Xiang Research Group

Connecting Science to Symbiosis



We are a new lab at the University of California, Riverside. We are broadly interested in host-microbe interactions. The dinoflagellate in the family Symbiodiniaceae forms a symbiotic relationship with many hosts including coral, anemones, jellyfish, and clams. They provide coral with photosynthetically fixed carbon while the coral supplies the algae with inorganic nutrients and a haven from predation.

Our laboratory is interested in answering fundamental questions about the biology and metabolism of dinoflagellates. In particular, we apply systems biology (metabolomics, transcriptomics, genomics), cell biology, and genetic approaches to understand coral-algal symbiosis and toxin biosynthesis in red tide dinoflagellates.







Join us?

We are actively recruiting graduate students, undergraduate students, and postdoctoral fellows to work on host-microbe symbiosis projects in the lab. Contact Prof. Tingting Xiang to get more information!


Contact Information

University of California, Riverside

Bourns Hall, B233

900 University Ave.

Riverside, CA 92521

Tingting Xiang 



Department of Bioengineering

University of California, Riverside

900 University Ave.

Riverside, CA 92521