
Black Lives Matter by Naama K

My name is Na’ama and I am fighting for Black Lives Matter. I think everyone should be treated equally no matter the color of their skin. I think it is important to trust one another no matter what they look like or what religion they celebrate! There are definitely many countries that Ok with segregation, but I’m definitely against it.

If you want to fight against segregation then I am definitely on your side. My parents told me about what’s been happening and so they took me to Washington DC. I saw broken windows and boarded up and apartments. And guess who is fixing them… The construction workers, the people who are busy building houses for other people who need protection! I don’t think it’s fair to them, in fact I don’t think it’s fair to anybody! Segregation is wrong and we should fix it, and if no one was with me then I can fix it, or try to make a difference. There has been a lot of protests lately. Sometimes when I’m on the way to the dog park we see this black man who is begging for food and shelter. I’m not sure that it’s segregation or not, but I know that people should help the homeless and the hungry.I’m sure we’ve all heard of Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Coretta Scott King, or Harriet Tubman, those are all activists who are trying to help the world. In our past and still now there are people in slavery, people who work for white people. Technically it’s still happening. And this is a good question but when I ask, why wasn’t there just segregation between white people, why did they choose Black people to segregate? Now that’s a good question and I’m not 100% sure how to answer it but here’s my guess: when they were white only countries people would be surprised to see a black person in that country so once that started to happen more often they kind of chose it to segregate. Now here’s an example that isn’t really fair but it’s pretty much true. I hope you all are familiar with the the story of Pocahontas. Her tribe was living on an island and then people from England started to invade it and chop down the trees and hurt the animals. And they were threatening a territory with people of color. Now you’re probably thinking, why can’t we just end segregation. Easier said than done. You need the presidents permission and buy property and landscape plus there be a lot of dealership. Lose a lot of money for that but here’s something you can do . If you live in a apartment or neighborhood where there are Black people and they don’t feel comfortable about this whole Black Lives Matter thing, then you could go check on them and make sure they feel comfortable. There’s a lot of things we can do to make our world a better place and to end segregation and people acting this way. If you have a friend who is black or mixed and do you see someone making fun of them you then you should stand up for them. Now I know that you might have to face a mean scary bully but would you rather get a little stage fright or help show the world that segregation is wrong. Sadly North America or the United States was one of the last places in the world who realize segregation was wrong. So that’s kind of laid down by the law. But you have most of your life to help make a difference. Did you know that people are ranked. From most power to least power. So do you know that when Susan B Anthony lived women didn’t have any rights especially black women. I can tell you that people are definitely ranked. And I know that would definitely make you feel a little uncomfortable to hear but it is the truth. People are doing something about this, trust me, people are like leveling it out and making sure it’s more even, but that’s not being done by everybody. If you want to grow up and live your life as an activist which is someone who goes to protests as a job like Martin Luther King then I’m totally with you. Now I’m not deciding your future but I’m giving you a suggestion. Believe me you need to know more if you’re in the zone and wanting to learn more about this. Have you heard about the I can’t breathe thing. Well then I’m about to tell you this, a white police officer pulled a man out of the store and suffocated him on the ground and the man kept saying I can’t breathe then he fainted and died which is really sad.

If you don’t like the way this is going too, then join me and we can help make a difference in the world!

Book Reviews by Ilana F

These are some of the really good books I’ve read over quarantine. The first book is “the Lunar Chronicles” By Marissa Meyer. This is a dystopian book which means it is about the future. There are 6 books in the series. Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, Winter, Fairest, and Stars Above. They are really long books so if you are the kind of person who likes fantasy and can sit and read for hours this series is for you. The Next book recommendation is “The selection’ by Kiera Cass.There are 5 books in the series. The selection, The Elite, The One, The Heir, and The Crown. This is a dystopian book and it is fantasy. It's also a little bit of a romance so if you are into that you should read this. Another good book is “ The Unwanteds” by Lisa Mcmann. This series has 6 books but I recommend only reading the first one. One more book recommendation is “ The Princess Bride “ by William Goldman. This book is a bit ridiculous but it is a good book if you are bored. The last book recommendation for today is “ Etiquette and Espionage” by Gail Carrier. There are 4 books in this series. Etiquette and Espionage, Curtsies and Conspiracies, Waistcoats and Weaponry, and Manners and Mutiny. This is a book that takes place in the 1850’s.

Business Ideas for Big Companies

I recently went to an Entrepreneurs Club. We created a business for several weeks and did a fun (but, fake) Shark Tank. I feel like that these big companies like Google and Facebook are running out of ideas, so I put some of the top new ideas for some of those companies I may want to see one day.

CNN Kids:

There are a lot of kids that like to watch news like me, but some parents don’t allow it because the news can be hard to watch for a kid. How about CNN creates a news company for kids. It’s not shows and TV like on Disney Channel, it’s news for kids! Kid President and kids can be interviewed. It would be children-appropriate news that kids and parents would love!

Google TV:

Yes, a Google type of TV exists, but a channel for Google doesn’t exist! I was thinking that online, you could watch Google channel when you are on Google and watch the most searched things by the minute, and trending things being used by Google applications. It would be like Twitter trends, for Google, on TV.

Starbucks Ice Cream:

Ice Cream with coffee? That sounds good, doesn’t it? I was thinking that Starbucks adds an ice cream section of their shop and it’ll be like an ice cream place inside. It would be a bit like Baskin Robbins, but more popular because Starbucks is the second most visited fast-food restaurant. Quick coffee and an ice cream sounds delicious or you could even do it yourself! Do you have any ideas?

Movie Reviews by Josh B and Avi M

Movie Reviews