
Welcome to Mount Olympus! My name is Eris, goddess of strife and discord. If I were to describe myself I would say I love a good tussle between others. I always find it so thrilling and entertaining. Have you ever heard of a little thing called the "Burn Book"? Well, if you have, great! Strap in and get ready to be immersed in some juicy gossip. However, if you have not, well... let me let you in on what I am talking about. It is a book filled with mean comments about people you have a distaste for. In this case it is filled with angry, betrayal-fueled hate comments. Doesn't that sound fun?! Sadly, I was not involved in all of these little rifts, but I may have had something to do with one. However, just as the mere mortal Gossip Girl says, "That's a secret I'll never tell."

As you know, the gods and goddesses are family, and a quite dysfunctional one at that. This book contains all the latest in drama, inside scoop, and red hot, fiery hatred big enough to possibly spark a war... or two. The gods and goddesses like to think of themselves as superior, but after you start reading of their slander, you may start to share my opinion that most of them are just a bunch of whiny babies.

It is not hard to get drama to start on Mount Olympus. In fact the more you start to explore about the gods the more bickering you begin to uncover. I think I can get this into the hands of all of Mount Olympus' residents, but I could use your help. Your word of mouth can help me spread this around the mount faster than Pheidippides could run the first marathon. Actually.. I think I may just post myself up in the middle of the square at Olympus, set up a chair and read it out loud almost like god and goddess story time. Well, it has been decided. I will see you at noon for the reading of the official Burn 'Biblion' of Mount Olympus. Be there or don't! It is no skin off my nose, but just be prepared for some bloodshed.

Man Speaking to Crowd (UnSplash)