Supply List

Here is a list of supplies, some they will need right away. Please send them in as soon as possible.

* Please do not label anything*

2 - Plastic folders with hole punches

4 - composition books (black and white) no spiral

1 - pack of Expo Dry erase Markers

2 - boxes 24 pack crayons

2 - dozen No. 2 pencils (no mechanical)

1 - yellow highlighter

2 - large pink erasers

2 - boxes of tissues

1 - 8 pack washable crayola markers

1 - box of colored pencils

7 - large glue sticks

1 - Fiskar scissors - blunt tip

1 - pencil box (8" x 5") no bags

1 - box (unscented) baby wipes

1 - pair ($ store) headphones for laptops

1 - ream copy paper

Wish List

These items are not on the supply list but we may need them throughout the year. Thank you in advance for you contributions.

Scotch packaging tape

Plastic spoons/forks

Paper plates - any size

Arts/Crafts supplies

Treasure box items


Play dough


