Curriculum vitae

You can find my full CV here.

Current Position:

  • Postdoctoral Researcher at AGH University of Science and Tecnology, Faculty of Applied Mathematics, Poland.

Supervisor: Olena Karpel

Academic Formation

  • Bachelor of Science in Physics by the Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo (2012).

  • Master of Science in Physics by the Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo (2015).

Title: Localização no espaço de de Sitter em 2 + 1 dimensões (Localization on the de Sitter Space in 2+1 Dimensions)

Subject: quantum field theory on curved spacetime.

Advisor: João Carlos Alves Barata

Master dissertation (in portuguese only) here.

Work supported by CNPq.

  • Graduate Visiting Research Student at University of Victoria. (2019-2020)

Advisor: Marcelo Laca

  • Doctor of Science in Applied Mathematics at the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of São Paulo (2020).

Title: Thermodynamic Formalism for Generalized Countable Markov Shifts

Subject: thermodynamic formalism, phase transitions, operator algebras, ergodic theory, dynamical systems.

Advisor: Rodrigo Bissacot

PhD thesis (in english only) here.

Work supported by CAPES and CNPq.