Laser Applications

Part of My Science

This section is dedicated to the use of lasers for material* processing.

Here I present my synthesis of the scientific knowledge related to laser-matter interaction, and to the effects of laser light on materials in terms of chemical and structural transformations. I propose a new scheme that relies on the new concept of photoionization mode as a basis of a phenomenological model that covers a wide range of laser-matter interaction regimes, and which constitutes a valuable tool for scientists and engineers for designing new applications.

A fundamental requirement for the existence of a tool is the control of all phenomena that govern its functioning. The result of my work is a body of knowledge that enables one to control the spatial distribution of the dose induced by laser pulses within dielectric materials, and the relative yields of primary species, by controlling the properties of the laser beam. The dose distribution in dielectric materials can be conveniently shaped by inducing a superposition of four modes of photoionization, each having specific characteristics:

The mixed ionization modes are: SP-OB, SP-B/OB, and F-OB.

This work opens the possibility for a new kind of high-power sub-ps laser applications in material processing, based on secondary effects induced by photoionization and photodissociation (PATENT). The understanding of these new applications is rooted in radiation science, which provides an understanding of the effects induced on the host material of new highly reactive species generated through photoionization and photodissociation. Most of the discussions assume that the host material is water, and focuses on biological applications.

Please send me your opinions and/or criticism at the address below.

This is based on "Description de la photoionisation de l'eau au moyen d'impulsions laser fs à 790nm dans le régime d'autofocalisation: applications possibles dans le domaine de la radiobiologie" See also paper book, get it on OpenThesis.


* The term material refers to any category: ordered or amorphous, liquid, gas or solid, biological or non-biological. The term processing refers to any transformation induced to the material. A transformation, be it permanent or temporary, ultimately reduces to chemical and structural transformations, or to a modification of the form (shape).

Who is aware of this work?

The great majority of visitors are not counted here. The following is a list of important individuals and organizations that have the potential to take the ideas discussed here to the next level.


  • Daniel Palanker (Stanford University)

  • Alfred Vogel (University of Lübeck)

  • Zahary Peshev (Laser Radars Lab, Institute of Electronics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)

  • Daniel Houde (Sherbrooke University)

  • Mehmetcan Akbulut (University of Central Florida)

  • and others

Companies (important ones)

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