Where We Stand


We believe that all children should be vaccinated to prevent the spread of illnesses such as the flu or yellow fever. To attend school, you are told to get certain shots to protect yourself and others to keep the US a clean, healthy place. People with an illness like cystic fibrosis or severe combined immunodeficiency which is very much known as the bubble boy disease, generally do not attend school for the fear of unvaccinated students that can easily can cause them to get deathly sick. Getting vaccinated will not only protect you, but those around you.

Death Penalty

We believe that the death penalty should not be a way of punishment for any crime. Using the death penalty as punishment does not deter any crime. In fact, due to abolishing the death penalty in Canada, their murder rates have decreased, and in 2016 was the lowest it has been since 1966. This just goes to show that the death penalty has no affect other than taking away someone's life, and possibly someone's who is innocent.


We believe that individual healthcare is a better option than universal healthcare. Individual, private, health care has a better system set up so our doctor's and medical bills are taken care of, without having a huge tax cut out of someone's paycheck. With universal healthcare taxes will go up, and some people cannot afford that. Private healthcare has a plan for everyone's differing incomes and is the better option for the country at the end of the day.