Spring 2025
Please email me and ask me any question about your class, schedule, advising, or research
Please use your daemen.edu email. Other messages may get sent to my spam folder
Please use the Subject line to briefly describe your message
Please be sure to tell me what course and section you are in. Depending on the semester, I can have ~100 students and it's hard to remember them all after just one day!
Click the button at left to schedule an Office Hours appointment
What are Office Hours (OH) for? Great summary from Cornell University here. No need to restate the wheel.
Do I NEED to make an appointment? No! I will be in my office. Though I'm less likely to wander away for coffee if I know you're coming.
What if I can't come to scheduled OH? No problem, my full schedule is posted at left. Whenever we have an shared block of free time, stop on by or email me to let me know you're coming.
A whole day is blocked off for research, can I see you then? Yes! Research has a lot of down time, so I may as well talk shop with you.
Courses I Teach:
Here are all the courses I have taught at Daemen. The link in the course number will take you to a YouTube playlist of all the lectures for that course. They are not well done or edited in any way. These are meant to supplement your lecture notes and help you get caught up following an absence. If you will be absent for an extended period of time, please contact me so that we can make arrangements.
Research Problems in Organic & Environmental Chemistry
NSC 406