"It attracted considerable attention then, much of it focused on the author's perceived artistry. There was a tendency, from the beginning, to contrast this supposed authorial virtuosity with the novel's subject matter, rather inaccurately summed up as the pervasive negativity of the human condition in Africa. This bias didn't surprise me, and I assumed it would take little time for some careful scholar to balance it by zooming in on the conceptual content of the title, which I think expresses the meaning of the text as accurately as any title can. It is a matter of some bafflement to me, therefore, that to date, as far as I know, no critical assessment has actually gone to that thematic core: the provenance of the concept and image of the beautyful ones. The phrase 'The Beautiful One' is ancient, at least five thousand years old. To professional Egyptologists, it is a praise name for a central figure in Ancient Egyptian culture, the dismembered and remembered Osiris, a sorrowful reminder of our human vulnerability to division, fragmentation and degeneration, and at the same time a symbol of our equally human capacity for unity, cooperative action, and creative regeneration. ... 

I remember no special attachment to the mythic figure in those days, but by the time I wrote the novel my impressions of Osiris, though still relatively disorganised, had evolved to the point where I was ready to recognise the image as a powerful artistic icon. Here, in mythic form, was the essence of active, innovative human intelligence acting as a prime motive force for social management. I have yet to come across an earlier, or more attractive, image for the urge to positive social change."[8]

I discovered Silvia Moreno-Garcia last year through her novel, Mexican Gothic, which I absolutely loved. The Beautiful Ones is a very different story, and yet, I recognised it instantly as the work of Silvia Moreno-Garcia and was thrilled to see the versatility of her writing. Mexican Gothic was historical fiction with gothic, supernatural, and horror themes. The Beautiful Ones is also historical fiction, but of an entirely different theme and atmosphere. It put me in mind of a classic, to be honest, along the lines of the Bronte sisters merged with Austen. This is a clever novel, well written, with all the nuances of 19th century high society on full display.

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I love the book but i wonder wether the beautyful ones will be born because those who remain good die in poverty while the corrupt get satisfied how long will this continue if only africans would decide to join forces n stop imitation of the whites the we would not have limited resources 2351a5e196

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