Thesis 20 STEPS

20-Step PROCESS: Details

AsterWrite takes you through your research program, step-by-step, all the way. Every step can be completed using software tools and techniques in a cascading method. Here are the 20 steps: to see what AsterWrite can do for you, click on the menu (top of page) and select from the drop-down lists.

1. Proposed Area of Research

2. Problem Definition

3. Problem Statement

4. Review Process

5. Frameworks

6. Research Questions

7. Research Hypothesis

8. Research Aims and Objectives

9. Thesis Statement

10. Research Strategy, Design

11. Research Methodology

12. Ethical Consideration

13. Participant Selection

14. Research Timeline

15. Researcher Skills

16. Data Collection

17. Data Analysis

18. Findings

19. Conclusion

20. Contribution to Knowledge

Write a Dissertation or Thesis

AsterWrite provides most applications needed to conduct research, including:

  1. Conduct a full Literature Review

  2. Perform a full Gap Analysis

  3. Create full Conceptual, and Theoretical Framework

  4. Develop Research Questions

  5. Identify Qualitative or Quantitative test methods

  6. Develop Measurement Instruments (Questionnaire, etc.)

  7. Collect Data

  8. Analyse Data (Qualitative or Quantitative)

  9. Collate the Findings and Conclusions

  10. Synthesize the Thesis

THESIS Software

All the sections in magenta below can be handled by AsterWrite.

  1. Select a Research area

  2. Manage References

  3. Conduct a Literature Review

  4. Perform a Gap Analysis

  5. Create a Conceptual or Theoretical Framework

  6. Develop Research Questions

  7. Conduct Grounded Theory

  8. Develop Questionnaire

  9. Analyze Qualitative data (e.g. Grounded Theory, Structural Equation Modelling)

  10. Analyze Quantitative data (e.g. Design of Experiments, Robust Design, Multi-Variable Analysis)

  11. Perform Statistical Hypothesis Tests (e.g. Parametric, Non-Parametric)

  12. Synthesize the Thesis.


Thesis Template

Note that each step can be handled by AsterWrite

1 Research Proposal

    • 1.1 Abstract

    • 1.2 Proposed Area of Research

    • 1.3 Problem Definition

      • 1.3.1 Background to Problem

      • 1.3.2 Financial Implication

      • 1.3.3 Purpose of Study

      • 1.3.4 Context of Research

      • 1.3.5 Proposed Solution

      • 1.3.6 Importance of Study

    • 1.4 Problem Statement

    • 1.5 Thesis Structure

2 Literature Review

    • 2.1 Review Process

      • 2.1.1 Knowledge Gap

      • 2.1.2 Selection of Variables

      • 2.1.3 Scope of Study

      • 2.1.4 Assumptions

      • 2.1.5 Limitations

      • 2.1.6 Delimitations

      • 2.1.7 Definition of Terms

    • 2.2 Frameworks

3 Research Inquiry

    • 3.1 Research Questions

    • 3.2 Research Hypothesis

    • 3.3 Research Aims

    • 3.4 Research Objectives

    • 3.5 Thesis Statement

4 Research Strategy

    • 4.1 Research Design

      • 4.1.1 Qualitative Quantitative

      • 4.1.2 Instrumentation

      • 4.1.3 Validity

      • 4.1.4 Reliability

      • 4.1.5 Pilot Testing

      • 4.1.6 Sample Size

      • 4.1.7 Sampling Technique

    • 4.2 Research Methods

      • 4.2.1 Qualitative

      • 4.2.2 Quantitative

    • 4.3 Ethical Consideration

    • 4.4 Participant Selection

    • 4.5 Research Timeline

    • 4.6 Researcher Skills

5 Data Handling

    • 5.1 Data Collection

    • 5.2 Data Analysis

6 Findings Discussion

    • 6.1 Findings

    • 6.2 Conclusion

    • 6.3 Future Work

    • 6.4 Recommendation

    • 6.5 Contribution to Knowledge

7 End Matter

    • 7.1 Reference

    • 7.2 Bibliography