Hello, in my dashboard with a gantt chart, it shows the months that are blank, it starts in december 2021 and it goes all the way to 2022, I am not sure why it shows all these months if in the report don't even come up.

If the funded date is blank I do not want to count that value in the sum. Now that I have my LoanAmtTotal measure I want to use a time intelligence equation to calculate the previous Months funded loan amount. It should be noted I have a universal filter on all pages that narrows down the client for which the loans are funded by.

Facebook Status I Going To Blank For Blank Months

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Dim_Date[Current_DT] is my dates table and it is joined to the FundedDate on the Loans table. My date table is set as a date table so that shouldn't be an issue. When I insert the new time intelligence measure onto a table visual it is blank when I know for a fact that is not the case. When I change the Previous Month Loan Amount measure to use the Funded Date instead of Current_DT it populates a far too large of number. I made sure that the universal client filter was working.

Hello all, I am using Excel on a PC, version 2302 build 16.0.16130.20332. I am looking for a formula to help me calculate the percentage difference of quantities between months. The problem is, there are often 'blank' months and I need the percentage difference between the last known value, skipping the blank months. Here is an example:

On the left is my pivot table, on the right are the months where I'd ideally like the percentages to show up. On row 29, from July to September, there is a 40% decrease in the values. But I'm not sure how to create a formula that works for the entire Sept. column that ignores blank months, like how August is blank in row 29 and row 40. And if there is no value before Sept, like in row 41, there will not be a calculation until the next value (which is October). Ideally, I'd like to create a formula in the months on the right side of the pivot table that only pulls a percentage in the months that have an increase or decrease from the last known value. If there is no value/no calculation triggered, it'll just be "". 

I'm thinking each column might need a slightly different formula to extend the range between months, which is fine, but I haven't had any luck getting the results I'm looking for. I'm hoping I was able to explain this well enough! Thank you for your consideration.

@jorgen1990 Because blank cell means 0 and in case of date this means 1/1/1900. And that is reason to return 1 by MONTH() function. But AVERAGE() should avoid blank cells by default. So, you can directly use AVERAGE() or AVERAGEIFS() function or use MONTH() function with IF() like.

I have a big static electricity problem: When I get up from my chair, it blanks some screens, sometimes those of my desk, sometimes those of my colleagues. It blinks and show a black screen for some seconds.

If you're still having this problem, do what I do, particularly in the winter. Lightly spray some Static Guard all over the front and back of your chair. I do this whenever I start getting shocks when I get up and touch something. Once I spray the chair, no more shocks for weeks. I hope this stops your monitor from blanking out.

Ive got a dashboard showing sales and profit over the different categories and different locations and all seems to filter properly until I go to change months or locations where there is no matching data and the slicer doesnt know what to do and shows nothing and all my charts go blank. If you look at the pics, Dashboard1, everything is unfiltered and showing as it should. In Dashboard 2 Ive chosen January 2023 and weekending 2/1/2023 and everything has filtered as it should. In Dashboard 3 I choose February 2023 and the weekending slicer doesnt know what to show, finds no data and all my charts go blank until I choose a week in February and it comes good. The same thing happens when filtering the Categories and Sub Categories, if I choose beer item then go back to food it doesnt find what its looking for and my TOP 10 chart goes blank. What I need is for the slicers to have a default state where if I choose January it shows all the weeks in January, If I choose Beer it shows all the beer sub categories and if it cant do this what is your best suggestion around this.

Having an issue with only 3 cameras out of 4 cameras showing up on my computer screen. All 4 use to show now one is blank. All 4 cameras show up on my phone and all 4 cameras show up on my monitor that is connected to my Reolink console. This has happened before and finally just came back on its own in the past. How do I get it back on and what is causing this?

I am experiencing a similar issue... out of 13 cameras, only 12 show up, while 1 is a blank screen... after doing some firmware updates, I was able to get the 1 originally not showing to show up, but now a different one (that was working fine before) is showing as a blank screen...

If a VETS-4212 Report has been filed in the past, you will need to enter the company number assigned in previously submitted reports. The company number is a company identifier used when filing the VETS-4212 report. The company number should start with a letter "T" followed by six digits. A company that filed in 2019 should use the same company number when filing in 2020. If a company number is not available, please leave the field blank. If there are any questions regarding a company number, please contact the VETS-4212 Customer Support Center at 1-866-237-0275 or vets4212-customersupport@dolncc.dol.gov.

For purposes of completing the VETS-4212 Report, enter the name and address of the "Parent Company" for which the VETS-4212 Report is filed. The "Parent Company" refers to any corporation which owns all or the majority stock of another corporation so that the latter stands in relation to it as a subsidiary company. For "Parent Company" headquarters location, complete the name and address for the "Parent Company" headquarters, and leave blank the name and address of the "Hiring Location." For "Hiring Locations" of a parent company, complete the address for the "Parent Company" location, and the name and address for the "Hiring Location."

Employees must be counted by veteran category as either new hires or current employees for each job category listed in the VETS-4212 report. If the company does not employ covered veterans during a reporting period, it may enter zeros or leave the spaces blank. Blank spaces will be considered zeros.

The easiest way to print a blank calendar without any of your meetings or appointments is to create a blank calendar, then use the print options to customize the date range and print styles (daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly style).

In the Create New Folder box, enter a name for your Calendar in the Name box. You can also select where to place your blank calendar. By default, Outlook will create it as a subfolder of your main Calendar folder. Click OK to create your calendar.

I am new to QlikSense. I loaded CSV files from MarkLogic. There is only one CSV file in data model . I wanted to do a Preceding Load . I wanted to see Year , Month of [Date Paid ] field. I wrote the code but it is coming blank. Please suggest.

And you use count function in value field in card visual and filter [Reboot] column to get result. When you show items when the value is not 0 in [Reboot], Power BI couldn't find any hostname and it will return blank. Blank in Power BI logic is same as 0.

Uncover the intriguing bug of the month: Blank WebViews, as we dissect the potential causes, impact on user experience, and share effective troubleshooting techniques to address this frustrating issue, ensuring your app's WebView content is consistently displayed without any unwanted blank screens.

In this post, we covered blank web views on iOS applications. They occur when web views fail or are killed by the OS. Normally, a process being killed would crash the application, but on iOS, WKWebViews have two additional processes: a content process and a networking process. These can be killed without affecting the main application process. You can provide a better user experience by deciding which web views should be reloaded upon failure and adding this functionality through the webViewWebContentProcessDidTerminate callback on WKNavigationDelegate.

Our first work with Yellow Window involved creating diagrams of our trains, 2D maps showing how all the different spaces were linked to each other. Unlike what we had done previously, with second-hand Spanish trains, this essentially meant starting from a blank slate, rather than adapting to carriagest with existing layouts. So we started by putting together a complete inventory, that is the number of each type of cabin. We spent weeks, months even, finding the right balance between accommodation for families, solo travellers, duos (whether couples or friends), business travellers and those after a truly extraordinary travel experience. Then, a specialist business which we were working with stress-tested our calculations to ensure the inventory made sense and that the revenues generated would be sufficient. 589ccfa754

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