
Current Research Projects

The effect of road salt on stream biota (

Current Students: I will be recruiting students to this project beginning in Spring 2024

Chronic, long term effects of winter road salt use in freshwater habitats is becoming increasingly apparent. Recent studies have documented elevated chloride levels throughout the year, outside of winter application months. Effects of climate change (less lake ice cover leads to greater amounts of lake effect snow events) may increase road salt use. New York state applied over 900,000 tons of solid salt during the 2020-2021 winter season, more than any other state ( Most current studies have only examined chloride concentrations or effects on abundance and life-history of select organisms (some fish, daphnia). Local studies have already determined road salt use is altering stream periphyton fatty acid production by increasing the amount of omega-6 fatty acids, with consequences for higher trophic levels. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of winter road salt throughout the year on stream periphyton and macroinvertebrates. These groups of organisms have a long history of use as bioassessment organisms and effects on these groups can have important consequences for higher trophic levels, namely fish and other aquatic vertebrates.

Assessing lipid profiles of benthic algae and invertebrates in Ozark Mountain streams along a methane gradient

Current Student: Jennifer Heritz

Carbon cycling in aquatic ecosystems tends to focus on the evolution and dissolution of carbon dioxide, often letting methane take a back seat. However, methane is present in most aquatic ecosystems and can be a significant source of autochthonous (non-terrestrial) carbon for organisms. This study, lead by a team at the University of Kansas with Dr. Caleb Robbins, is investigating the role of methane in stream metabolism with a specific focus on lipid profiles among trophic levels. 

Determining the factors responsible for a Euglena bloom in Ellicott Creek

Current Student: Dylan Normandin

Reports of algal blooms are increasing as human populations deal with increasing nutrient deposition to aquatic habitats and with a warming climate. Most reports of harmful algal blooms focus on cyanobacterial or dinoflagellate taxa. However, a bloom of Euglenoids was reported in Ellicott Creek in 2013. The bloom has happened every summer since, however it remains unclear what the environmental triggers are or whether or not the species is toxic. This study seeks to identify key environmental parameters that trigger bloom formation and to then identify whether the species is toxic. In partnership with the Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper.

The role of Nitellopsis obtusa and Bangia atropurpurea  in Lake Ontario littoral food webs

Current Student: This could be you!

This project is looking for locations along the southern shore of Lake Ontario where invasive Nitellopsis and Bangia red algae is growing, either along side or in place of native Cladophora. Samples of all macrophytic algae are being collected, along with water chemistry measurements to describe the habitats where Nitellopsis and Bangia flourish and what the nutritional properties of Nitellopsis, Bangia, and Cladophora are when in the presence or absence of each other. In partnership with the Kirkwood Lab at the Univeristy  of Ontario Institute of Technology.

Research Objectives

Anthropogenic Activity Effects Algal Biochemistry 

Algal assemblages function as the base of many aquatic food webs. The nutrient (stoichiometry) and essential fatty acid content of benthic algae makes them a superior food source for stream consumers than terrestrial detritus. Anthropogenic disturbances have strong effects on algal production and stoichiometry, with profound effects on subsequent trophic levels, typically stemming from nutrient enrichment of the water. Because benthic algae are consistently present in stream ecosystems, their biochemical properties can serve as indicators or integrators of nutrient pulses from terrestrial disturbances. Maintaining nutritionally high-quality algal assemblages is important to sustain freshwater food webs. Monitoring algal biochemical properties will provide biologically relevant feedback as to the efficacy of management tools and practices. Furthermore, there is a lack of studies examining long-term seasonal effects of disturbance. Local streams and lakes within the human-dominated landscape of the Buffalo region will be targeted for these investigations. This work contributes to the protection of the Lake Erie and Ontario watersheds and is carried out by a number of students in this lab.

Factors Influencing Stream Metabolism 

There is considerable debate over to what extent terrestrial inputs dominate the energy and nutrient dynamics within aquatic food webs. New research is needed to explore more deeply the seasonal and environmental factors that control headwater stream metabolism across a diverse range of habitats. We are specifically interested in the degree to which the metabolism of a headwater stream is influenced by internal primary productivity (autochthony) or external primary productivity (allochthony). Contrary to current dogma, headwater streams may not be strictly allochthonous, rather their metabolism may be a balance between these two sources of production. The geographic distribution of this relationship as well as how this relationship between autochthony and allochthony can affect higher trophic levels is not well studied. This research addresses the question of whether streams are truly driven by allochthonous matter, and whether benthic macrofauna can survive without autochthonous inputs. We are conducting an extensive survey of regional streams to begin answering these questions and provide support for a wider geographic assessment. 

Long-term Ecological Studies and Datasets 

Finally, we are working to establish long-term monitoring sites near campus, where algal essential fatty acids can be analyzed in conjunction with ecosystem and climate data, in both lake and stream habitats. We have regular sampling stations at local sites such as Ellicott Creek and Buffalo River. Many past researchers have examined how terrestrial factors affect either periphyton (attached) or phytoplankton (suspended), however there are few studies that compare terrestrial effects on both periphyton and phytoplankton over longer time scales. Both types of algal assemblages are present in lakes. Establishing this comparison as part of a long-term dataset is a unique research and teaching resource at Daemen. As humans continue to alter the environment, both through climate change and increasing populations, it is increasingly important to establish baseline biochemical profiles and to be able to predict how algal assemblages will change with increasing levels of disturbance.

Field Locations

We are hard at work all over the eastern Lake Erie and Niagara River watershed, and southern Lake Ontario. We focus on assessing difference among urban, agricultural, and minimally influenced streams. We collect stream water chemistry data, algal taxonomy and biochemical data, and stream invertebrate taxonomy and biochemical data.  Follow our research projects at #ErieStreamTeam