Lecture Notes

Here you will find some material I made for some courses, some as a student and some as a teacher.


MAT4001 Generalized Thermodynamic Formalism at IME-USP. Full slides here.

If you want the slides separated by lecture, they can be found below. =)

The recordings of the lectures will be available soon.


  • Day 01: standard Markov shifts and thermodynamic formalism. (slides) (video)

  • Day 02: C*-algebras, Exel-Laca algebras, generalized Markov shifts. (slides) (video)

  • Day 03: Generalized Markov shifts. (slides) (video)

  • Day 04: generalized Markov shifts and thermodynamic formalism. (slides) (video)

  • Day 05: generalized thermodynamic formalism. (slides) (video)

  • Day 06: generalized thermodynamic formalism and length-type phase transition. (slides) (video)

  • Bibliography slides here.


An Introduction to C*-algebras and KMS states for Physicists.