
Jokes by Ethan B

Joke 1 taken from book Its Snot Fair

What do you call a fly without wings?

A walk!

Joke 2 taken from Knock, Knock, Moo Who?

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Ssssssssssss who?

Make up your mind. Are you a snake or an owl?

Joke 3, I made up

Why do we cry?

Because we laugh too much!!!!

8 Phrases that Will Hurt Your Brain

Here are 8 phrases that will make your head hurt. Some call them “Shower Thoughts,” but enjoy!

1. No one ever called a friend and said, "Where are you?" until cell phones . . . because you had to call a landline which means you knew exactly where they were.

2. If you punch yourself and it hurts, are you considered strong or weak?

3. In the word scent, which letter is silent? The S or the C?

4. If Buzz Lightyear didn’t believe he was a toy, why did he freeze when a human walked by?

5. You can’t clean, you can only make something dirty.

6. Being alive at 45 is considered old, but dying at 45 is considered young. (so if you are 45, you aren’t THAT old!)

7. Characters that get married in a fiction book were literally meant for each other.

8. Your stomach thinks that all potatoes are mashed.

Memes by Josh B and Avi M


Dry Bowser vs. Mario by Max M

Joke by Josh B and Avi M

Where do penguins go to work?

The office because they love pens