IMHO, this could be changed to 1) be less annoying for the other players on the field not near the ball and 2) allow for more precise hits on the ball by slowing down "time" near the ball to a greater degree.

My proposal would be this: instead of slowing what I assume would be position updates for all objects on the field as a "time warp", slow the velocities only of those cars within a certain radius of the ball (proportionally to distance from the ball, of course) and slow the ball down by the same factor as the closest car.

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This would allow cars away from the ball to not be interrupted by the annoying random time warps, there would be a potential for slower time warps and thus more precise hits because the other cars no longer need to be worried about. One thing with this is it would change the game a little because some cars would be affected less than others when multiple people are going for the ball. For example: if someone is going to try to block your hit and normally they would not get there in time, you slow down more than they do which gives them time to get there. While this is an issue, I do believe it would become just a part of the game mode. The only other possible issue I could see would be that it would be annoying for one person who is by themselves dribbling the ball down the field. This, I'm sure, could be avoided by some other manipulation of variables, but I do believe the point still stands. Plus, although it would be unwanted to be slowed down even if you are a lonely person pushing the ball down the field with the nose of your car, at least you would be interacting with the ball and could practice precision dribbling rather than the current effect and experience the time warp when you are no where near the ball...

One is that there no 'big B' button in flight or in map mode - only in space center and in tracking station. If I open the window in KSC then it stays on screen also for flight and I can only use it this way. Selecting new warp speeds in tracking station has no influence when I go to a ship.

Edit: I have B button in flight now... I've removed KER and installed MechJeb instead in the meantime. I've also noticed the small button on top of signal strength now too - it's quite inconvenient and I would prefer to only have a toolbar button. Deletion issue still persists.

When circumnavigating in a rover with a fat part count, a bit of physwarp doesn't really seem to do much harm. The rover is bumping along the ground at 20 m/s, not zooming through the atmosphere at 2000 m/s. However if the physical time ratio drops below 1, an already-long drive around a planet can get reeeeally long - and one is getting an unfair advantage with effectively superkerbal reflexes when approaching hazards.

It is back! Using a nuclear tug with 0.05 TWR and Time Control was only letting me do 5.4x physical where I got 1fps while accelerating. With this I was able to do 30x physical warp at 0.2-0.3FPS. 372 part vessel =)

Am I the only one here who can't access the UI in flight? The characteristic B button to bring it up is nowhere to be seen outside the space center/tracking station, which is extremely irritating since I have a situation where I routinely want to switch between regular and massive overkill physics warp right in the middle of an ascent. This should be possible given the use of the UI at the launchpad the pictures.

When the craft is rotating when you activate time warp, it suddenly stops rotating (only doing an apparent rotation relative to the body you're orbiting because the absolute attitude remains the same). I admit I often use this glitch to cheat a little bit on craft that don't have a lot of attitude control (start rotation to desired attitude and then press "." and "," to instantly stop the rotation) but it kind of feels wrong. Maybe there's a good technical reason for this, but if at all possible, it would be nice if this could be changed.

Also, SAS does not work during time warp but it DOES contiue to use energy! I have often found myself with dead batteries after timewarping through the solar system with SAS accidentally left on. It should either be officially off (and not use energy) or actually work if it does remain on. Right now it's the worst of both worlds, draining energy while not working.

Also, some kind of warning or auto-off feature would be welcome for SAS. It's really easy to time warp through a multi-month solar system excursion and then realise that you just completely drained your batteries. Can trash an entire mission in a few seconds of inattention.

This has not been my experience, as far as I can see SAS and reaction wheels do not consume energy when under time warp. Are you sure you're not mixing up the energy consumption of probe cores, which does affect ships under warp whether SAS is on or off?

I agree that the killing of rotation during time warp is a bit jarring and easily exploitable (though it's easy to avoid exploiting it, too). There are mods out there that preserve the rotation even during warp, so it does seem to be possible.

I've experienced it several times already: warp throughout the solar system without any trouble (batteries hardly losing any charge at all), then warp with SAS on and boom, all empty. A few times I caught it just on time with the batteries only half depleted and then continued the journey with SAS off and not using any power. So I'm pretty sure SAS is using electricity during warp. Nothing else was consuming energy anyway, just a kerbal in a basic module.

But only if they also make SAS continue to keep attitude through warp at the same time, please. Right now having it stop all rotation is the next best thing (or least worst thing), as it at least makes things somewhat predictable. Having rotation work but not SAS through time warp would create a nightmare of having to check all craft in orbit after every warp, to ensure they did not end up with their panels oriented all wrong.

Indeed, SAS should continue to work and, with SAS off, rotations should continue. I do understand that physics don't work during warp, but they could keep the attitude fixed to the SAS target (if it's already kind of close to it, so you can't cheat by quickly going in and out of warp to instantly align to the SAS target) and keep rotating the craft at its last rotation rate if SAS is off. Rotation doesn't require physics, they can just rotate the coordinates and attitudes of all the components of the craft in a matter of nanoseconds without needing the physics engine.

So if it could be made so that rotation continues in time warp then rest assured that Squad won't get any nasty 'you broke this cheaty feature and now I can't play anymore' posts from me. I'll just learn to deal with it.

I may admit to using the instant rotation freeze "feature", but it has also annoyed me a lot more often. I often make rockets without RCS and just the absolute minimum of reaction wheels, and would like to just start a tiny rotation and then warp forward as the craft slowly rotates to the new orientation (as it probably works in real life, with attitude corrections taking hours to use as little electricity and RCS as possible). But now you have to start the correction and then wait for the craft to slowly rotate. If you warp, the rotation stops. That's quite frustrating. And just plain unrealistic.

I would be OK with persistent rotation during time warp, but only if the interaction between RCS and SAS is improved. As it is, on larger ships and on small probes alike, they constantly over correct, and half of your RCS propellant is wasted as your craft jiggles and wobbles it's way to the requested heading. Using cheaty timewarp to kill rotation is sometimes the only way to mitigate this effect.

I agree with the OP. However, we can't let the rotation happen without few tweaks. It has to be non-physic. Otherwise, imagine a ship rotating a revolution a minute for a journey of 3 month, that would make 130k revolutions to show in a time lap of few seconds.

No, I'm sure SAS is draining the batteries. I don't have solar panels, just batteries, a basic Mk1 pod, a CH-J3 fly-by-wire avionics hub, fuel tanks, engines and separators. With batteries full, engines off, SAS on, the batteries slowly drain (which is normal, using the reaction wheels). If I activate warp, they continue to drain (at a rate multiplied by the warp factor, i.e. a matter of seconds at high warp factors). If I go back to x1 warp, turn off SAS, then activate warp again, battery levels remain constant no matter how long I warp. 589ccfa754

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