Just for fun

Hobbies and Passions

I like making bread. Here are some baguettes I made, and a recipe.

I love to play DND. I have been playing for over 10 years and I am currently serving as dungeon master for a group of 4 players. Behold! My d-100.

I like volleyball. A lot. I usually play outside hitter but I've been working on setting recently, too.

I like climbing rocks. This is one of the biggest rocks I have climbed (cathedral peak). Here is me (blue) and my brother Stephen (red) on top!

I am an amateur black and white photographer. I used to shoot on film, but now I use a Canon DSLR. This image was shot on film and scanned for your viewing pleasure.

I earned a minor in philosophy from Purdue University. Plato believed that the guardians of the republic should study nothing but mathematics between age 20-30. With this in mind, I am almost ready to assume control of society!

Hot Pot!