Linha de Pesquisa: Caracterização de materiais e desenvolvimento de métodos de Ressonância Magnética:

               i) Teor de Óleo Dendê, Link do Projeto desenvolvido com Embrapa Instrumentação & Empresa FIT

 ii) Teor de Óleo Macaúba, para bioquerosene de aviação: Link do Projeto Formação de Recursos Humanos PRH1.1 ANP/FINEP;

 iii) Determinação rápida do poder germinativo de sementes (Amendoim, Soja, Milho): Link do Projeto;

iv) Técnicas de Pós-Colheita e Alimentos: Link Curso Embrapa. (Escrevemos e gravamos o Módulo 5 - Análise não destrutiva da qualidade de frutas e hortaliças;)

Técnicas RM em Biomateriais:
[1] Facchinatto, W.M., et al.; Clotrimazole-loaded N-(2-hydroxy)-propyl-3-trimethylammonium, O-palmitoyl chitosan nanoparticles for topical treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis, Acta Biomaterialia, 125, 312-321, 2021. 

[2] Facchinatto, W.M., et al.; Insight into morphological, physicochemical and spectroscopic properties of β-chitin nanocrystalline structures, Carbohydrate Polymers,  v. 273, 118563, 2021.

[3] Filgueira, J.G., et al.; Dipolar Based NMR Methods for Probing Intermediate Regime Motions in Polymers, NMR Methods for Characterization of Synthetic and Natural Polymers, 271-298, 2019.  

[4] Perez, M.G.; et al.; 1H Time Domain NMR to probe microstructural and mobility changes in Polyamide 11 exposed to H2S scavengers. What type of information can be assessed?Polymer Degradation and Stability, v. 202, p. 110001, 2022.


[1] BERMAN, P.; MEIRI, N.; COLNAGO, L.A.; MORAES, T.B.; LINDER, C.; LEVI, O.; PARMET, Y.; SAUNDERS, M.; WIESMAN, Z.; Study of liquid-phase molecular packing interactions and morphology of fatty acid methyl esters (biodiesel), Biotechnology for Biofuels, v. 8, p. 12, 2015. 

[2] MEIRI, N.; BERMAN, P.; COLNAGO, L.A.; MORAES, T.B.; LINDER, C.; WIESMAN, Z.; Liquid-phase characterization of molecular interactions in polyunsaturated and n-fatty acid methyl esters by 1H low-field nuclear magnetic resonance. Biotechnology for Biofuels, v. 8, p. 96, 2015. 

[3] Rocha, G., et al.; Determination of Biodiesel Content in Diesel Fuel by Time-Domain Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (TD-NMR) Spectroscopy, ENERGY & FUELS, v. 31, p. 5120-5125, 2017.

Estudo stress-hídrico em sementes de soja:
[1] Coutinho, I., et al.; Integrating High-Resolution and Solid-State Magic Angle Spinning NMR Spectroscopy and a Transcriptomic Analysis of Soybean Tissues in Response to Water Deficiency, Phytochemical Analysis, 28, 529-540, 2017. 

[2] Carosio, M.G.A.; BERNARDES, D.F.; ANDRADE, F.D.; MORAES, T.B.; TOSIN, G.; COLNAGO, L.A.; Measuring thermal properties of oilseeds using time domain nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Journal of Food Engineering, v. 173, p. 143-149, 2015.

Materiais Gerais: aplicações em baterias, célula solar, sensores:

[1] Siqueira, G.O.; et al.; Solid state NMR characterization of NaNbO3 and LiNbO3 nanoparticles obtained by microwave-assisted combustion, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Open, v. 14–15, 100088, 2023. 

Eletrônica: Micro-Coil Nuclear Magnetic Resonance for Environmental Research
Lysak, D.H., et al.; Exploring the Potential of Broadband Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor Micro-Coil Nuclear Magnetic Resonance for Environmental Research, Molecules, 28(13), 5080, 2023.

"Caracterização de materiais e desenvolvimento de métodos de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear em Estado Sólido de alta e baixa resolução"