Our Party

What We Are About

Our main goal in this party is to have a party in government that is not limited to one set of ideologies. We want a party that is made up of members that form a community, and our not afraid to voice where they stand on certain issues. We want a unified party, and an open a safe space for you to voice your concerns, questions, and comments.

Our Candidate

Emily Carrillo

Our candidate, we feels is the best person for the job. She is hard working dedicated, and willing to get her hands dirty to make a difference. She is here to serve the community, not make the community serve for her. But there is more to her than just her role in government.

Our Goal For America

Our goal for America is simple, unity. We want to move the nation forward with a clear goal and united front. We know that not everyone will be happy with the decisions that are made, but we want everyone to feel that their voice was heard, and we are willing to make compromises that will support the ideologies that follow.