Squeaker Foods

Preferred foods


Squeakers require sugar as a large part of their diet. Sugar is healthy for Squeakers, and it's very difficult for a Squeaker to have "too much" sugar. Sugar is widely believed to give Squeaker scales their glossiness and sheen; a Squeaker that hasn't had enough sugar may have soft, brittle or patchy scales. A Squeaker that hasn't had enough sugar will also become rowdy and hard to control, flying around looking for easy sources of it in pantries, bakeries, caravans and anywhere else.

Cake is extremely popular with Squeakers in all its forms. The ways cakes are made and prepared have changed throughout the years, but this has been a universal constant. Even cakes with minimal sugar will still attract Squeakers.

Honey is a treat that Squeakers enjoy. It is not a mainstay part of their diet, as to get it, they often steal honey from honey-producing creatures, such as pollentails.


Squeakers like dairy, and it too is an important part of the typical Squeaker's diet. They require the calcium that dairy contains to keep their teeth and claws strong, which allows them to more easily access tree sap, burrow through dirt and rock to hunt insects, and otherwise get around.

Toast with butter is an extremely easy dish to make that Squeakers like a lot. Households that keep one or more Squeakers will become familiar with this, as a little fire magic or an electric toaster can make something to satiate Squeakers in just a few minutes.

Other foods


Squeakers are ominovorous and may feed on creatures smaller than them (keeping in mind that most of them are already small). In practice, this only includes insects. Anything that even approaches their size, they will avoid. Prime Squeakers may choose to eat larger fare, though it is rare for them to try to eat sapient, magic-using creatures such as Usogami due to the danger this presents; instead, they have the Squeakers they protect deliver sweets, dairy and insects to them.

Disliked foods

Sour foods

Squeakers do not like sour food, although they will frequently try it. Brining sweets is a good way to keep Squeakers away from them when you need them to last, for example as part of rations.

Spicy foods

Squeakers strongly dislike spicy foods and have trouble eating them! They are not fond of spice in general. In fact, many bakeries near areas with wild Squeaker populations will burn candles or incense that includes strong-smelling spices. This acts as a Squeaker deterrent and keeps their products safe.