
The Independent Volcanic Eruption Source Parameter Archive (IVESPA)

IVESPA ( is a new database of independently estimated eruption source parameters endorsed by the IAVCEI Commission on Tephra Hazard Modelling. I initiated and coordinate the associated working group with Samantha Engwell. Click here to watch a 10-min conference presentation giving a brief overview of IVESPA. Please contact me if you have any feedback, data to contribute, or requests for the next versions!

Reference: Aubry et al. (JVGR 2021)

Demystifying Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship Applications

I gave this presentation at an event at the Christ college in Cambridge. I thought I would put it there in case it's helpful to any early career researcher! You can access the slides here, the Q&A summary here, and feel free to email me to ask any question. Note that the slides have many animations.

EVA_H : a simple volcanic aerosol forcing model accounting for volcanic injection latitude & height

  • You can access EVA_H readme file and codes (now both in Matlab and Python!) on GitHub

  • If you are a beginner with scientific programming, the Matlab code includes a user-friendly gui

  • Reference: Aubry et al. (JGR 2020)