
The Owners Association

The Lake Forest-Summit Owners Association is an HOA that represents the owners of 197 properties within The Summit, a village within the Lake Forest area of El Dorado Hills, California. 

All streets, parks and landscaped common areas within The Summit are privately owned, maintained and managed by these owners through the Owners Association. 

The Owners Association also protects the community’s standard of living and property values by enforcing community architectural, construction, landscaping and association standards and rules. 

For answers to questions, contact the Association Management company.

In addition to the Lake Forest-Summit Owner's Association (which maintains community assets within The Summit) the separate Lake Forest Owners Association (Corridor Association) oversees landscaping improvements along Francisco Drive from Green Valley Rd. to its northern terminus.


                  The Management Trust

                   Physical Address:

                   160 Blue Ravine Road

                    Suite C

                    Folsom CA 95630


                   Mailing Address: 

                   P.O. Box 1459

                   Folsom, CA 95763-1459


Owner's Portal

The Management Trust maintains a password-protected Owner's Portal (website) where owners can review their payment records, read board minutes and gain access to information otherwise available only to property owners.

Here's how to gain access to the Owner's Portal:.


Meetings of The Lake Forest-Summit Owners Association occur at 4:30 p.m. on the 3rd Thursday of each month at The Management Trust,  160 Blue Ravine Rd., Folsom and by Zoom. 

The attendance/participation of all owners and residents is welcomed. 

For action to be taken on an item, the item must be on the meeting agenda. Deliver agenda items The Management Trust not later than the last business day of the month preceding the meeting.


Architectural Control (ACC)




Photography by John Poimiroo