Sherlock Holmes Series by Arthur Conan Doyle

About the Author: Arthur Conan Doyle

Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of the "Sherlock Holmes" series. He is wearing a flat cap and smoking a pipe.

Photo: Photograph of Arthur Conan Doyle smoking a pipe and looking off into the distance

Photo Courtesy of PBS ( 

Arthur Conan Doyle was a Scottish writer born in the year 1859 to a family abundant with appreciation for the arts and books. He spent his teenage years in England attending a boarding school where he discovered that he loved storytelling, though he would move to attend medical school in his adult years. After graduating and opening up his own practice, Conan Doyle would spend many years balancing both his medical and literary ambitions until suffering through a near-death influenza case. This spurred him to leave the medical field and focus solely on his writing, though he also spent some time as a military doctor and once tried his hand as a politician. He would also dedicate much of his time to fighting different injustices, including the maltreatment of prisoners. Throughout his career, Conan Doyle accumulated a prolific bibliography, and eventually passed in 1930 due to deteriorating health.