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We support immigration into the United States. There should be an easier and more efficient way for immigrants to get their citizenship. We should have border security to keep illegal immigrants out, but focus on the process of citizenship. We also want to make sure that those you may be being deported are not put in an uncomfortable situation, and their families are being taken into consideration.

Government Services to the Poor/Elderly

We would like to offer health care services of all varities to the poor and the elderly, who are unable to get them without assistance. We believe there should be many different resources available to them, such as in-home care, delivering food, driving to appointments, setting up job interviews, etc.

Gun Rigts

We believe that the right to own a gun should not be taken away, and was a right given when the foundation of our country was laid down. It is a right that should not be taken away, but we believe that their should be some restrictions to make sure that right is not abused. Possibly changing the age, or the process of purchasing a gun. There is a lot to change, to make sure we all have our rights, but are also safe