (copy in St. Petersburg collection).

Rospatt, Remarks — Alexander von Rospatt, Remarks on the Consecration Ceremony in Kuladatta's Kriyāsaṃgraha-pañjikā and its Development in Newar Buddhism, contained in: Astrid & Christof Zotter, eds., Hindu and Buddhist Initiations in India and Nepal, Harrassowitz (Wiesbaden 2010), pp. 197-260.

Prescriptions — The basic medicinal recipe book, translated with Thubten J. Norbu. Bibliographical reference to the original publication temporarily mislaid. I believe it is in Fundamentals, q.v.

Rhies & Thurman — Marylin M. Rhie & Robert A.F. Thurman, et al., Wisdom and Compassion — The Sacred Art of Tibet, Harry N. Abrams (New York 1991). A newer edition is now available.

Rin spungs pa'i snyan 'grelSnyan ngag me long gi rgya cher 'grel pa mi 'jigs pa seng ge'i rgyud kyi nga ro'i dbyangs, by Rin spungs pa Nag dbang 'jig rten dbang phyug grags pa, "Reproduced from a rare manuscript from the library of 'Gro sa 'Phel rgyas of Taklakot," D. Tsondu Senghe (Bir 1983), in pecha format.

Rnam — Rnam-rgyal-tshe-ring, Bod yig brda rnying tshig mdzod, Krung go'i Bod rig pa Dpe skrun khang (Beijing 2001).

Roesler, Palace — Ulrike Roesler, A Palace for Those Who Have Eyes to See: Preliminary Remarks on the Symbolic Geography of Reting (Rwa-sgreng), Acta Orientalia Vilnensia, vol. 8, no. 1 (2007), pp. 123-144.

RR — Rechung Rinpoche, Tibetan Medicine, University of California Press (Berkeley 1976).

Rtse-le — Rtse-le Rgod-tshang-pa Sna-tshogs-rang-grol, The Complete Works of Rtse-le Rgod-tshang-pa Padma-legs-grub, Mgon-po-tshe-brtan (Gangtok 1979), in 8 vols.

Ruegg — D. Seyfort Ruegg, A Recent Work on the Religions of Tibet and Mongolia, T'oung Pao, vol. 61, nos. 4‑5 (1975), pp. 303‑324.

Sa Pan, Mchan — Sa-skya Paṇḍi-ta Kun-dga'-rgyal-mtshan, Sdom-pa Gsum-gyi Rab-tu Dbye-ba'i Bstan-bcos (=Sdom Gsum Rang Mchan 'Khrul-med), Ngawang Topgyal (New Delhi 1987).

Sa-skya'i Chos-'byungSa-skya'i Chos-'byung Gces-bsdus, Sa-skya'i Dpe-rnying Bsdu-sgrig U-lhan, Krung-go'i Bod Rig-pa Dpe-skrun-khang (Beijing 2009) in several volumes.

Samdo A — A 6-volume manuscript of Zhang G.yu-brag-pa's Collected Works (Bka'-'bum), original kept at Samdo Monastery in Nepal. Printed from microfilms supplied by the German-Nepalese Manuscript Preservation Project.

Sandberg, Tibet — Graham Sandberg, Tibet and the Tibetans, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (London 1906).

Sba — Sba Gsal snang, Sba bzhed ces bya ba las Sba Gsal snang gi Bzhed pa, Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Beijing 1982).

SBKK — Kong-sprul Yon-tan-rgya-mtsho, Shes-bya Kun Khyab (=Theg-pa'i Sgo Kun-las Btus-pa Gsung-rab Rin-po-che'i Mdzod bslab-pa Gsum Legs-par Ston-pa'i Bstan-bcos Shes-bya Kun Khyab) Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang (Beijing 1985), in 3 vols. Ed. by Rdo-rje-rgyal-po & Thub-bstan-nyi-ma.

SBTDMi-rigs Dpe-mdzod-khang-gi Dpe-tho-las Gsung-'bum Skor-gyi Dkar-chag Shes-bya Gter-mdzod, Si-khron Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang (Chengdu 1984+), in 3 vols.

Schaeffer, Crystal Orbs — Kurtis R. Schaeffer, Crystal Orbs and Arcane Treasuries: Tibetan Anthologies of Buddhist Tantric Songs from the Tradition of Pha Dam pa sangs rgyas, Acta Orientalia, vol. 68 (2007) 5-73.

Schaik, M&T — Sam van Schaik & Imre Galambos, Manuscripts and Travellers: The Sino-Tibetan Documents of a Tenth-Century Buddhist Pilgrim, De Gruyter (Berlin 2011).

Schaik, Prayer — Sam van Schaik & Lewis Doney, The Prayer, the Priest and the Tsenpo: An Early Buddhist Narrative from Dunhuang, Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, vol. 30, nos. 1-2 (2007), pp. 175-217.

Schaik, Sweet — Sam van Schaik, The Sweet Sage and The Four Yogas: A Lost Mahāyoga Treatise from Dunhuang, Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, vol. 4 (2008), pp. 1-67.

Schmied — Hanna Rauber-Schweizer, Der Schmied und sein Handwerk im traditionellen Tibet, Rikon Institut (Zürich 1976).

Schopen, Menial — Gregory Schopen, On Monks and Menial Laborers: Some Monastic Accounts of Building Buddhist Monasteries, contained in: Pierfrancesco Callieri, ed., Architetti, capomastri, artigiani: L'organizzazione dei cantieri e della produzione artistica nell'Asia Ellenistica, Istituto Italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente (Rome 2006), pp. 225-245.

Schwartz, Circle of Protest — Ronald D. Schwartz, Circle of Protest: Political Ritual in the Tibetan Uprising, Motilal Banarsidass (Delhi 1994).

Sde-srid/1 — Sde-srid Sangs-rgyas-rgya-mtsho, Dpal-ldan Gso-ba Rig-pa'i Khog-'bugs Legs-bshad Bai-dūrya'i Me-long Drang-srong Dgyes-pa'i Dga'-ston, Sonam W. Tashigangpa (Leh 1970).

Sde-srid/2 — Sde-srid Sangs-rgyas-rgya-mtsho, Gso-ba Rig-pa'i Bstan-bcos Sman-bla'i Dgongs-rgyan Rgyud-bzhi'i Gsal-byed Bai-dūrya'i Me-long Drang-srong Dgyes-pa'i Dga'-ston, Sonam W. Tashigangpa (Leh 1970).

Sdom Gsum (1971) — Sa-skya Paṇḍi-ta Kun-dga'-rgyal-mtshan, Sdom-pa Gsum-gyi Rab-tu Dbye-ba'i Bstan-bcos (n.p. 1971?). This work is also found in his Collected Works (vol. 5 of the Sa-skya Bka'-'bum, Toyo Bunko [Tokyo 1969]), pp. 297-320.

SFHBSources for a History of Bon, Tenzin Namdak, Tibetan Bonpo Monastic Centre (Dolanji 1972).

Sga — Sga-ston Tshul-khrims rgyal-mtshan, Kun-las Btus-pa Srid-pa'i Mdzod-phug-gi Gzhung 'Grel, Tibetan Bonpo Monastic Centre (Dolanji 1974).

Sga-ston, Gter-gyis Kha-byang — Sga-ston Tshul-khrims-rgyal-mtshan, Gter-gyis Kha-byang. A 45-folio manuscript is kept in Library of Tibetan Works and Archives (Dharamsala), Accessions no. 17765.

Sgra 'Grel — This refers to part 2 (with its own separate pagination) of the following publication: Mdzod-phug, Basic Verses and Commentary by Dran-pa-nam-mkha', Tenzin Namdak (Delhi 1966).

Shakabpa, Hundred — Tsepon Wangchuk Deden Shakabpa, One Hundred Thousand Moons: An Advanced Political History of Tibet, Brill (Leiden 2010), in 2 volumes.

Shākya-mchog-ldan, WorksThe Complete Works (Gsung-'bum) of Gser-mdog Paṇ-chen Śākya-mchog-ldan, Kunzang Tobgey (Thimphu 1975), in 24 vols.

Silk, Dissert. — Jonathan Alan Silk, The Origins and Early History of the Mahāratnakūṭa Tradition of Mahāyāna Buddhism with a Study of the Ratnarāśisūtra and Related Materials, Doctoral Dissertation, The University of Michigan (Ann Arbor 1994).

Simioli, AG — Carmen Simioli, Alchemical Gold and the Pursuit of the Mercurial Elixir, Asian Medicine, vol. 8 (2013), pp. 41-74.

Singer, PCT — Jane Casey Singer, Painting in Central Tibet, ca. 950-1400, Artibus Asiae, vol. 54, nos. 1-2 (1994), pp. 87-136.

Singh — Thakur Balwant Singh, Glossary of Vegetable Drugs in Bṛhattrayī, Chowkhamba (Varanasi 1972).

Six BrothersGzhon nu drug gi rtogs brjod: The Six Brothers, tr. by Pema Gyatso & Geoff Bailey, Bod ljongs mi dmangs dpe skrun khang (Lhasa 2007).

SKC — Khod-spo Blo-gros-thogs-med, Srid-pa Rgyud-kyi Kha-byang Chen-mo, Lopon Tenzin Namdak, Tibetan Bonpo Monastic Centre (Dolanji 1976).

Skorupski, TA — Tadeuz Skorupski, Tibetan Amulets, White Orchid Press (Bangkok 1983).

Sky Dancer — Keith Dowman, tr., Sky Dancer: The Secret Life and Songs of the Lady Yeshey Tsogyel, Routledge & Kegan Paul (London 1984).

Slob-dpon Bsod-nams-rtse-mo, Writings on the Hevajra & Cakrasamvara — Sa-skya-pa Slob-dpon Bsod-nams-rtse-mo, Miscellaneous Writings on the Hevajra and Cakrasamvara Tantras (title on the outer boards: Writings on the Hevajra & Cakrasamvara), Sakya Centre (Dehradun 1985).

Slovar'Slovar' tibetsuo-latino-russkii nazvanij lekarstvennogo rastitel'nogo syr'ja, primenjaemogo v tibetskoj meditsine, A. F. Gammerman & B. V. Semicov (Ulan-Ude 1963).

Smith, Catalogue — E. Gene Smith, University of Washington Tibetan Catalogue, vols. 1-2 (Seattle 1969). This mimeograph publication, sometimes bound as one volume, is quite difficult to locate (check with major U.S. university research libraries).

Smith, Philology — E. Gene Smith, The Tradition of Philology and Literary Theory in Tibetan Scholasticism. Inner Asia Colloquium, Feb. 7, 1964.

Smith, Remarks - Alexander K. Smith, Remarks concerning the Methodology and Symbolism of Bon Pebble Divination. Études mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines, vol. 42 (2011), pp. 2-15.

Snellgrove, Asian Commitment — David Snellgrove, Asian Commitment — Travels and Studies in the Indian Sub-Continent and South-East Asia, Orchid Press (Bangkok 2000).

Snellgrove & Skorupski, Cultural History of Ladakh — David Snellgrove and Tadeusz Skorupski, The Cultural Heritage of Ladakh, Volume I: Central Ladakh, Aris & Phillips (Warminster 1977). The Cultural Heritage of Ladakh, Volume II: Zangskar and the Cave Temples of Ladakh, Aris & Phillips (Warminster 1980).

Sobisch, Dissert. — Jan-Ulrich Sobisch, Three-Vow Theories in Tibetan Buddhism: A Comparative Study of Major Traditions from the Twelfth through Nineteenth Centuries, Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag (Wiesbaden 2002). I made use of this dissertation in its pre-published form, making page references rather useless.

Sog-bzlog-pa, Collected WorksCollected Works of Sog-bzlog-pa Blo-gros-rgyal-mtshan (reproduced from an incomplete dbu-can manuscript from the library of Ven. Bdud-'joms Rin-po-che), Sanje Dorji (Delhi 1975).

Sørensen Festschrift — Olaf Czaja & Guntram Hazod, eds., The Illuminating Mirror: Tibetan Studies in Honour of Per K. Sørensen on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday, Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag (Wiesbaden 2015).

Soundings — Barbara Nimri Aziz & Matthew Kapstein, eds., Soundings in Tibetan Civilization, Manohar (Delhi 1985).

Sources — Michael Aris, Sources for the History of Bhutan, Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde (Vienna 1986).

SRZT — Yon-tan-rgya-mtsho (Kong-sprul), Gso-rig Zin-tig Gces-bsdus (Xining 1976).

SS — Sde-srid Sangs-rgyas-rgya-mtsho, Gso-ba Rig-pa'i Bstan-bcos Sman-bla'i Dgongs-rgyan Rgyud Bzhi'i Gsal-byed Bai-ḍūr Sngon-po'i Ma-lli-kā (reproduced from a print of the 1888-1892 blocks preserved in the Lha-sa Lcags-po-ri Rig-byed 'Gro-phan-gling), SSS series no. 51, T. Y. Tashigangpa (Leh 1973), in 2 vols. Vol. I, chapter 20 (pp. 393-547) is on materia medica.

ST — Sangye Tenzin Jongdong, abbot of Sman-ri Monastery in Dolanji, oral information

Stag-tshang, Grub-mtha' Kun-shes — Stag-tshang Lo-tsā-ba, Grub-mtha' Kun-shes-kyi Rtsa-'grel, ed. by Tshul-khrims-rgyal-mtshan, Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang (Beijing 1999).

Stearns, SR — Cyrus Stearns, Song of the Road: The Poetic Travel Journal of Tsarchen Losal Gyatso, Snow Lion (Ithaca 2012).

Stein — Rolf A. Stein, Vocabulaire tibétaine de la biographie de 'Brug-pa Kun-legs, Zentral-asiatische Studien, vol. 8 (1974), pp. 129-178.

Stein, Gesar — R.A. Stein, L'Épopée tibétaine de Gesar, Annales du Musée Guimet, vol. 61 (1956), pp. 354-399. Its glossary was not used here, although it should have been.

Stein, Recherches — R.A. Stein, Recherches sur l'épopée et le barde au Tibet, Presses Universitaires de France (Paris 1959).

Stein, Tibetica Antiqua I — R.A. Stein, 'Tibetica Antiqua I: Les deux vocabulaires des traductions indo-tibétaine et sino-tibétaine dans les manuscrits de Touen-houang, Bulletin de l'Ecole Française d'Extrême Orient, vol. 72 (1983), pp. 149-223.

Stein, Trente-trois — R.A. Stein, Trente-trois fiches de divination tibétaines. Harvard Journal of Asian Studies (1939), pp. 318-321.

Stoddard, Early — Heather Stoddard, Early Sino-Tibetan Art, Orchid Press (Bangkok 2008).

Strickmann, CPP — Michel Strickmann Chinese Poetry and Prophecy: The Written Oracle in East Asia, Stanford University Press (Stanford 2005).

Studholme, Origins — Alexander Studholme, The Origins of Oṃ Maṇipadma Hūṃ: A Study of the Kāraṇḍavyūha Sūtra, State University of New York Press (Albany 2002).

Sujata, Dissert. — Victoria Sujata, A Commentary on the Mgur-'bum (Collected Songs of Spiritual Realization) of Skal-ldan-rgya-mtsho, a Seventeenth Century Scholar and Siddha from Amdo, doctoral dissertation, Harvard University (2003).

Sūryacandrāya — P. Harrison & G. Schopen, eds., Sûryacandrāya: Essays in Honour of Akira Yuyama (Swisttal-Odendorf 1998).

T&BS — L. Ligeti, ed., Tibetan and Buddhist Studies Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Alexander Csoma de Koros, Akadémiai Kiadô (Budapest 1984), in 2 vols.

Tan, Theses — Hu Tan, ed., Theses on Tibetology in China, China Tibetology Publishing House (Beijing 1991).

TDD — Dr. Tsering Dorjee Dekhang, A Handbook of Tibetan Medicinal Plants, Men-Tsee-Khang (Dharamsala 2008). This materia medica book includes color photos of each plant.

TEHN — C. Ramble, P. Schwieger, A. Travers, eds., Tibetans who Escaped the Historian's Net: Studies in the Social History of Tibetan Societies, Vajra Books (Kathmandu 2013).

Teiser, RW — Stephen F. Teiser, Reinventing the Wheel: Paintings of Rebirth in Medieval Buddhist Temples, University of Washington Press (Seattle 2006).

Text — This refers to a medical formulary which was translated with T.J. Norbu in the early 1980's. It's by Mkhyen-rab-nor-bu, and contains recipes for compounded drugs used in Tibetan medicine (I believe it was in a Euro-format orange-cover book published in India, probably to be found in Fundamentals, q.v., not at the moment available to me).

TH&L — Ernst Steinkellner, ed., Tibetan History and Language: Studies Dedicated to Uray Géza on His Seventieth Birthday, Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien Universität Wien (Vienna 1991).

Thondup, BM — Tulku Thondup Rinpoche, Buddha Mind: An Anthology of Longchen Rabjam's Writings on Dzogpa Chenpo, Snow Lion (Ithaca 1989).

Thondup, EL — Tulku Thondup, Enlightened Living: Teachings of Tibetan Buddhist Masters, Shambhala (Boston 1990).

Thondup, TTN — Tulku Thondup, The Tantric Tradition of the Nyingmapa, Buddhayana (Marion 1984).

Three Tibetan Medical Texts — Tseten Dorje (Tshe-brtan-rdo-rje), Three Tibetan Medical Texts from the Library of Ri-bo-che Rje-drung Rin-po-che of Padma-bkod (Tezu 1973).

Thuken — Thuken Losang Chökyi Nyima, The Crystal Mirror of Philosophical Systems: A Tibetan Study of Asian Religious Thought, tr. by Geshé Lhundub Sopa, ed. by Roger R. Jackson, Wisdom Publications (Boston 2009).

Thurman — Robert A.F. Thurman, The Speech of Gold: Reason and Enlightenment in the Tibetan Buddhism, Motilal Banarsidass (Delhi 1989). Contains a translation of Tsong-kha-pa's Legs-bshad Snying-po.

Tibet Soc. NewsletterTibet Society Newsletter (Bloomington).

TJTibet Journal (Dharamsala). Issued quarterly.

TKT — Dölpa, Gampopa and Sakya Paṇḍita, Stages of the Buddha's Teachings: Three Key Texts, tr. by Ulrike Roesler, Ken Holmes & David P. Jackson, Library of Tibetan Classics series no. 10, Wisdom (Somerville 2015).

TM-BH — Dr. Yeshe Donden, Tibetan Medicine, a Brief History, tr. by Gyatsho Tshering, Tibet Society Bulletin, vol. 5 (1972), pp. 7-24.

TMCBdud-rtsi Sman-gyi Phan-yon Ngo-mtshar 'Phrul-gyi Me-long (=The Gist Prescriptions of Tibetan Traditional Medicines). Tibetan Medical Centre (Dharamsala 1972).

TMP — Y. Parfionovitch, F. Meyer & Gyurme Dorje, eds. & trs., Tibetan Medical Paintings, Illustrations of the Blue Beryl Treatise of Sangye Gyamtso (1653-1705), Harry N. Abrams (New York 1992), in 2 vols.

TMT — Andrea Loseries-Leick, Tibetan Mahayoga Tantra: An Ethno-Historical Study of Skulls, Bones and Relics, BR Publications (Delhi 2008).

TMXT — Orna Almogi, ed., Tibetan Manuscript and Xylograph Traditions: The Written Word and Its Media within the Tibetan Culture Sphere, Indian and Tibetan Studies series no. 4, Department of Indian and Tibetan Studies (Hamburg 2016).

TNB — Kurtis R. Schaeffer, Tibetan Narratives of the Buddha's Acts at Vajrāsana, Journal of Tibetology [Bod rig pa dus deb], issue one of the year 2011, general series no. 7 (2011), pp. 92-125. PDF.

Togden — Kathog Situ Chökyi Gyatso, Togden Shakya Shri: The Life and Liberation of a Tibetan Yogin, tr. by Elio Guarisco, Shang Shung Publications (Arcidosso 2009).

Toh, Ming — Hoong Teik Toh, Tibetan Buddhism in Ming China, doctoral dissertation, Harvard University (Cambridge, May 2004).

Tóth — Alfréd Tóth, Tibeto-Burman and Hungarian, Central Asiatic Journal, vol. 53, no. 1 (2009), pp. 80-104.

TPS — Giuseppe Tucci, Tibetan Painted Scrolls, Rinsen Book Company (Kyoto 1980), reprint of 1940 edition. A more recent reprint done in Bangkok.

TRTibetan Review (New Delhi). Issued monthly.

Travers, BPPI — Alice Travers, Between Private and Public Initiatives? Private Schools in Pre-1951 Tibet, Himalaya, vol. 35, no. 2 (2016), pp. 118-123.

Travers, Horse-Riding — Alice Travers, The Horse-Riding and Target-Shoting Context for Lay Officials (drung 'khor rtsal rgyugs): Reflections on the Military Identity of the Tibetan Aristocracy at the Beginning of the 20th Century, EMSCAT, vol. 42 (2011), pp. 2-14.

Trungram, Gampopa — Trungram Gyaltrul Rinpoche Sherpa, Gampopa, the Monk and the Yogi: His Life and Teachings, doctoral dissertation, Harvard University (Cambridge 2004), UMI no. 3152205.

TS5Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the 5th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Narita 1989, Naritasan Shinshoji (Narita 1992), in 2 vols.

TS6 — Per Kvaerne, ed., Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the 6th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Fagernes 1992, The Institute for Comparative Research in Human Culture (Oslo 1994), in 2 vols.

TS7 — Helmut Krasser, Michael T. Much, Ernst Steinkellner, Helmut Tauscher, eds., Tibetan Studies I & II: Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Wien 1997), vols. 1 and 2. The other volumes have editors and titles as follows —

vol. 3 — Helmut Eimer, ed., Transmission of the Tibetan Canon: Papers Presented at a Panel of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995 Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Wien 1997).

vol. 4 — Frank J. Korom, ed., Tibetan Culture in the Diaspora: Papers Presented at a Panel of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995 Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Wien 1997).

vol. 5 — Graham E. Clarke, ed., Development, Society, and Environment in Tibet: Papers Presented at a Panel of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995 Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Wien 1997).

vol. 6 — Anne-Marie Blondeau, ed., Tibetan Mountain Deities, Their Cults and Representations: Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995 Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Wien 1998).

vol. 7 — Deborah Klimburg-Salter & Eva Allinger, eds., The Middle Asian International Style, 12th-14th Century: Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995 Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Wien 1998).

TS9 — vol. 1: Henk Blezer, ed., Tibet, Past and Present (Tibetan Studies I), Brill (Leiden 2002).

vol. 2 — Henk Blezer, ed., Religion & Secular Culture in Tibet (Tibetan Studies II), Brill (Leiden 2002).

vol. 3 — John Ardussi & Henk Blezer, eds., Impressions of Bhutan & Tibetan Art (Tibetan Studies III), Brill (Leiden 2002).

vol. 4 — Lawrence Epstein, ed., Khams pa Histories: Visions of People, Place & Authority, Brill (Leiden 2002).

vol. 5 — Toni Huber, ed., Amdo Tibetans in Transition: Society & Culture in the Post-Mao Era, Brill (Leiden 2002).

vol. 6 — Christopher I. Beckwith, ed., Medieval Tibeto-Burman Languages, Brill (Leiden 2002).

vol. 7 — Deborah Klimburg-Salter & Eva Allinger, eds., Buddhist Art & Tibetan Patronage: Ninth to Fourteenth Centuries, Brill (Leiden 2002).

vol. 8 — P. Christiaan Klieger, ed., Tibet, Self, and the Tibetan Diaspora: Voices of Difference, Brill (Leiden 2002).

vol. 9 — Katia Buffetrille & Hildegard Diemberger, eds., Territory & Identity in Tibet and the Himalayas, Brill (Leiden 2002).

vol. 10 — Helmut Eimer & David Germano, eds., The Many Canons of Tibetan Buddhism, Brill (Leiden 2002).

TSBTibet Society Bulletin (periodical, Bloomington).

Tsering Shakya, Dragon — Tsering Shakya, The Dragon in the Land of Snows: A History of Modern Tibet since 1947, Columbia University Press (New York 1999).

Tshad RigBod Rgya Tshad-ma Rig-pa'i Tshig-mdzod, Si-khron Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang (Chengdu 1987). Dictionary of Buddhist logic. This is little more than a set of extracts from Yisun, and so hasn't been of very much use.

Tshe-mchog-gling Yongs-'dzin, Works — Tshe-mchog-gling Ye-shes-rgyal-mtshan (1713-1793), The Collected Works (Gsung-'bum) of Tshe-mchog-gling Yongs-'dzin Ye-shes-rgyal-mtshan, Tibet House (New Delhi 1974+).

TTT — Roberto Vitali, ed., Trails of the Tibetan Tradition: Papers for Elliot Sperling, Amnye Machen Institute (Dharamsala 2014).

Tucci, Lhasa — Giuseppe Tucci, To Lhasa and Beyond, Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato (Rome 1956).

Tucci, Minor Buddhist Texts — Giuseppe Tucci, Minor Buddhist Texts, Parts I & II, Motilal Banarsidass (Delhi 1986). First published in 1956.

Tucci, Religions — Giuseppe Tucci, The Religions of Tibet, tr. by Geoffrey Samuel, Allied Publishers (Bombay 1980).

Tucci, Tibetan Folk Songs — Giuseppe Tucci, Tibetan Folk Songs from Gyantse and Western Tibet (Ascona 1966). Namkhai Norbu is author of the parts mainly used here.

Turner, An Account of an Embassy — Captain Samuel Turner, An Account of an Embassy to the Court of the Teshoo Lama in Tibet, Mañjuśrī Publishing House (N. Delhi 1971), reprint of London edition of 1800.

TVS — Daniel Berounsky, The Tibetan Version of the Scripture on the Ten Kings, and the Quest for Chinese Influence on the Tibetan Perception of the Afterlife, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Triton (Prague 2012).

Uebach, Three — Helga Uebach, Three Unexplained Compounds in the TExt of the Old Tibetan Funeral Ritual PT 1042, Journal Asiatique, vol. 302, no. 1 (2014), pp. 75-96.

Ural-Altaischer JahrbücherUral-Altaischer Jahrbücher (an annual journal).

Uray, Earliest Evidence — Geza Uray, The Earliest Evidence of the Use of the Chinese Sexagenary Cycle in Tibetan. Contained in: T&BS, vol. 2, pp. 341-360.

Uray, Narrative — Geza Uray, The Narrative of Legislation and Organization of the Mkhas-pa'i Dga'-ston: The Origins of the Traditions Concerning Sron-brcan Sgam-po as First Legislator and Organizer of Tibet. AOH, vol. 26 (1972), pp. 11-68.

Utpal — Rdzogs-chen Mkhan-po Thub-bstan-snyan-grags, Bod-kyi Brda'i Bye-brag Gsal-bar Byed-pa'i Bstan-bcos Mkhas-pa'i Ngag-gi Sgron-ma'i 'Grel-pa Utpal Gzhon-nu'i Phreng-ba (a commentary on Dpal-khang Lo-tsā-ba's dictionary of Tibetan, reproduced from a Rdzogs-chen print from the library of Mkhan-po Zla-zer), Bla-ma Zla-ba and Sherab Gyaltsen, Palace Monastery (Gangtok 1983).

Vai.Dkar. — Sde-srid Sangs-rgyas-rgya-mtsho (1653-1705), Bai-dūrya Dkar-po (Phug-lugs Rtsis-kyi Legs-bshad Mkhas-pa'i Mgul-rgyan Bai-dūr Dkar-po'i Do-shal Dpyod-ldan Snying-nor), Sakya Centre (Dehra Dun 1978), in 2 vols.

Vai. Ser. — Sde-srid Sangs-rgyas-rgya-mtsho, Vaidūrya-ser-po, parts 1-2, & Annals of Kokonor by Sum-pa Mkhan-po Ye-shes-dpal-'byor (Śatapiṭaka series no. 12), International Academy of Indian Culture (New Delhi 1960).

Velm — Csoma de Körös Memorial Symposium, Proceedings of the Csoma de Körös Memorial Symposium held at Velm-Vienna, Austria, 13-19 Sept 1981, Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien, Universität Wien (Vienna 1983).

Verhagen, SIBH4 — Peter C. Verhagen, Studies in Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Hermeneutics (4): The Vyākhyāyukti by Vasubandhu, Journal Asiatique, vol. 293, no. 2 (2005), pp. 559-602.

Vitali, Kingdoms — Roberto Vitali, The Kingdoms of Gu-ge Pu-hrang: According to Mnga'-ris Rgyal-rabs by Gu-ge Mkhan-chen Ngag-dbang-grags-pa, Tho-ling Dpal Dpe-med Lhun-gyis Grub-pa'i Gtsug-lag-khang Lo 1000 'Khor-ba'i Rjes-dran Mdzad-sgo'i Go-sgrig Tshogs-chung (Dharamsala 1996).

Vitali, Tho.ling — Roberto Vitali, Records of Tho.ling: A Literary and Visual Reconstruction of the 'Mother' Monastery in, High Asia (McLeod Ganj 1999).

Vostrikov, Critical — Andrei Vostrikov, Some Corrections and Critical Remarks on Dr. Johan van Manen's Contribution to the Bibliography of Tibet, Bulletin of the School of Oriental & African Studies, vol. 8 (1935-7), pp. 51-76.

Waddell, Lhasa — L. Austine Waddell, Lhasa and Its Mysteries, with a Record of the British Tibetan Expedition of 1903-1904, Dover (New York 1988), reprint of 1905 edition.

Waddell, Tibetan Buddhism — L. Austine Waddell, Tibetan Buddhism with Its Mystic Cults, Symbolism and Mythology, Dover Publications (New York 1972), reprint of the 1895 edition entitled The Buddhism of Tibet, or Lamaism.

Walter, B&E — Michael L. Walter, Buddhism and Empire: The Political and Religious Culture of Early Tibet, Brill (Leiden 2009).

Wangchuk, Bioactive — Phurpa Wangchuk (Phur-pa-dbang-phyug), Bioactive Alkaloids from Medicinal Plants of Bhutan, Master of Science thesis, University of Wollongong, Australia (June 2004). PDF downloaded from the internet.

Wangchuk, D&S — Dorji Wangchuk, The Diachronic & Synchronic Relationship between Philosophical Theory & Spiritual Praxis in Buddhism, with Special Reference to the Case of the Four Applications of Mindfulness (smṛtyupasthāna: dran pa nye bar gzhag pa) in Vajrayāna, contained in: K.L. Dhammajoti, ed., Buddhist Meditative Praxis, Centre of Buddhist Studies, The Universy of Hong Kong (Hong Kong 2015), pp. 177-201. PDF.

Wangchuk, RT — Dorji Wangchuk, A Relativity Theory of the Purity and Validity of Perception in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism, contained in: E. Franco & D. Eigner, Yogic Perception, Meditation & Altered States of Consciousness (Vienna 2009), pp. 215-239.

Wayman, BI — Alex Wayman, Buddhist Insight, ed. by George R. Elder, Motilal Banarsidass (Delhi 2002).

Wayman, Buddhist Tantras — Alex Wayman, The Buddhist Tantras: Light on Indo-Tibetan Esotericism, Samuel Weiser (New York 1973).

Wayman, Yoga of Guhyasamāja — Alex Wayman, Yoga of the Guhyasamājatantra: The Arcane Lore of Forty Verses, Motilal Banarsidass (Delhi 1991). Reprint of 1977 edition.

Wedemeyer, AL — Christian K. Wedemeyer, Āryadeva's Lamp that Integrates the Practices, American Institute of Buddhist Studies (New York 2007).

Westerhoff, Twelve — Jan Westerhoff, Twelve Examples of Illusion, Oxford University Press (Oxford 2010).

White, Alchemical Body — David Gordon White, The Alchemical Body: Siddha Traditions in Medieval India, University of Chicago Press (Chicago 1996).

White Crystal — Ngag-dbang-skal-ldan-rgya-mtsho, Shel dkar chos 'byung, History of the 'White Crystal': Religion and Politics of Southern La stod, translation and facsimile edition of the Tibetan text by Pasang Wangdu and Hildegard Diemberger, in cooperation with Guntram Hazod, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, Denkschriften, 252. Band, and Academy of Social Sciences of the Autonomous Region Tibet, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Vienna 1996).

Willis, Diamond — Janice D. Willis, The Diamond Light: An Introduction to Tibetan Buddhist Meditations, Simon & Schuster (NY 1972).

WTS — Helga Uebach, et al., eds., Wörterbuch der tibetische Schriftsprache (Munich 2005-2015). As of now (2016, 30 fascicles have appeared covering ka through sthul.

Wylie — Turrell V. Wylie, The Geography of Tibet according to the 'Dzam-gling Rgyas-bshad, Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente (Rome 1962).

Wylie (1977) — Turrell V. Wylie, The First Mongol Conquest of Tibet Reinterpreted, Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, vol. 37 (1977), pp. 103-133.

WZKMWiener Zeitschrift zur Kunde des Morgenlandes.

Yamaguchi, Methods — Zuiho Yamaguchi, Methods of Chronological Calculation in Tibetan Historical Sources, contained in: Louis Ligeti, ed., Tibetan and Buddhist Studies Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Alexander Csoma de Körös, Akadémia Kiadó (Budapest 1984), pp. 405-424.

Yisun — Zhang Yisun (1893-1983), et al., Bod Rgya Tshig-mdzod Chen-mo, Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang (Beijing 1985). Has been reprinted several times.

Yoeli-Tlalim, TMA — Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim, Tibetan Medical Astrology, contained in: A. Akasoy, C. Burnett & R. Yoeli-Tlalim, eds., Astro-Medicine: Astrology & Medicine, East & West, Sismel, Edizioni del Galluzzo (Florence 2008), pp. 223-236.

Yongdan, TCW — Lobsang Yongdan, Tibet Charts the World: The Btsan-po No-mon-han's Detailed Description of the World, an Early Major Scientific Work in Tibet, contained in: Gray Tuttle, ed., Mapping the Modern in Tibet: PIATS 2006, Königswinter, IITBS International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies (Andiast 2011), pp. 73-134.

YTTMYuthok's Treatise on Tibetan Medicine, ed. Lokesh Chandra (New Delhi 1968). Orthography of this edition is hopelessly corrupt, so all refs. should be used with caution.

Yules-Cordier, Marco PoloThe Travels of Marco Polo: The Complete Yule-Cordier Edition, Dover Publications (New York 1993).

Zangpo, Robes — Ven. Khenpo Lhodo Zangpo (Mkhan-po Blo-gros-bzang-po), Robes and Requisites. The Profound Path of Peace (publication of the International Kagyü Sangha Association), vol. 9 (xxxx), pp. xx-xx; vol. 12 (February 1993), pp. 35-47.

Zangpo, Sacred Ground — Ngawang Zangpo, Sacred Ground: Jamgon Kongtrul on Pilgrimage and Sacred Geography, Snow Lion (Ithaca 2001).

ZASZentralasiatische Studien (Bonn).

Zhi-byed Coll. — Kun-dga', et al., The Tradition of Pha Dampa Sangyas: A Treasured Collection of His Teachings Transmitted by T[h]ug[s]-sras Kun-dga', Kunsang Tobgey (Thimphu, Bhutan), in 5 volumes, with English preface by Barbara N. Aziz.

ZZZhang-zhung Snyan-brgyud. The reference to the actual source used is missing.

ZZFC — John Vincent Bellezza, Zhang zhung: Foundations of Civilization in Tibet, a Historical and Ethnoarchaeological Study of the Monuments, Rock Art, Texts, and Oral Tradition of the Ancient Tibetan Upland, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Vienna 2008).