The MSAC Philosophy Group





570 and Counting

  Go here for the 280 Audiobooks | Go here for the 519 video/film offerings

Note: any book with an * beside the title has an audiobook version

Graphic Wisdom Novels

1 | SUBTLE, a Voyage to the Imperceptible 

2 | VOODOO VOODOO and Two More Waves

3 | VIRTUAL LIBRARY, The Mystery of the Eleventh Portal


5 | VERTICAL ASCENT: A Meditative Journey in Light and Sound

Quantum Mechanics | Physics 

1 | Spooky Physics: a brief introduction to the Einstein/Bohr debate and the implications of quantum theory* by Andrea Diem-Lane

2 | Einstein vs. Bohr: the EPR paper of 1935 by Albert Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen

3 | Bohr vs. Einstein: Niels Bohr’s rejoinder to Einstein in physical review, 1935 by Niels Bohr

4 | Schrodinger's Cat: The present situation in quantum mechanics by Erwin Schrödinger

5 | Bertlemann’s Socks:  J.S. Bell’s paper for journal de physique by J.S. Bell

6 | New Physics and Ancient Mysticism by David Christopher Lane

7 | The Feynman Imperative* by David Christopher Lane and Andrea Diem-Lane

8 | Quantum Weirdness (new edition)* by Andrea Diem-Lane

9 | Is the Universe Really Made of Tiny Rubber Bands?* by Shaun Michael Diem-Lane

10 | Bruno's Multiverse * by David Christopher Lane

11 | When the Sun Became the Center* by Dorothy Stimson

12 | Four Scientists who Changed the World* by Sarah Knowles Bolton

13 | Just Odds * by David Christopher Lane

14 | Maya: The Physics of Deception * by David Christopher Lane

15 | Illuminated Geometry* by Albert Einstein

16 | The Materialist Orbit * by David Christopher Lane

17 | Gravity's Arc by Benjamin Harrow’s

18 | Aristarchus of Samos by Sir Thomas Heath

19 | Astronomical History by Oliver Lodge

20 | Science Adventure by David Christopher Lane and Andrea Diem-Lane

21 | Transformations of Matter by M. Pattison Muir

22 | Einstein as explained by Lorentz by H. A. Lorentz

23 | Nature's Monism by Ernst Haeckel

24 | On the Nature of Things by Sir Arthur Eddington

25 | Pierre Curie by Marie Curie

26 | All Things Quantum by Tai Synth

27 | Scientific Acumen by Tai Synth

28 | New Physics and its Evolution by Lucien Poincare

29 | My Inventions: Tesla by Nikola Tesla

30 | The Riddle of the Universe by Ernst Haeckel

31 | Archaic Astronomy by George Forbes

32 | Is the Universe Made of Tiny Rubber Bands?* by Shaun Diem-Lane

33 | Einstein, the Searcher

Evolution | Natural Selection

1 | Darwin’s DNA: a brief introduction to evolutionary philosophy* by Andrea Diem-Lane

2 | On the Tendency of Varieties to Depart Indefinitely from the Original Type by Alfred Russel Wallace

3 | Experiments in Plant Hybridization by Gregor Mendel

4 | On the Origin of Species: a review by T.H. Huxley

5 | Molecular Structures of Nucleic Acids by James Watson and Francis Crick

6 | Frisky Dirt: why Ken Wilber’s new creationism is pseudoscience* by David Christopher Lane

7 | Random Mutations in Molecular Biology: why Ken Wilber’s creationist hummer got recalled by David Christopher Lane

8 | The Faith of Physical Causes: presenting the evidence for biological evolution by David Christopher Lane

9 | Darwin 101 * with contributions by David Christopher Lane and Andrea Diem-Lane

10 | Evolutionary Limits * with contributions by David Christopher Lane

11 | The DNA of Consciousness (new edition) * by Andrea Diem-Lane

12 | You are Probability* by David Christopher Lane

13 | Cosmic Creationism* by David Christopher Lane

14 | Evolution and Natural Selection* by August Weismann

15 | Epistmelogical Borderlands* by David Christopher Lane

16 | The Evolutionary Scientists* by MSAC Philosophy Group Students

17 | A Scientific Notebook by Thomas Henry Huxley

18 | The Organic Unity of the Universe by Ernst Haeckel 

19 | The Great Evolutionist by Thomson and Weismann

20 | The Nature Explorer: Russel Letters by Alfred Russel Wallace

21 | Evolution Illuminated  by Alfred Russel Wallace

22 | Where it Leads by Charles Morris

23 | The Evolving Image by Sir Julian Huxley

24 | Adaptive Evolution by Alfred Russel Wallace

25 | Observation with a Purpose by George Iles

26 | The Ascent of Charles Darwin by Grant Allen

27 | Natural Wit by Henrietta Huxley

28 | Naturally Selected Original Readings in Evolutionary Biology

29 | Huxley, A Scientific Education by Thomas Henry Huxley

30 | Herbert Spencer Book by J. Arthur Thomson

31 | DNA Select by Tai Synth

32 | The Influence of Darwin by John Dewey

33 | Mendelism by R.C. Punnett

34 | Evolutionary Scientists by MSAC Philosophy Group Students

35 | Modern Science: Evolution by Ernst Haeckel

36 | Great Insights of the Scientific Mind: Charles Darwin* Edited by David Christopher Lane

37 | Supernatural Philosopher: Wallace by Alfred Russel Wallace with an Introduction by David Christopher Lane

38 | Defending Darwin by Thomas Henry Huxley

39 | Evolution and Natural Selection by August Weismann

40 | Darwin's Obituary by Thomas Henry Huxley

41 | The God Behind the Curtain: Creationism critiqued* by David Christopher Lane

42 | VISITED, Nature's Algorithm by David Christopher Lane


Neuroscience | Consciousness

1 | Is Consciousness Physical?* by David Christopher Lane

2 | The Physics of Awareness* by David Christopher Lane

3 | Is My iPhone Conscious?* by David Christopher Lane

5 | Agnostic by David Christopher Lane

7 | The Voyage Within by Dr. Ronald Siegel

8 | Einstein's Wastebasket  by Andrea Diem-Lane and David Christopher Lane

10 | Surfing in the Cerebral Hemispheres* by David Christopher Lane

11 | Churchland Controversy* by David Christopher Lane

12 | The Library of Consciousness* by David Christopher Lane and Andrea Diem-Lane

13 | The Illuminated Brain* Great Thinkers in Consciousness Studies by the MSAC Philosophy Group Students

14 | The Astral Plane Debates* by David Christopher Lane

15 | Conscious Creatures Kelly Lane

16 | A Deceptive Brain

17 | Mysterium Tremendum* by David Christopher Lane and Andrea Diem-Lane

18 | The Projected Multiverse *by David Christopher Lane

19 | The Animistic Universe* by Andrea Diem-Lane

20 | Oceanic Metaphor* by David Christopher Lane

21 | The Disneyland of Consciousness* by David Christopher Lane

22 | Cerebral Mirage* by Andrea Diem-Lane

23 | Digital Teleportation* by David Christopher Lane

24 | Virtual Philosophy by David Christopher Lane

25 | The Rendered Universe* by David Christopher Lane

26 | The Science of Unity

27 | On Being Unknowing* by David Christopher Lane

28 | Zombie Dating* by David Christopher Lane

29 | The Neural Basis of Consciousness, Churchland*

30 | The Unconscious Prisoner* by David Christopher Lane

31 | The Subjective Mind* by David Christopher Lane

Computers | Artificial Intelligence

1 | On Computable Numbers with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem by Alan Turing

2 | Computing Intelligence and Machinery by Alan Turing

3 | The Horizontal Urge: how information will get laid in the future by David Christopher Lane

4 | The Future of Information and Memory: or how your iPod will hold everything in the future by David Christopher Lane

5 | The Avatar Project* by Andrea Diem-Lane and David Christopher Lane

6 | Is the Universe An App?* by David Christopher Lane

7 | When Computers Become Human* Kelly Lane

8 | The Virtual Philosophers* by the MSAC Philosophy Group Students

9 | The Virtual Reality of Consciousness* by David Christopher Lane

10 | A Virtual Tomorrow* Kelly Lane

11 | The Cyborg has Entered the Classroom* by David Christopher Lane

12 | Digital Conflux by the MSAC Philosophy Group Students

13 | A Future in VR? by the MSAC Philosophy Group Students

14 | Reality in the Backdrop* by David Christopher Lane

15 | The Future of A.I. in Meditation* Andrea Diem-Lane

16 | Giant Brains

17 | VR: Course Syllabus by David Christopher Lane

18 | The Voice of the Machines

19 | When Machines Become Masters by Samuel Butler

20 | And, Or, Not, Boole Logic*

21 | Please Don't Turn Me Off!

22 | The Cyborg has Entered the Classroom

Mystical | Paranormal

1 | The Mystical Dimension by David Christopher Lane

2 | Mysticism and Logic by Bertrand Russell

3 | Littlewood’s Law of Miracles by David Christopher Lane

4 | The Himalayan Connection: UFO’s and the Chandian Effect by David Christopher Lane

5 | Paranormal Adventures: The World’s Oldest Astrological Book by David Christopher Lane

6 | Believer Skeptic and the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man by David Christopher Lane

7 | The Skeptical Yogi * by David Christopher Lane

8 | Psychic Deception * 

9 | Mystical Symbolism | Manly P. Hall

10 | Skeptic / Psychic by David Christopher Lane

11 | The Luminous Within

12 | Glimpses of the Superluminal Realm

13 | The 9th Vibration

14 | In the Land of Ethereal Beings

15 | Sherlock's Conversion by Arthur Conan Doyle

16 | Blissful by David Christopher Lane

17 | The Third Eye Fallacy by David Christopher Lane

18 | Dream Avatars by David Christopher Lane

19 | The Infinite Regress by David Christopher Lane

20 | Vaporizing Spirits

21 | In Search of the Perfect Coke by David Christopher Lane

22 | Lives of Alchemystical Philosophers

23 | The Cell of Self Knowledge

24 | Consciousness and Immortality

25 | Brother of the Third Degree

26 | The Mystical Divide by David Christopher Lane

27 | Bliss Land by David Christopher Lane

28 | The Luminous Teachings

Skeptical | Cults

1 | God 101: There is None? by David Christopher Lane

2 | The Guru has No Turban by David Christopher Lane

3 | The Magic of an Elevated Podium by David Christopher Lane

4 | Andrew Cohen Exposed by David Christopher Lane

5 | Hi Gakko, this is Fubbi by Dodie Bellamy

6 | Exposing Cults: The Paradox of Da Free John by David Christopher Lane

7 | Lotus Feet of Clay John Wren-Lewis

8 | Gumby Land by David Christopher Lane

9 | Doubting Mind* Great Skeptical Thinkers by the MSAC Philosophy Group Students

10 | Miracle Mongers and their Methods by Harry Houdini

11 | The Progressive Nature of Doubt by Charles Bradlaugh

12 | Exposing Cults by David Christopher Lane

13 | The Agnostic Lawyer by Clarence Darrow

14 | Cultic Mind by David Christopher Lane

15 | DA: The Strange Case of Franklin Jones by Scott Lowe and David Christopher Lane

16 | Cult of the Seven Sages by David Christopher Lane

17 | Myopic Materialist by David Christopher Lane

18 | Reading with a Skeptical Eye

19 | Acerbic Critic, Mencken by H.L. Mencken

20 | Gumby Land Thinking, by David Christopher Lane

21 | The Rational Imperative

22 | The Gospel of Unbelief

23 | Promissory Metaphysics

24 | Shadow of a God-Man: Sai Baba by David Christopher Lane

25 | Contagious Cults by Andrea Diem-Lane

Thinking | Philosophy

1 | Plato’s Cave: philosophy in image and text

2 | Tom Blake: the original neuralsurfer by David Christopher Lane

3 | Cerebral Wave: the coffee-house of surat by Leo Tolstoy

4 | Deconstructionism: out-of-body experiences and netflix by David Christopher Lane

5 | Neural Reflections: selections from a diary by David Christopher Lane

6 | What would Errol Do? the octagonal philosophy of Errol Flynn by David Christopher Lane

9 | A Confession by Leo Tolstoy

11| Why I Don’t Eat Faces: a neuroethical argument for veganism by David Christopher Lane

12 | Circle of the Wise *

13 | Neural Surfer: The Diary * by David Christopher Lane

14 | Why Living Today is Better than Yesterday * by David Christopher Lane

15 | Truth Lies (new edition)

16 | Early Veganism

17 | Virtual Knowledge | Bergson

18 | Rationality 101 | Kant

19 | Untethered Rationality

20 | The Prophetic Luddite?

21 | To Think

22 | The Agnostic Reformation

23 | Agnostic Illuminations by David Christopher Lane

24|  The Role of Skepticism

25 | Why I Don't Eat Faces by David Christopher Lane

26 | What Would Errol Do? by David Christopher Lane

27 | The Great Mystery by David Christopher Lane

28 | Heretical Thinking by David Christopher Lane

29 | Mysticism and Mathematics by Bertrand Russells

30 | Creature Compassion by Kelly Lane

31 | The Logic of Vegetarianism

32 | What Nietzsche Taught

33 | Nietzsche and Art

34 | Digital Philosophy by David Christopher Lane

35 | A History of Wisdom

36 | The Metaphysics of Morals

Philosophy | Classics

1 | How Did Socrates Die? Plato

2 | The Life of Pythagoras 

3 | The Metaphysics of Morality: Kant *

4 | Truth Lies: Beyond Good and Evil: Nietzsche

5 | To be Agnostic: Darrow

6 | Reasonable Logic: Wittgenstein *

7 | Stoicism Lite: Epictetus

8 | Siddhartha

9 | The Socratic Quest *

10 | On the Abstinence of Animal Food

11 | Great Insights of the Scientific Mind: Bertrand Russell *

12 | The Voyage of Unknowing * by David Christopher Lane

13 | Perspective | Stoicism

14 | The Study of Language

15 | What Nietzsche Taught

16 | Evolving Mind

17 | Aristotle's Adventure

18 | Critical Wisdom

19 | A Socratic Dialectic

20 | The Athenian Constitution

21 | Spinoza's Ethics

22 | Understanding Mind

23 | Aristotle

24 | The Tyranny of God

25 | Eucken's Philosophy

26 | A Tragic Sense of Life

27 | Unfinished Nietzsche

28 | The Stoic Emperor

29 | Philosophic Nights in Paris

30 | A Short History of Greek Philosophy

31 | Great Insights of the Scientific Mind: Doubt Quotes

32 | History of Modern Philosophy

33 | The Socratic Quest

34 | Future Thinking by David Christopher Lane

35 | Psychology's Unconscious

36 | Early Greek Wisdom

37 | Philosophical Contrasts

38 | Beautiful: An Essay on Plotinus

39 | Pondering the Cosmos

40 | The Transcendentalist

41 | The Disenchanted Philosopher

42 | A Necessary Illusion

43 | Plant Based

44 | Metaphysical Thirst

45 | The Philosophy of Bertrand Russell

46 | The Agnostics

47 | How Socrates Died

38 | Circle of the Wise

39 | Visual Foresight: Kelly Lane

40 | Sipping Nirvana

41 | William James, The World

42 | Education and the Good Life

Religion | East and West

Guideline: When Scholars Study the Sacred by Andrea Diem-Lane

1 | Bhagavad Gita: Krishna

2 | Dhammapada: Buddha *

3 | Ramana: Who Am I? by David Christopher Lane

4 | A Confession: Tolstoy  

5 | Orthodoxy

6 | Numinous Lectures  

7 | Tao Te Ching 

8 | The Essence of Christianity

9 | Pantheism

10 | Ahimsa *

1 | Sri Japji Sahib * with Introduction by David Christopher Lane

12 | Athanasia

13 | Disciples of the Sacred Gurus

14 | Journey to the Sacred Land of Buddha

15 | S E C L U S I O N


17 | St. Francis of Assisi

18 | A 14th Century Mystic

19 | Behold the Man

20 | Beyond the Mummy

21 | The Gnosis of the Light

22 | A Parallaxical God

23 | The Book of Saints & Friendly Beasts

24 | The Making of a Saint


26 | Mystics of the World: Ramana Maharshi

27 | Blissful by David Christopher Lane

28 | Amrit

29 | The Gnostic Mystery by Andrea Diem-Lane

30 | Ganesha Chronicles

31 | Ahimsa by Andrea Diem-Lane

32 | The Rise of New Religions by Andrea Diem-Lane

33 | Song of the Eastern Snow Mountain

34 | Diamond Sutra

35 | Zen Buddhism and its Relation to Art

36 | Kali Santarana Upanishad

37 | Hindu Magic

38 | Religion and Science

39 | Through Nature to God

40 | How to Study the Sacred

41 | Water Gods

42 | A Many Sided Brain, Jainist

43 | Adventures of a Prior Buddha

44 | Ancient Atheism

45 | Olympic Gods

46 | Beacon of Light: Jain Leader

47 | Mystics of the World: Nicholas of Cusa

48 | Empty Zen

49 | The 14 Dreams of Queen Trishala

50 | The Bengali Mystic: Ramakrishna

51 | Ramana: The Way of Knowledge

52 | The Swami Who Inspired the World

53 | The Celluar God

54 | Pali Buddha

55 | The Essence of Christianity

Radhasoami | Sant Mat | Sikhism

1 | THE ENCHANTED LAND: A Journey with the Saints of India * by David Christopher Lane

2 | WHEN CHARAN DIED  by David Christopher Lane

3 | THE GOD EXPERIMENT *by David Christopher Lane

4 | RS DOCS: volume one: Theosophy and Radhasoami

5 | RS DOCS: volume two: The Radha Swami Sect in India

6 | RS DOCS: volume four: The Radha Soami Satsang by J.N Farquhar | 1915 

7 | The Inner Sound by David Christopher Lane

8 | Shabd Yoga by David Christopher Lane

9 | Sandilya 

10 | The Mystery of Dr. Johnson's Death * by David Christopher Lane

11 | The Succession Conspiracy * by David Christopher Lane

12 | Radhasoami: A Critical History * by David Christopher Lane

13 | The Guru in America * by Andrea Diem-Lane

14 | Rai Salig Ram *

15 | Mystics of the World: Jagat Singh *

16 | Mystics of the World: Rai Salig Ram *

17 | Mystics of the World: Charan Singh *

18 | Charan: A Remembrance * by David Christopher Lane

19 | RS Documents *

20 | The God Experiment: Radhasoami's Version of Science by David Christopher Lane

21 | Radhasoami Comes to America

22 | The Soldier Sage of Beas

23 | Glimpses of Sikh History

24 | NADA: Book one

25 | The Guru Question by David Christopher Lane

26 | Visual Meditation Booklet by David Christopher Lane

27 | Kabir

28 | Baba Jaimal Singh and his Quest by Kirpal Singh

29 | Mystics of the World: Sarmad

30 | Digital Maya by David Christopher Lane

31 | Complete Set of R.S. Documents

32 | Sri Japji Sahib

33 | Radhasoami Mat Prakash

34 | Guru Arjan's Sukhmani

35 | Kabir from the Guru Granth Sahib

36 | The Mystics of the World

37 | Mystic Jewels, Excerpts from Sikh Scriptures

Sach Khand | R.S. Journal

1 | SACH KHAND: The Journal of Radhasoami Studies | volume 1

2 | SACH KHAND: The Journal of Radhasoami Studies | volume 2

3 | SACH KHAND: The Journal of Radhasoami Studies | volume 3

4 | SACH KHAND: The Journal of Radhasoami Studies | volume 4

5 | SACH KHAND: The Journal of Radhasoami Studies | volume 5

6 | SACH KHAND: The Journal of Radhasoami Studies | volume 6

7 | SACH KHAND: The Journal of Radhasoami Studies | volume 7

8 | SACH KHAND: The Journal of Radhasoami Studies | volume 8

9 | SACH KHAND: Faqir Chand, One

10 | SACH KHAND: Faqir Chand, Two

11 | SACH KHAND: Faqir Chand, Three

12 | SACH KHAND: Faqir Chand, Four


Shabd Yoga and Meditation 

1 | The Voyage of Light and Sound by David Christopher Lane

2 | The Way Out is In

3 | The Physics of Going Within by David Christopher Lane

4 | Why I Meditate * by David Christopher Lane

5 | The Mystic Sound *

6 | Listening to the Inner Sound * by David Christopher Lane

7 | Shabd Yoga * by David Christopher Lane

8 | Blissful Ignorance by David Christopher Lane

9 | Vertical Ascent by David Christopher Lane

10 | The Evolution of Meditation by David Christopher Lane

11 | The Doubting Meditator by David Christopher Lane

12 | The Enchanted Land, New Edition by David Christopher Lane

13 | Esoterica from the East, New Edition

Eckankar and Related Movements

1 | Gakko: The Skeptic’s Journal on Eckankar, volume one by David Christopher Lane

2 | Gakko: The Skeptic’s Journal on Eckankar, volume two by David Christopher Lane

3 | When God Responds: Darwin Gross vs. David Lane by David Christopher Lane

4 | The Path of Plagiarism by David Christopher Lane

5 | The Making of a Spiritual Movement * by David Christopher Lane

6 | The Master Plagiarist: Gary Olsen and MasterPath by David Christopher Lane

7. | GAKKO CAME FROM VENUS: Exploring the Lost History of Eckankar by David Christopher Lane

8 | Gary Olsen and Masterpath Critique book version by David Christopher Lane

9 | The Philosopher's Library, fiction by David Christopher Lane

Faqir Chand | Radical Spirituality

1 | The Unknowing Sage: The Life and Work of Baba Faqir Chand * by David Christopher Lane

2 | Inner Visions and Running Trains by David Christopher Lane

3 | The Projective Arc * by David Christopher Lane

4 | The Reluctant Guru  by David Christopher Lane

5 | Baba Faqir Chand: A Pictorial Glimpse of His Philosophy * by David Christopher Lane

6 | The Chandian Effect by David Christopher Lane

7 | Jeevan Mukti

8 | The Secret of Secrets

9 | The Chandian Effect BOOK (not magazine) *

10 | The Unknowing Sage (new edition) / HINDI

11 | Inner Visions and Running Trains (illustrated edition) * by David Christopher Lane

12 | Meeting the Great Sage of the Punjab * by David Christopher Lane

13 | The Inner Secret * by David Christopher Lane

14 | Floating Swans and Blooming Flowers *

15 | Mystics of the World: Faqir Chand * 

16 | Baba Faqir Chand Illuminations *

17 | The Mystic-Sage of the Punjab * by David Christopher Lane

18 | The Enlightened Successor

19 | To Evaporate in the Universe

20 | Garud Puran

21 | The Gallows

22 | The Mystic Sage of the Punjab

Mini Books | Great Thoughts

1 | Nietzsche: God is Dead

2 | Nicholas of Cusa: The Unknowable

3 | Jack London: The Royal Sport *

4 | Charles Darwin: Natural Selection

5 | Water Bound 2

6 | Water Bound 1

Varied | Different Topics

1 | The Yoga of Bodysurfing by David Christopher Lane

2 | Tom Blake: A Surfer's Philosophy * by David Christopher Lane

3 | The Library of Imagination *

4 | The Runnebohm Library by David Christopher Lane

5 | Philosophy Library * by David Christopher Lane

6 | Being the Wave by David Christopher Lane

7 | Katia

8 | Book Illustrators and Their Work

9 | Gerry Sant of the Secret Service

10 | Certain Personal Matters

11 | The Legend of the Jealous Sisters

12 | The Book Addict

13 | Growth of Medicine

14 | Poipu: Shipwreck by David Christopher Lane

15 | Prints

16 | Nerdburglar by David Christopher Lane

17 | The Invaders and Other Stories

18 | The Mysterious Shin Shira

19 | Japanese Prints

20 | Life in a Thousand Worlds

21 | What Men Live By

22 | Thoughts on Art and Life, Da Vinci

23 | Habits of a Great Philosopher

24 | Rain by Somerset Maugham

25 | Mark Twain in India

26 | Story without End

27 | The Cave Dwellers of Saturn

28 | The Psychic Surfer by David Christopher Lane

29 | The Book Hunter in London

30 | The Hungry Stones by Tagore

31 | The Talking Book Library by David Christopher Lane

32 | Honolulu

32 | The Planet Time Forgot

33 | Shipwreck Tales

34 | Lord Dunsanys' Tales

35 | Confessions of a Bibliomaniac

36 | Kauai Adventure

37 | Swann's Way in Half

Sufism, Islam, and related themes

1 | Tales of Wonder *

2 | Conference of the Birds *

3 | The Mystics of Islam *

4 | The Temptations of Prince Agib *

5 | The Blissful Longing of Rumi *

6 | The Mystical Heart of Islam *

7 | Rumi's Masnavi *

8 | Voyages of Imagination *

9 | The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam *

10 | Divan of Hafiz *

11 | Persian Poetry *

12 | Skepsis: The Poetic Insights of a Critical Mind

13 | Compass of Truth

14 | Mullah Shah

15 | Transcendent Pantheism

16 | Amaurotic Light

17 | Magical Tales from Mystic India

18 | Sufi Inspired

19 | Carazan's Dream

20 | Visions of the Blue Mosque

21 | The Mystic Sublime

22 | The Mingling of the Two Oceans

23 | Jahanara's Biography of Mullah Shah

24 | The Development of Metaphysics in Persia

25 | Mystics of the World: DARA SHIKOH

26 | Simurgh

27 | Mystics of Islam, fuller version

28 | Conference of the Birds

29 | Sufi: Message of Liberty

30 | With the Pilgrims to Mecca

31 | Persian Mystics

32 | The Blissful Longing of Rumi

33 | Ecstatic Memory

34 | Sufism: A Brief Introduction

35 | The Diwan of Zeb-Un-Nissa

History related

1 | With Lawrence in Arabia *

2 | Remembering Tolstoy *

3 | Eskimo Land

4 | Tibetan Adventures

5 | Plato's Sunken Island

6 | HIWA: A Tale of Ancient Hawaii


8 | Newspapers and the Moral Question

9 | Exposing Frauds

10 | Picturing Tolstoy

11 | The Sun's Origin: Japan

12 | Hong Kong

13 | Cherry Blossoms in April *

14 | The Wealthy Vegetarian

15 | Magical Tales From the Punjab

16 | The Forgotten India

17 | Sanskrit

18 | The Untouched Summit

19 | Nine Journeys of Wonder

20 | The Doubting Catholic

21 | Bruno and Infinity *

22 | The Transmission of Knowledge *

23 | Spelled Out

24 | Travels in the Lost Empire

25 | Secluded Time

26 | Akhnaton

27 | Kipling's Journey of India

28 | Acerbic Critic

29 | Blue Diamonds in the Days of Mighty Akbar

30 | The Ethical Thinker

31 | Notes on Japan

32 | Fragile Idols

33 | Genghis Khan

34 | The Codex Evolution

35 | Japanese Eyes

36 | The Habits of a Great Novelist

37 | From Atheism to Theosophy

38 | Forbidden Books

39 | After the Mutiny

40 | The Race to Tabriz

41 | Poetic India

42 | The Textual Revolution

43 | The Tragic War

44 | The Dystopian Futurist

45 | Princess of the Waves

46 | "Mr. Watson, Come Here"

47 | Info-Wire

48 | Organized Knowledge

49 | The Transformation of Matter

50 | The Crimean Notebooks

51 | The Interior Quest

52 | Understanding the Past

53 | A Sacred Nature

54 | Illuminated Manuscripts

55 | A Seaman's Tales

46 | In the Land of the Pharaohs

47 | In the Eye of Horus

48 | Timeless Codex

49 | A Voyage to the East

50 | London at Night

51 | Princess Badoura

52 | Electric Lights

53 | A Boy's Adventure in India

54 | On the Origin of Music and its Evolution

55 | Visions of Marrakesh

56 | In Morocco

57 | A Dweller in Mesopotamia

58 | The Ascent of the Matterhorn

59 | Khaled: A Tale of Arabia

60 | Impressions of a Different Era


62 | The Lance of Kanana

63 | The Volcanic World

64 | The Romanes Lecture

65 | The Workers

66 | Tolstoy

67 | Rulers of India: Akbar  x


69 | Russian Novel

70 | The Story of the Indian Mutiny

71 | Travelling Sketches

72 | Huxley on Education

73 | The Magic Shop

74 | The Phantom Rickshaw

75 | Early Memories / Yeats

76 | Predicting the Future

77 | Intellectual Forecasting

78 | The Dream of a Ridiculous Man

79 | Aspects of Modern Oxford

80 | Satyagraha in India

81 | Across Asia on a Bicycle

82 | Shelley at Oxford

83 | Marcel Proust

84 | The Little Tea Book

85 | Mahatama Gandhi

86 | The Neuralsurfer's Journal

87 | Pasteur

88 | Joseph Alexander Lane

89 | Film Wise Quotes

90 | Mountain Paths

91 | Merton of the Movies

92 | Spiritual Adventures in India

93 | Churchill in South Africa

94 | Annouchka

95 | Atlantis, Plato

96 | OM: The Secret of the Abhor Valley

97 | Discoverers and Explorers

98 | The Story of Alexander

99 | Lost Secrets

100 | History of Modern Philosophy

101 | Journeys that Changed the World

102 | Genghis Khan

103 | My Early Days at Oxford

104 | Oxford

105 | On the Abstinence of Animal Food

106 | The Clockwork Man

107 | Akhbar, the Emperor of India

WIDE PAGE, Fully Illustrated Books


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