17. Data Analysis

AsterWrite handles qualitative data analysis so easily a researcher can learn to use it in a few hours unlike other qualitative data analysis software.

AsterWrite handles quantitative data analysis very easily with a wide range of statistical tests.

AsterWrite can also be used to conduct Structural Equation Modelling. The model itself being conceptualized in the qualitative data analysis (e.g. grounded theory) within AsterWrite.

AsterWrite is so versatile, a researcher can conduct a qualitative analysis, carry it over to questionnaire development, collect data and continue into structural equation modelling. The questionnaire development module itself provides many features including validity and reliability tests in a consistent manner.

AsterWrite also includes the Rasch model. Researchers can conduct a fairly detailed Rasch model analysis for questionnaire modelling. Rasch model analysis computes the Person and Item statistics with graphical outputs.