Join Us

Hello! If you’re looking for ways to be an active member of the STEM community, you’ve come to the right place.

By joining The STEM Bulletin, you will be presented with the unique opportunity to contribute to a STEM-oriented initiative which aims to provide a platform for students to share and nurture their passion for STEM.

Writing Team

If you have a flair for writing or something to share, we can’t wait to have you on our writing team!

As a writer, you can share your interest in any STEM topic of your choice through creative and informative writing. For more details, check out the details below and click WRITE FOR US to sign up.

What can you write about?


Who can be a writer?

All secondary school, pre-university or university students intending to pursue a course or career in a STEM field are highly encouraged to apply to join us as a writer!

What is the workload for writers?

Writers are expected to make one submission monthly. However, writers may make more than one submission a month if they wish to do so, or if they would like to fulfil their quotas ahead of time. The schedule is flexible - we understand that writers may be busy with exams or other events at certain times throughout the year.

Why should I be a writer?

Writing for TSB encourages you to undertake deeper academic exploration within your subject of choice, allowing you to gain a more rounded perspective on your intended course or career. You will also get the chance to hone your writing skills and contribute to a community of STEM enthusiasts. After three submissions, writers will receive a certificate of appreciation for contributing their time and ideas!

Can I still join the writing team if I am not particularly confident in my language abilities?

Yes you can! The things we look for in writers are creativity, originality and most importantly, passion in STEM. Don’t worry about small grammatical details or not having the best sense of linguistic flair – our board of editors has got you covered in the language department!

What topics can I write about?

You can write about anything in STEM – for now, we categorise submissions into Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, with Science being subdivided into Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Environmental Science. Feel free to write about anything you learn inside or outside the classroom.

What style should I write in?

Any style that suits you – it can be journalistic, informal, personal or in a completely creative style (think poems or rap lyrics). For more details, check out the writer’s section on the Join Us page on our website!

How do I make a submission?

For writers on our writing team, a writer’s guide containing detailed explanations on the submission process, research resources and topic suggestions will be provided for all writers. If you would like to make a one-time submission, you can click on the link to the Submission Form below.

Can't commit to a monthly submission schedule but want to have your work featured anyway? Click here to make a one-time submission!

You don't have to have a draft ready to fill up the submission form! You can fill up the form as soon as you've decided on your topic and we will gladly provide some guidance and resources to help you along with the writing process, if you need any.