We're Going to a Wedding

Because I got a bit carried away, this story will be told in two parts: "Allen A. Dale" and "Robin Hood"

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The Author's Note is below.

Author's Note

Fair warning, this story is long. But I really had fun writing it and imagining the characters in a new situation. I liked that I gave myself the opportunity to write a light-hearted and fun story. Most of my other stories are told with a little gravitas, so it was cool to write something fun. In a lot of these stories that we read for class, I can see how little has changed from one era to the next--but none so obviously as Robin Hood. He is a classic; the OG--literally, the "original gangster"

I like the story of Allen A. Dale because it's one of the stories where Robin Hood doesn't just fight a random guy in the woods, but actually listens and decided to help him. Maybe he's a romantic, maybe he was just bored. But this story was easily my favorite in the unit. It starts out sort of kind and only slightly atypical, but in the last few stanzas of the poem everything goes to hell (in a good way) and I think that the few lines in the poem aren't enough to really get a feel for the silliness/cuteness of this story.