February 2019

TexasHoldemRadio.com Leaderboards

All leaderboards are usually updated the following day. Allow time for sheets to load, it may take a few moments. Please report errors to THR Mods in chat or PM.

Weekend Bounty Series

=== Experimental ===

February 2019

Weekend #4

SteelCrafter took the win in the Saturday Nightcap for $8.80. Combined with his 7th place finish in the Saturday Bounty earlier in the day, he maintained his edge and takes home the Points Title. Steel's points haul for the weekend came to 1925 points. Very nice games Steel and Congrats!!

The_Artist3 made two more top six appearances which brought his total to 8, the high for this month. He grabbed a total of 1925 points as well, and remained in the number 2 slot.

And BenjiSnoopy racks up a boatload of points over the weekend. She took down 2nd in the Saturday Bounty for $3.56 and 4th in the Saturday Knockout for $5.70. Combined with her other finishes, she had a total of 2550 points added to her score. She is our Queen Bee Supreme and finished in the number 3 slot on the board.

VegasBound10 took down the Saturday Knockout for $19.05. That win brings his winnings to $55.92 and takes home the Winnings Title for the month.

JCuervo took down the Sunday Knockout for $26.62

Jubsnut made his first showing for the weekend and takes down the win in the Sunday Bounty for $8.30!

Paco777 took down the win in the Sunday Nightcap for $10.00.

Cruisinman took down the win in the Saturday Bounty for $9.67.

Weekend #3

Suicidal took down the Win in the Saturday Knockout for $19.50. Her finish moves her up the board to the number 11 slot.

SloPowers2 took down the Win in the Sunday Knockout for $19.00.

Grampa420, AliQOD, Hmmm.... & DominateUNC all took down Wins in the other bounty games. Hmmm, what kind of name is Hmmm anyway?

NLTonyD's performance on Sunday night was most excellent. He took down two 2nd place finishes in the Knockout & Nightcap for a combined 1600 points and $19.10. I do believe in all the games that he streamed that day, he had made 6 or 7 FTs. Good solid play Tony. Well done!!

SteelCrafter picked up another 1140 points over the weekend to tack onto his number 1 position. But he has company!

The_Artist3 played in 4 games this weekend and made FT appearances in all of them. He likes the Knockout/Nightcap combo for combined totals of $10.00 and 1930 points. He is in the number 2 slot behind SteelCrafter and takes over the number 1 slot for Winnings with $42.05 for the month. He also has a high of 6 for Top 6 appearances out of his 12 games.

BenjiSnoopy picked up an additional 910 points this weekend. She is still firmly positioned in the number 3 slot on the board.

GPeppin amassed 1655 points in 5 outings and is currently in the number 4 slot on the board.

Weekend #2

This weekend was the start of the new time slots for the THR Knockout & Nightcap Bounty games. The time change showed an improvement in attendance for our Sunday games and in some cases, they out paced their Saturday counterparts.

VegasBound took down the Sunday Night Knockout for $23.40 and moves into the 4th slot on the leaderboard. That win also moves him into the winnings lead so far with $36.62 over the last two weeks.

RobJCar took down the Saturday Night Knockout for $18.60. The win moves him up the board to the #7 slot.

SteelCrafter hit 4 out of 6 final tables this weekend and strong arms his way to the number one slot on the board.

The_Artist3 took the Win in the Saturday Nightcap for $11.10. He is currently resting comfortably in the the number 2 slot on the board now. He also is running 2nd in Winnings with $32.05.

Weekend #1

For the second Sunday, the Knockout and Nightcap games were streamed on Twitch by NLTonyD!! And bounties? Oh yeah! There were bounties in both Chat and Tony's room. Heck, Tony had one in each. I really can't remember who slapped that extra one on him.

Our Sunday night lineup is probably the only known instance of two separate chat rooms intermingling and just getting to know their neighbors. Came to find out we pretty much knew each other anyway, just hung out in different circles. But, for a few hours that night we were all back together.

Here's to family! And look what some of them did!!

SteelCrafter hits 50/50 on FTs with 3 total and virtually shares the lead with BenjiSnoopy.

BenjiSnoopy was hot Saturday. She nailed a Win in the Saturday Night Knockout for $22.25. Biggest prize this weekend. Nice! Benji also made three FT appearances and right on Steel's shoes. Practically in his shoes, she is so close.

Kevan M is one of our newer THR members and hung out with us in Chat during the weekend. He took down a 2nd in the Sunday Knockout & an Early Bounty 3rd place finish for a total of $17.73. Welcome to THR and nice entrance!

Gravedigger99 did a snatch and grab and took down the Sunday Knockout for $22.60. One game, one win & one loss. One loss? yep, he missed the bounty on NLTonyD for $2.00.

Wrenchturn is the man that KOed Tony in the Sunday Nightcap. He claimed in THR, but had technical difficulties getting into Twitch before it expired. He has no problems now & will be out booty hunting next Sunday.


=== 9-game Shootout ===

February 2019

Results are Final for February.

THR $25 GTD Freebuy

=== POINTS LB ===

February 2019

Final Wrapup

Fupaysic - Points & Winnings Titles

Fupaysick (sickpuppy) came into the night trailing Steve22055 for the points lead. This final game determined their fates.

Steve fell early when his AJ flopped top two pair. RealMrPlow was holding AQ opposite and called Steve down to the river, and it was a Q. Pinche rio! All Puppy needed now was a decent enough finish to overtake him, and he finished well.

Puppy made his 6th final table finish and took down 5th place. That was enough to send him over the top and capture the Points Title. He picked up an additional $1.59 for that finish and along with it the Winnings Title as well.

Just have to say this was a pretty sick run by Puppy. In the last 6 games he hit 4 FTs including two consecutive wins for a total of 3235 points & $13.56!!

Dunner - Man Who Would Be King Award

If we had a "Man Who Would Be King" award that is! This is Steve's second time in the number two slot, but he does it while coordinating bounties, ensuring our little clubhouse is free of riff-raff and serving up a dish of classic rock on Tuesdays! One classy dude big bro!! Very nice run this month.

DamnThtSweet - Top Gal Award

Last but not least, DamnThtsSweet! Her final table finish last night took down "Top Gal" award for the Freebuy this month! She narrowly beat out SingMeATune by 120 points.

This was a tough battle for the ladies this month. Sweet, SingMe & Runabout played a game of seesaw right up to the end. Winnings-wise, all three were pennies apart, but we know it isn't about the money. Just have to say a job well done this month gals! Along with MissPaco and TalkPkr, all of you finished in the top 8% of your fellow freebuy family. Take a bow!!

Congrats to our other leaders too! VGGs all!, it was another fun month!

Week #4


Fupaysick (aka Sickpuppy) took down the Freebuy for the 2nd night in a row adding another $5.59 to his bankroll and pushing him near the top of the leaderboard in points and takes over the 1st slot for Winnings.

2nd place went to Singmeatune after she came out swinging in the head to head match. She fell short but managed to pocket $3.36 for a very well played game! Sing moves ahead on the board and is our leading lady at the moment.

3rd place goes to Lexyyxel who cashed in for $2.56 on the night.

While Paco777 may have finished in 4th, she brought out a wheelbarrow to help haul her winnings to the bank! She captured both $3.00 bounties on SeanieNoFish and marySoprano for a grand total of $7.94. Nice job Miss Paco!

Steve22055 (aka Dunner) kept his points lead alive when he bubbled his third final table this month. Echomsp and Fupaysick are in hot in pursuit though. With three games left on the schedule, it could come down to a horse race to the finish line.


Donkin Dave took down the win Tuesday night and took home $5.59!

Raddeckel grabbed the number two spot for $3.36.

Dpolerio took down 3rd for $2.56.


AntonisPap32 (Papadopoulis) takes the top spot after a long heads up battle for a $5.59 win.

SplitGreens (wellfokyernh99) finishes the night in 2nd place and a $3.36 payday.

BurgerKing22 (bk6070) was our 3rd place finisher and a $2.56 payday.

DamnThtSweet (yeahbaby) pulls ahead in the race for Top Gal. Sweet made her 3rd FT appearance with a 9th place finish. She is sitting in the number 8 slot.

All three $3.00 mystery bounties went unclaimed.


ElKapitan took down the Win Thursday night and walked home with $5.98!

InvertVash picked up $3.59 for 2nd place.

EverLast11 finishes in 3rd for $2.73.

We had four $3.00 bounties for the night and all were claimed! Congrats to MarineCJ (SteelCrafter), RealMrPlow(Bricxjo & Steve22055) and DamnThtSweet (Echomsp).

Fupaysick (sickpuppy) came into the night trailing Steve22055 for the points lead. This final game determined their fates. Steve fell early when his AQ was beat by an AJ, pinche rio! All Puppy needed was a decent enough finish to overtake him, and he finished well.

Puppy made his 6th final table finish and took down 5th place. That was enough to send him over the top and capture the Points Title. He picked up an additional $1.59 for that finish and along with it the Winnings Title as well.

Meanwhile, after DamnThtsSweet's final table finish last night, she goes on to be our Top Gal for the Freebuy this month! She narrowly beat out SingMeATune by 120 points.

This was a tough battle for the ladies this month. Sweet, SingMe & Runabout played a game of seesaw right up to the end. Winnings-wise, all three were pretty close and the edge went to Runabout with 8 cents more than Sweet, but we know it isn't about the money. Just have to say a job well done this month gals!

Congrats to our winners this month! VGGs all!!

Week #4


Our big winner of the night was Odog36 (aka DoubleEE) who left the table with $5.59 in winnings and a smile on his face!

2nd place went to Nots (aka notsknab) after a hard fought heads up and pockets $3.36 for his efforts!

3rd place was snapped up by Sleeponme and adds $2.56 to their bankroll for the night!

All three bounties on the night were claimed! Tadpole70 KOed mystery bounty MerlinCN. Whitewuff12 took out Echomsp and Shibam KOed Steve22055.


1st place victory tonight goes to Vinnard in a well fought battle for $5.67 in winnings.

2nd place goes to MerlinCN who takes home a prize of $3.49 to share with runabout.

3rd place was DanielEn18 and he walks away from the table with $2.50 for the night.

The $3.00 bounties were claimed by JBorg (ko’ed RadioWade) and JuicyJoeS (ko’ed Wrenchturn). Congrats guys!


1st place tonight is Go Getta 7 who finally closes out this long well played heads up match and carries $5.84 to the bank for his efforts!

2nd place Reignoffire fought hard but finally busted out and adds $3.60 to his bankroll.

3rd place was MrCash3 who claims a $2.58 prize on the night!

Two $4.00 mystery bounties on this night and one was claimed by JoebooAA for ko’ing the birthday boy Steve22055. The other bounty on Reinhardt went unclaimed by ImDaBest101.


Dakota2472 took down the Win Thursday night for $5.59.

BrianR82 placed 2nd for $3.36.

Sickhand2 grabbed 3rd for $2.56.

Runabout makes her 2nd FT appearance with a 7th place finish. She bubble an FT on Monday night, but this finish moves her up the ladder and less than 200 points behind DamnThtSweet (aka Yeahbaby).

BurgerKing22 picked up the $4.00 bounty on Shady Slim when he called Shady's QQ with an 83-offsuit. BK pulled Quad 8's out of his butt.

There was another $4.00 bounty on our radio host Gmbler0323 which went unclaimed.


Fupaysick (aka Sick Puppy) took down the Win Friday night for $5.36. This is his second consecutive FT appearance out of 3 for this week. He finished in 8th Thursday night. Puppy also picked up another $3.00 with a bounty on MeanMike. Sick is now in the third slot on the board. Nice games Puppy, keep that momentum going.

Sadoma placed 2nd for $3.31.

Paco777 grabbed 3rd for $2.35.

WoohooSueDoyles snagged a $3.00 bounty for MrLaufer, while a $3.00 bounty for GPeppin went unclaimed.

Echomsp made his 5th FT appearance with a 9th place finish. But Steve22055 has his 2nd consecutive FT appearance and finished in 4th for $1.81. Steve retakes the lead and it will be game on next week.

Week #3


KKennyBZ takes down the top spot in his 3rd game of the month for a take home pay of $5.59

Seaeyes getting her legs back under her after rocking the boat and finishes in 2nd place with $3.36 being added to her bankroll.

Our own Shady Slim slices off a piece of the pie taking 3rd and $2.56 on the night!

23Cando took down 4th place and captured two $3.00 bounties on MerlinCN and Echomsp walking out the door with $7.94 in winnings. This finish propels him into the number 2 slot on the leaderboard. Congrats 23, VGG!

Two other $3.00 bounties were claimed by CircleNumberNine (ko’ed Steve22055) and SeanieNoFish (ko’ed JuicyJoeS). WTG fellas!


Sir Raddeckel of THR posted a nice win after coming from behind for a $5.36 payday and rocketing him up the leaderboards. He also captured the $3.00 bounty on Seaeyes but rolled the prize over to another day’s bounty!

Mr. Moneyapolis612 playing heads up against a tough opponent captures 2nd place for a $3.31 take home.

ShawnKristiHannah picks up a well played 3rd place going home with $2.35

23Cando picked up an 11th place finish to sneak past Steve22055 for a narrow lead for the top spot.

GPeppin makes his 3rd final table appearance with his 7th place finish. He moves into the top ten on the leaderboard.

The other $3.00 bounty was on JonLock who got out-straighted by BoinkyB early in the match but went unclaimed.


The Win went to MurfyDurfy Wednesday night. Murfy, who is one of our newer members, slammed the door on the Freebuy and added $6.36 to his bankroll! WTG Murfy!

TheWayItIs89 takes 2nd place with a hard fought heads up match and walks away with $3.92 and a $4.00 mystery bounty on DamnThtSweet for a $7.92 payday. Not bad for a Freeroll!

DamnThtSweet (aka YeahBaby) spoke softly but carried a big stick as a mystery bounty all the way to 3rd place and her 2nd consecutive final table. She took home $2.81 this night and moves into the 3rd slot on the leaderboard!!

Steve22055 bubbled the final table but garners another 350 points to retake the lead spot atop the board!

Jacob 7 captured and claimed two bounties on MerlinCN for $4.00 and Wrenchturn for $3.00. Ivie100 collected a $3.00 bounty on TryMeBish and our other bounty on WoohooSuedoyles $3.00 remained unclaimed by NoodleDo. Congrats to all!


I think we can safely call this night the St. Valentines Day massacre! Echomsp showed some Valentine’s love for the Mods and placed a bounty on every player in the Freebuy for us to KO at $1.00 each before the Add-on break and $2.00 for each one after. SteelCrafter and WoohooSue left a pile of bodies in their wakes and walked away with $17.00 each for the night. Steve22055 (aka Dunner) and Shady Slim evidently had smaller weapons but still left the war room with $7.00 each.

The Mods had a combined total of 40 KOs worth $48.00!! This was roughly 16% of the players in the field. Some players would not rollover that easily and our prize pool hit $30.60 on this bloody night.

Thanks to Echo for giving us a chance to let it all hang out for one night. It was really appreciated!

OMGPat was our Freebuy winner this bloody night and collected a nice $6.88 for the effort! This is Pat's first FT of the month and it was a biggy!

BDanielle survived the onslaught and captured 2nd place for $4.13 in winnings!

FuzzyCritter went out in 3rd place and took home $3.15

ElKapitan KOed and claimed a $3.00 bounty on Cereminias for $3.00. The $3.00 bounty on Raddeckel went unclaimed.


Prize Pool hit $32.20 on this special radio night with the premiere of The Texas Holdem Radio Show. The one-hour show is syndicated through Renegade Talk Radio. Join Wade & Hal plus some guests from around the globe at 9pm ET every Friday night. Stay tuned afterward for Friday Night Live while Wade plays some tunes and get some lowdown from Hal, our roving man in the field .

Superthom001 makes his way through the field of 246 for a very nice win and a $7.24 payday!

Suicidal (aka BadRobot) carried a big lead to the heads up match but ultimately succumbed to the winner and took home $4.34 for the effort!

Runabout40 finally hit the FT and was a force to be reckoned with but fell a bit short on her final hand and captured 3rd place and a $3.31 cash out on the night!

Echomsp made his 3rd FT appearance with a 7th place finish. Steve22055 bubbled the FT and the two are now in a virtual tie for the lead. 60 points separate them.

RobbieC33 made his 3rd FT appearance as well. He finished in 8th place and is currently in the number 5 Slot on the board.

GPeppin scoochies past 23Cando for the number 3 Slot. GP has had 3 FT appearances this month so far and itchin' to take one of these puppies down.

There were two $4.00 bounties tonight on Tunes247 (went unclaimed by playerfcb) and Bricxjo (claimed by DarnedCat). Congrats girl!

Week #2


StonDimaQL8 took down the Win on Monday night for $6.30. Ston is one of our newer members at THR. Welcome and VGG!!

Ermilb took down 2nd place for $3.78.

xREAPERx took down 3rd for $2.88.


Babiy3 took down the Win for $6.07!! Babiy has been a THR member for a little over 2 years and he finally makes it to the big time!! VGG!!

IrishuLuckMarty took down 2nd for $3.64.

Trymebish (aka 17outs ) took down 3rd for $2.78.

And Steve22055 (aka Dunner) makes his 2nd FT appearance with a 4th place finish for $2.09!! He pads his lead after taking down the win last Friday. VGG bro!!


23Cando took down the Win Wednesday night for $5.36!!

No Greed took down 2nd for $3.31.

Heathencore took down 3rd for $2.35

And what's up Toc? TalkPkr2Me bubbled the final table Wednesday. She has come close to that FT a few times and puts her in a virtual tie for 2nd place atop the board. Nice solid play girl!! Only a matter of time.


Lots of cash on the tables this Thursday night! Our prize pool hit $30.00 and there was another $15.00 in bounties floating around for THR members to pad their bankrolls with.

Dodgers2 (aka Raiders) took down the Win Thursday night for a sweet $6.45 payday!

MKaiZeR07 took down 2nd place for $3.97.

Splitgreens (aka wellfokyernh99) took down 3rd place for $2.85. He also claimed the $5.00 bounty on Bricxjo at the final table for a total take home of $7.85 for the night!! Nice job!!

Robbiec33 gets an honorable mention in 4th place with a $5.00 bounty on the elusive Echomsp for a total take home pay of $7.17 Well done!

The other $5 bounty on Tunes247 went unclaimed by Gevixfcb.


Another prize pool busting night with $32.00!! Add in $10.00 worth of bounties and we had a great night for making cash at the tables!!

Spr0ck3t takes down the win and a $5.00 bounty on Shady Slim for a whopping $11.88 on the night! He moves into the 4th slot on the leaderboard.

Robbiec33 makes her second consecutive FT with a 2nd place finish for $4.24 on the night. Robbi went inactive during the heads-up with Sprocket, but this finish landed her in the 2nd slot with Splitgreens on the leaderboard.

Splitgreens (aka wellfokyernh99) also made his second consecutive FT with another 3rd place finish and cashes out with $3.04 on the night. As mentioned above, Splits is tied with Robbie in the 2nd slot.

Shaazy712 captured the SteelCrafter bounty to add $5.00 to his bankroll. Sweet!!

At the end of Week #2, Steve22055 (aka Dunner) still remains in the top spot on the leaderboard with a 535 point lead over his nearest rivals.

Week #1


Steve22055 (our man Dunner) kicked off the month with a Win Friday night. He took home $5.59!!

Trueyang89 took down 2nd place for $3.36.

Phoenix29 took down 3rd place for $2.56

THR Bounty Bonanza

=== POINTS LB ===

January 2019

Week #5


POKERBRIAN1 took down an 8 KO Win for $7.88 Monday night. $5.88

P0wder took down a 2 KO 2nd place finish for $4.28.

Fishmasterbaiter took down a 3 KO 3rd place finish fo $3.27.

DGFOUR was our sharpshooter for the evening with a 10 KO 4th place finish for $4.18.

DamnThtSweet (aka YeahBaby) took down a 3 KO 9th place finish. One of the KOs was a $2.00 bounty on SeanieNoFish. Total take home for the night was $2.75. She gains on the top ten leaders as well and moves into the number 7 slot.

There was also a $2.00 bounty on BenjiSnoopy, but went unclaimed by Charyb47.

MarySoprano did not get a single KO, but took home the Last Bandita prize. She finished ITM and took home a total of $2.75 for the night.

Wrenchturn bubbled the money spot and with his 4 KO 8th place finish, his total for the night was $3.00.

GPeppin takes over the number 3 slot on the board with his 5th place finish. This is a big gain, for Dpolerio and VegasBound remained stagnant in their positions.


Thamagiciann grabbed a 4 KO Win for $7.61.

Ineedfreedom took down a 7 KO 2nd place finish for $6.00.

AliQOD took down a 2 KO 3rd place finish for $3.33.

BlueJeanie dropped by this night. She took down a 7 KO 5th place finish for $3.16! Welcome back Jeanie!


Seanienofish took down a 7 KO win for $7.63.

Mrlaufer took down a 4 KO 2nd place finish for $4.97.

Dogguie took down a huge 13 KO 3rd place finish for $5.63. Two of those KOs were unclaimed $2.00 bounties for Singmeatune and Shady Slim.

And drum roll!! BenjiSnoopy captures the top spot on the leaderboard. Her two consecutive final table appearances racked up 875 points, which is just enough to edge past Dpolerio & Vegasbound up top. WTG Snoop!

SteelCrafter ekes past VegasBound and into the number 3 slot after his 2-day run for 725 points.

Thursday - Ladies Night at the Bonanza

We had two $3.00 bounties for the evening courtesy of Merlin. MrLaufer and Raddeckel walked the plank for us and both went unclaimed by Tgeezee (another one) and S_dwalker. Roll it forward!

The main story of the night was -- females. Oooh la la.

SexyRae92 took down the final Bonanza game of the month with 8 KOs for $8.09 in total.

Gratedcheese, only 2 KOs and a 2nd place finish for $4.41.

2233alex had 2 KOs as well and finished in 3rd for $3.11.

Damnthtsweet turned in a sweet 6 KO 4th for $3.24! She finishes the month in slot number 6.

And more ladies! Cariesky (4 KO 6th), WoohooSue (7th), CrazySteph(2 KO 8th) and forerunner BenjiSnoopy (1 KO 9th).

Have you all been counting? I do believe there were 7 ladies at the Final Table. 6 for sure, and all in Chat. How about that? Nice rep for THR ladies!

Freebuy Feb2019 Final Wrapup

BenjiSnoopy - Points Title & Queen of the Bonanza

BenjiSnoopy came on like a storm trooper in her final six games. She hit 4 final tables for 1855 points and took down the Points Title.

She is our Queen of the Freebuy as well. Her goal was simple this month, place high. And if she couldn't do that, place higher! She made THR high 6 final tables & bubbled twice with an average position of 16. Consistent play all month earned her this title.

Congrats, very nice job this month Benji!!

VegasBound - Winnings & KO Titles

Vegas was a total destroyer in the 14 games that he played this month. The Winnings Title was never in doubt as his ROI per game was almost 300%. Not known for large KO games, he did always come away with a few here and there, 35 in total.

He also had a THR high 6 FT appearances that included two 8 KO Wins. Those wins accounted for about half of his totals -- and the rest was fluff!

Congrats Vegas!! Very nice month.

Week #4


Pok333rbrat made his first final table and took down an 8 KO Win for $7.88. One of Brat's KOs was a $2.00 bounty for Shady Slim. Total take home on the night was $9.88!! Very nice game Brat!

Dpolerio grabs a 5 KO 2nd place finish for $5.22. This is D's third final table for the month and he garners enough points to jump into that 2nd slot on the board.

Paco777 makes it to the final table for a third time and took down an 8 KO 3rd place finish for $4.38. MsPaco also claimed a $2.00 bounty for MrLaufer and walked home with $6.38 for the night.


Itsmee finds her way to a second final table for the month and took down a 4 KO Win for $7.63. Congrats!!

Poker1992 (aka Amuna) took down a 9 KO 2nd place finish for $6.53. He was our sharpshooter for the night.

Singmeatune took down a 1 KO 3rd place finish for $3.31 in her first final table appearance for the month.

ActionDan took down 5th place, but also picked up 7 KOs for the night and walked away with $3.28. One of those KOs was for a 3-cent bounty on RadioWade. That bounty was actually a joke, but he wanted it and he got it.

NLTonyD only had 1 KO for the night on the night, but it was for a $2.00 bounty on DamnThtSweet. With his 6th place finish, he took home $3.37 for the night.

RadioWade (aka 3-cent Wade) made an appearance this evening. He picked up a 5 KO 7th place finish for $2.16. Welcome to the Bonanza buddy!!

Toddneverbluffs might never bluff, but he left an unclaimed $2.00 bounty for BenjiSnoopy on the table.


We had 5 lucky folks win an entry into Wednesday night's Bonanza. The lucky winners were Allinfun, WoohooSueDoyles, Gimmedat1, 23Cando & Wanturcash. Thank you MeanMike for providing them with an opportunity in tonight's game.

Wednesday night was well attended and we hit 60 unique players with 24 re-entries. Total prize, KO, and added awards came to $53.20.

Lovido000 took down a massive 14 KO Win for $10.43. Goes without saying, he was our sharpshooter for the night. Very nice game Lovido!!

Gimmedat1 took down a 7 KO 2nd place finish for $6.41. This is Gimmedat's very first Bonanza. He was one of the lucky entry winners from earlier and turned that into a big gain. VNG!!

Tadpole70 took down a 2 KO 3rd place finish for $4.02. One of his KOs was for a $3.00 mystery bounty on MerlinCN which brought his winnings to $7.02. Not shabby at all!!

Cariesky (aka Doll) took down 5 KO 7th place finish. One of the KOs was $2.00 bounty on Dpolerio. She took home $4.32 for the night.

PSNyteowl left an unclaimed $2.00 bounty for Poker1992 (aka Amuna) on the table.


RJS1275 took down a 5 KO Win for $7.02 Thursday night. One of the KOs was for a $2.00 bounty on Steve22055 and a total of $9.02 for the night. This was his first Bonanza game for the month and it was goodun! Very nice game and welcome to the Bonanza!!

Damnthtsweet (aka YeahBaby) took a 1 KO 2nd place finish for $3.96

Tcice2k took down a 3rd place finish for $4.72.

This was an impressive night for our ladies. Besides Sweet making the final table, she was joined by marySoprano (4 KO 4th place) and BenjiSnoopy (3 KO 8th place). Benji's finish solidifies her 3rd slot on the board and is still poised to take home the Points Title.

Steve22055 (aka Dunner) snagged the $2.00 mystery bounty on SteelCrafter and elected to roll it over for another day. Ty bro!!


WoohooSueDoyles doled out a heap of punishment Friday night with her 11 KO Win. One of the KOs was a $2.00 mystery bounty on Echomsp. Her total take home for the night was $11.05!! She was our sharpshooter for the night and basically rolled over everyone that got in her way. Very nice game Sue!

Turnkey513 turned in a 6 KO 2nd place finish for $5.55. He has 17 KOs on the month.

Itsmee was another one of our ladies who hit the final table this night. She took down a 2 KO 3rd place finish for $3.20. Nice game Mee.

VegasBound makes his 6th FT appearance with a 3 KO 8th place finish. One of the KOs was a $2.00 mystery bounty on Wrenchturn. That finish pads his lead by a couple hundred over Dpolerio in the number 2 slot.

BenjiSnoopy remains our leading lady going into the final week of the schedule. She is still poised in the number 3 slot with a shot at the top spot. But, we have a 3-way log jamb with WoohooSue, ItsMee & DamnThtSweet down in the 9th slot and are only 800 points away. This could get very interesting next week. Good luck ladies!

SteelCrafter remains in the number 4 slot. And Shady would like to personally thank him for not rolling all over us this month. Then again, the month ain't over yet.

GPeppin climbs the top ten ranks a little further with his 7th place finish. He is in a virtual tie with ReignOfFire in the number 5 slot.

Shady Slim finally hits a final table this month with a 3 KO 4th place finish for $2.55. He moves into the top ten and is in a virtual tie for the number 7 slot with JuicyJoe.

Week #3


KillaCam850 took down an 8 KO Win Monday night with a payout of $7.88. Killa was our knockout artist for the night with the 8 KOs. Nice shootin'!!

Steveo2003ac took down a 4 KO 2nd place finish for $4.78.

Shoezilla took down a 6 KO 3rd place finish for $4.02. One of the KOs was an unclaimed $2.00 bounty on Wrenchturn.

AshPokerGod was staked by JuicyJoeS this night and he went on to a 5 KO 4th place finish. One of the KOs was a $2.00 bounty on Shady Slim too. Total take home was $4.93, just a tad more than Steveo's 2nd place prize earnings. Nice game Ash!!

Biggest gainer was VegasBound's 6 KO 8th place finish for $1.50. That finish whips him into the number one slot on the board. Vegas holds the reigns for points, winnings & KOs now and is running hot!!


ABQ Slim (aka NMCOWBOY) took down a 6 KO Win Tuesday night for $7.90 take home.

Raddeckel took down a 4 KO 2nd place finish for $5.11. This finish moves Radd into the top ten on the board into the 6th slot.

ReignOfFire (aka FireRain) took down a 3 KO 3rd place finish for $3.49. Fire also moves into the top ten and is currently in the 8th slot.

Boyd94 (aka TimberWolf) was our KO artist of the night with 9 KOs, one of which was the $2.00 bounty on Shady Slim. His 6th place finish plus bounty loot gave him a nice $5.25 pay day!! Nice shootin' Wolf!!

VegasBound makes his 4th final table appearance with a 3 KO 8th place finish. He pads his lead positions in all categories atop the boards.

The other two bounties for the night were claimed as well. BoinkyB picked up $1.00 for JuicyJoeS and AKJordan16 (aka Jordan) snatched the $2.00 bounty on BenjiSnoopy.


Vegasbound hits his 5th final table for the month and took down an 8 KO Win for $8.76. This was his 3rd consecutive FT and he is pulling away from the pack atop the leaderboards. VGG Vegas!!

SteelCrafter was the KO artist of the night with an impressive 14 KO 2nd place finish. He took home a whopping $8.05 for the night. One of the KOs was a $2.00 bounty on GPeppin, which he rolled over for the next game. That finish moves him into the number 2 slot on the board across all categories. Nice shootin' pardner!

Must be Mod night in Old Bonanza Town. Steve22055 (aka Dunner) took down an 1 KO third place finish for $3.69. That single KO was a $2.00 bounty on Kevan M, which gave him a total take home of $5.69. The finish from this red shirt moves him up into the top ten on the board into the 8th slot. VGG bro!!


In Dpolerio's 2nd FT appearance of the month, he takes down a 4 KO Win Thursday night for a total haul of $6.32. That finish allows him to squeak into the the number 3 Slot on the board.

RealMrPlow took home $4.10 with a 2 KO 2nd place finish.

MeanMike is our sharp shooter of the night with a 9 KO 3rd place finish AND the $2.00 bounty on Tunes247 for $6.41!! Nice shootin' tonite Mike!

Leading lady BenjiSnoopy bubbled the money, but her 3 KO 7th place finish keeps her in the running in the number 5 Slot.

Tunes247 (aka Tommy2Tunes now) was both a bounty and a hunter after KOing JuicyJoeS for $2.00. Tunes also made his 3rd FT appearance for the month with a 2 KO 9th place finish.


MahaloAll was our ace sharpshooter for the night when he took down a 7 KO Win for $8.57.

Vinney138 took down a 4 KO 2nd place for $5.41.

Paco777 picked up a couple of KOs and a 3rd place finish for $3.65.

BenjiSnoopy bubbled the FT, but garnered some serious points to move her up a couple of slots into the 3rd position on the board. She is right on SteelCrafters toes now. Watch out bro, this gal is on a mission!!

WoohooSueDoyles picked up the $2.00 bounty on BenjiSnoopy. This was her only KO on the night with an ITM 5th place finish to boot. One bullet, one kill!!

FixInUrFace (aka Polson) snagged the other $2.00 bounty for DPolerio. That was one of the 5 he had for the night.

Week #2


MadMacZ took down a 7 KO Win Monday night for $7.84. One of Mac's KOs was for a $2.00 mystery bounty on Echomsp, but it went unclaimed.

VegasBound took down a 3 KO 2nd place finish for $4.66. One of his KOs was for a mystery bounty on SingMeATune for $2.00!! This finish puts him in the thick of things at the number 4 slot.

Topodemar took down a 2 KO 3rd place finish for $3.11.

BenjiSnoopy took down 4th place for $1.74. She will move up to the number 7 slot.

Robbiec33 picked off a $2.00 mystery bounty on ActionDan. Congrats Robbie.

And we had an ITM Bubble Prize Monday night. ICanDonkYou collected the $$ for a crappy 8th place finish. Way to donk that one, ICDY!!


JuicyJoeS (the player once known as ChipGlue) took down a 6 KO Win Tuesday night for$8.03! Juicy moves into the number one slot on the boards. Congrats!!

Hustlerest86 (aka Royce86) took down an 8 KO 2nd place finish for $6.28. This was the high for the night, along wih ClintEastwoodEyes who also had 8. Royce is our current KO leader now. VGG Royce!!

TurtleRunner took down a 6 KO 3rd place finish for $4.56. One of those KOs was an unclaimed $2.00 bounty on Shady Slim.

DamnThtSweet (aka YeahBaby) had one KO and it was a $2.00 bounty on Wrenchturn.

And Gamed picked off the other $2.00 bounty on BenjiSnoopy, but was not claimed.


Larryt45 (aka LargoLarry) took down an 8 KO Win for $8.40 on Wednesday night. He was our sharp shooter for the night with those 8 KOs. VGG Larry!!

SteelCrafter took down a 1 KO 2nd place finish for $4.36.

Tunes247 took a 6 KO 3rd for $4.24.

And all three bounties were claimed in Chat on this night. Each bounty was $2.00 and Wrenchturn, JuicyJoeS & Cariesky (aka Doll) all took home a little extra. Sweet!


VegasBound too down an 8 KO Win Thursday night. One of those KOs was a whopping $5.00 bounty on SeanieNoFish. Total take home for the evening was $13.72. Nice!! That win also moves VB into the number one slot on the board. Double nice!!

YesYall took down an 8 KO 2nd place for $6.34.

AKJordan took down a 6 KO 3rd place for $4.60. This moves Jordan into the number 4 slot.

Mps45 took down a 3 KO 9th place for 75 cents. He left two prizes on the felt this night. One was for an unclaimed $2.00 bounty on NLTonyD. The other was an ITM Bubble Prize for another $2.00. Sad.

And Vinney138 left an unclaimed $2.00 bounty on BenjiSnoopy on the table as well.


Friday nights are turning out to be pretty awesome for the Bonanza. After last Friday's attendance breaking record, we did it again with triple-digits. We had 65 players with 42 re-entries this night for a total of 107 entries! Just 4 shy of last week and we did that without raffling off a single entry. This was all you THR!! Take a bow.

That 42 re-entry stat is a record too. And it broke the 32 from last Friday. Not sure what prompted the sudden frenzy this night, but it was absolutely phenomenal!! Great job folks.

Total prize, award and bounty dollars came to $72.35. And like last Wednesday, all bounties were claimed in Chat. Oh what a night!!

H00ker took down a 4 KO Win Friday night and walked away with $9.82!! Congrats Hook!! One of those KOs was on one of the $3.00 mystery bounties who he had to go heads-up with, MrLaufer!! Total take home for the night was $12.82!! Double congrats!

MrLaufer took home a 1 KO 2nd place finish for $6.18. Nice to see you back L, VGG and nice defense of the bounty!!

KMJ13 took down a 6 KO 3rd place finish for $5.99.

DamnThtSweet (aka YeahBaby) only had 1 KO on the night and it was a $3.00 mystery bounty on Raddeckel. She took down 6th place for $1.93 and was our Last Lady Standing for an additional $2.00. Total take home on the night was $6.93!! Wow baby!!

Our KO artist of the night was Jubsnut with an 8 KO 5th place finish for $4.24. Job well done Jubs!!

At the end of Week #2, JuicyJoeS is clinging to the lead by a smidgen with SteelCrafter & VegasBound close on his heals. Vegas has the lead in the Winnings category and Hustlerest is leading the KO department with 14.

Week #1

Friday - A Friday Night Bonanza Special

Biggest, baddest, boldest Bounty Bonanza beating all records!! A total of 87 players came out to play this night. Re-entry was huge as well with 24 for a grand total of 111 entries that paid down 15 spots!

The night started out with 20 entries being handed out by Dpolerio and Dunner in a series of "fill in the blank" brain teasers to warm up the ol' noggin with. Another 8 or more were handed out by various individuals as well. Before you knew it, there were close to 50 players registered before the game started. Boo-yah!! Thank you bros, that was the best contest to date as well!

There were 7 bounties totaling $28.00 in the game including the $5.00 bounty for the elusive no-good dirty scoundrel VegasBound which went uncaptured the previous Wednesday. Another two bounties were added by Echomsp at $5.00 each shortly after the game started and the melee began!!

With a $3.00 Last Lady Standing prize, the grand total of all prizes, awards & added bounties came to $91.05. There was a lot of $$$ floated for a 60 cent entry. Sweet!!

Speaking of Last Lady Standing, that is what WoohooSueDoyles was! In fact she was the only person left standing when she took down a 7 KO Win!! Total take home for the night was $13.07 and top spot on the leaderboard to start the month. Nice shootin' Annie!!

Joebats took down a nice 4 KO 2nd place finish for $6.66, whoa the sign of the devil! I will tell you right now that the devil didn't make us do it when 1 of those 4 KOs was an unclaimed bounty on Raddeckel for $3.00!!

Spr0ck3t took down a 2 KO 3rd place finish for $4.82.

The KO artist of the night was StalkerS777 with an 11 KO 5th place finish for $4.91. What Stalker did not know was that 3 of the KOs were bounties totaling $13.00. He KOed Steve22055 ($3), Echomsp($5) and VegasBound($5) and went unclaimed. One good thing came out of this for Stalker, he will be forever known as "The Person Who Shot Liberty VegasBound".

Hustlerest86 (aka Royce86) took down a 6 KO 12th place money spot for $2.29. One of the KOs was a $3.00 bounty on Shady Slim. Royce rolls his bank a little bit more with that claim!!

Wanturcash (aka StylinPro) claimed a $5.00 bounty for KOing Robt233.

Sadly Tgeezee left another $3.00 bounty for Dpolerio on the felt. He has had a few this year.

How about a shout out to Raddeckel, Echomsp, VegasBound, BenjiSnoopy, Dpolerio, and Dunner for their contributions and support to make this Bonanza one to remember for quite a while. Thank you!!

Our last shout out is to our THR family for your participation!! You all rocked this puppy that Friday. Shitz-yah you did, take a bow!