About me...

I am a graduate student at the University of Utah interested in geometric group theory.   Before starting my PhD, I was an undergrad/master's student at Utah State University, where I worked with Andreas Malmendier.  Between my undergrad and master's at USU, I worked at the National Security Agency, where I worked on designing improvements for a number theoretic algorithm. 

I am currently interested in big mapping class groups of surfaces, and the graph counterpart: "big Out(Fn)." 

When I am not doing math, I love adventuring with my family.


University of Utah 

Ph.D student in mathematics, (anticipated 2026

Advisor: Priyam Patel 

Utah State University

Advisor: Andreas Malmendier

Thesis: Classification of Jacobian Elliptic Fibrations on a Special Family of K3 Surfaces of Picard Rank Sixteen

Minor: Statistics and Physics; summa cum laude diploma with University Honors.  

Honors and Awards