McClintock Fulkerson and Shoop use the Eucharist as a template for both the church's blindness and for Christ's redemptive capacity, while inviting faith communities, especially white-dominant churches, into new ways of remembering what it means to be the body of Christ.

I try to model the importance of remembrance during this time. I remember when I was a child, watching my mother hold the wafer and the miniature cup, with her eyes pressed tight, despite my tapping her shoulder, or hand for her attention. This was her time to remember God, and what he had done for her, and she would not waiver. I learned the sacredness through her silence.

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My husband smiled sympathetically and took the empty tray from my hands and went to fill it with more wafers. I looked down at my lap. My children sat silently next to me, feeling the shame of what had happened for all to see. My face was hot, and I gathered up the mess into my lap. As the rest of the congregation was served, and the hymn continued to play in the background, I tried to return to the remembering. Remember the cross. Remember his sacrifice. He paid it all. It is finished. That lead me to smiling, and then laughing softly to myself at this pile in my lap.

Someone shared a question about a term heard in a communion service, that Christ's body was "broken for you." That is not usually what is said in the United Methodist communion ritual. We do not say, "The body of Christ, BROKEN for you." We say, The body of Christ GIVEN for you."

First, the gospels report that Jesus broke the bread before he gave it to his disciples. Referring to the broken bread, he said. "This is my body, given for you. Do this in remembrance of me." Both verbs matter in this action.

At the gathering of the disciples Jesus said that the bread was no longer just bread but it was like his body broken for all. Likewise the cup of wine was like his blood poured out for the forgiveness of sin. And to this day Christians have been breaking bread and pouring wine in remembrance of Christ.

When Jesus says that his body is broken for sin, that means that no other bodies need to be broken for sin. And his blood is poured out for reconciliation of the world that means no other blood needs to be spilled to "make things right".

My scars and changed self serve as a reminder of the Great Love that sacrificed His own body. Who bore His own scars. Whose body was broken that we might have life. I suppose great love always requires sacrifice. But if His love has taught me anything, it is that the sacrifice is always worth the gain.

The Lord accomplished a great work through His body as well as His blood. His body was broken for you, literally. Just as He became sin so you could be righteous, He endured the torture of the cross so that your body could be well, whole, and healthy. He wore a crown of thorns so that your mind could be filled with peace.

Elle-Mij Tailfeathers: It was definitely a mental challenge for everybody. There was this really funny moment where our DP drove us around from location to location, and Kathleen and I were in the back seat, reading the script, timing it out, making sure that we could get between the locations before the film mag ran out. Because it was shot on 16mm, we had all these transition points, and we had to make sure we stuck within 10 minutes because the film mag would run out at 11 minutes. There was this funny day where we were driving from location to location, timing out the conversations with traffic at that time of day, and it was a circus, at times.

Dear Lord Jesus, I come to You, and remember all that You have done for me on the cross. Thank You for loving me so much, You gave up heaven for me. Thank You for allowing Your body to be broken so that mine might be whole. As I partake, I receive Your resurrection life, health, and strength. By Your grace, I shall be completely strong and healthy all the days of my life. My eyes shall not grow dim, nor shall my strength be abated. No sickness can remain in my body because the same power that raised You from the grave flows through me. By Your stripes, I am healed. [Now eat the bread.]

I love all of the encouragement wrapped up into this one post. #13 is my absolute favorite. I have experienced this in my own life and hope to encourage others with that belief too. To start I will be sharing this with a close friend who is presently brokenhearted.

I have no friends because I lost them all whilst caring for her, I am alone and have nobody to share my fears with, no body to have a cuddle with. The one person in the world I wanted with me at s time like this has walked out on me despite me taking responsibility for my own mental recovery.

Paul says that these things were written down to instruct us, on whom the ends of the ages have come. Thus, a Christian theology of the body begins by remembering this embodied story. It is this broken, raised body, a very particular body, which is to be our primary image, a visible revelation of the invisible God, a pattern to imitate with our own bodies, even as God also endows us with the power to be transformed into this image. That body connects us securely to the rest of the creation. That particular body will help us to overcome the temptation to grandiose assertions, keeping questions of gender, race, socioeconomic status, and sexual orientation in perspective. That broken body will assist us in forming appropriate ideals. In short, it will make it possible for us to imagine a map on which to locate our bodies because we first locate ourselves with respect to God.23

If your new mattress is causing you discomfort, use the tips above to speed up the form-fitting process. Many new owners of memory foam mattresses experience initial problems only at first and then find that the issues go away after their mattress has been broken in. Remember that the mattress you fell in love with at our showroom was once just like yours, and it needs up to a couple of weeks to adapt to your body.

I don't remember what happened in the hospital (maybe because of the morphine, maybe because of the injuries), but the doctors examined me, took X-rays a CT-scan and an EEG-scan and concluded that I had a broken collarbone (see picture above), a severe concussion (several parts of my brains were bruised), a cut in the back of my head and the usual roadrash. In other words: I crashed like a pro!

This is not the case with my broken collarbone. When I'm lying on my back and I don't move, I don't feel any pain at all. But when I do move my upper body or one of my arms, it hurts like hell. An intense, stinging pain goes thru my shoulder (despite the painkillers) and it's so painful that I often prefer to not moving at all, even when my back hurts (from all the laying down) or when I've reached the end of the page in my book. It's definitely the most painful fracture I've had. The slightest movement means I'm in for a terrible pain.

The collarbone is completely broken, but I didn't get a metal pin or plate to put the two halves in place. Instead I was told that both parts of the bone will slowly move into the right place simply by using and moving my arm. The doctors prefer this so called 'conservative' technique to surgery, even when it's slower and more painful than surgery (it's less expensive for or healthcare system).

I'll start with the memory loss. As I said before, I don't remember anything about the crash and what happened later that day, but it's been more than a week since my crash and almost very day someone's told me something I had done and which I had completely forgotten. Awkward! I've also had lots of difficulties with the chronology of events. For example I know who visited me, but it's very hard for me to say who came first, second and third. Very frustrating for a young guy who never had any memory issues before. According to my doctor however, this is normal after a concussion and it will get better soon.

So what to think about pro's racing with concussions? No two concussions are the same of course, but in my current shape I'm not even able to ride a bike, so racing isn't an option. And I feel that my body and brain really took a beating and need lots of time to recover from this.

Nobody is suggesting that the broken hearted turn to pain medication to reduce their lean towards Kleenex, Baskin-Robbins and repeated viewings of Love Actually. Long term use will cane the liver. Somebody else is waiting to fall in love with you, but you and your liver have to stay friends forever.

I am not sure if you still reply to comments but just recently i went through a hard breakup. I was with my boyfriend for almost 3 years. He was my absolute best friend. He knew me better then anybody and i know him better then anyone. We even lived together for about a year. All of his friends became my friends and we have a pretty good thing going. We had recently fell into this kind of downwhirl spiral but I was selfish and couldnt accept we needed to break up. Just yesterday he broke up with me. He told me he wants us to find eachother in the future when we have worked on ourselves and bettered ourselves. We cried together over the loss of our relationship and then he left.

What does he mean by we only wants this to be for a little bit?

Should i take that as a sign that we may get back together in the future? or is that unhealthy?

I feel like I should just have no contact with him and focus on myself but a part of me doesnt want to give up the idea we may get back together again in the future.

After the end of my relationship, all everyone talks about is moving on. But I found myself totally an emotional train wreck, clueless about where to start with this gut-wrenching feeling. All the what ifs, the what should have been-s, what could have been-s. What nobody tells me is that acceptance and letting go is not always liberating, especially in the beginning. It hurts a lot more than one would expect. e24fc04721

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