How many times must I say? You cannot act like this in:

   Vivendel is a blunt sort- or a soft sort- or really, whatever is most convenient at the moment. Her manner is typically warm, finding a clear fascination with the habits and lives of those around her, with little patience for her own. Her worldview is based on a foundation of academia and very little practical experience, often showcased and often a source of some embarrassment. 

   Her habits are those typical of Silver Elves. She evidently regards this as a character flaw, one which she corrects studiously. There is an effort to be more open than some of her peers might be, holding herself to entirely different standards of self and form. She tends toward philosophical conversations if allowed, taking a vicious pleasure in poetry and prose. 

Personal History

Someone from the north- which she says in a nebulous way, always- Vivendel made her way south seeking work with a resume that seems dubious at best. Nevermind it. 

There's more to know- We have compiled a short and simple list for your convenience. 

Health & Vice

Energy: Typically rather lethargic, until her interest is engaged. She sleeps soundly on an extremely strict schedule.

Ticks: Startles at even quiet noises. Her ears have a tendency to twitch when particularly focused.

Vice: Laziness, mostly. She does not partake in drink or drug. Usually.

The Tally

Inquisitive || Nosy 

Dignified || Uptight

Direct || Rude

Dedicated || Obsessive

Driven || Stubborn

Tuesday Trivia Nights

Foods: Anything sweet and rich, heavy and distinctly bad for her. She revels in it.

Drinks: She has taken to exotic teas with unseemly glee.

Favored Animal: Crickets. An ambient constant.

Hobbies: A bookworm and a writer of clumsy poems.