Q: How long did it take for Eric to make his models?

A:  Eric's first model took around a week to make. This included both the LEGO claw and the battery powered pulley system. His second model took around two weeks. He had to familiarize himself with the functions of all the different LEGO pieces and how he could make the elbow joint turn the claw. His third model, the 3D model, took him about two weeks as well. The hardest part for him was getting it to fit his hand. The fourth model (the one he considers a failure) took him about three weeks. He based the fourth model off of the 3D printed hand, using strings to represent tendons. His fifth and final model took him about 3 months. He not only had to teach himself all of the ins and outs of the LEGO blocks but he also had to learn coding using Arduino. 

Q: Does Eric wear his prosthetic hands around on a normal basis? Does he feel more comfortable wearing them than not?

A: On a daily basis, Eric does not wear his hands around. He used the process of building and creating his hands to learn and realize that he was just as capable as anyone else. His journey taught him how important it is to be comfortable in his own skin.