The Lilly Pad

Welcome To the Pad

Mrs. Brenners' Class

The Lilly Pad

Panther Run Elementary

My Mission Statement

Students are provided with a nurturing environment committed to achieving excellence. They are challenged to reach their maximum potential by learning at their functional level to provide a solid foundation of skills, knowledge and values. This foundation enables each student to become a well-educated, productive adult able to cope with an ever changing world.

My Contact Information

Panther Run Website -

Panther Run Phone # - 754-323-6850

Procedure for Excusing Student Absences

If your child is absent or you are going out of town, please make sure you either:

Call the Front Office

Email me

Write a note and put it in their folder

Write a note on their Message Sheet in their binders

Early Dismissal

If you are picking up your child early from school, please sign them out through the office before 1:30 pm.

Snack Time

In the Pad we have a shared snack. I pick 2 snack items each day to choose from. Several times throughout the year I will ask children to bring in a large container or bag of snack. Thank you in advance for your help with snack! Students may brig in their own snack if they want but it must be dry, finger food. Nothing that needs a spoon. We have a water fountain in the classroom so please no juice pouches.

Lunch Time

Lunch can be pre-paid on line. Putting money into your child's account will help expedite the line during lunch. If you would like to come and have lunch with your child you will need to check into the office first and meet your child at the back tables. If you are celebrating your child's birthday you may bring in cupcakes to pass out during their lunch time. (Please no goody bags and no pictures)

Ice cream day is on Wednesday. the cost is $.65 and can be taken from their lunch account so please keep track of their account to avoid running low.

If you would like to volunteer at school, either in the classroom, workroom, or as a chaperone for a field trip; you will need to fill out a form online through our Panther Run website. It will take about 48 hours to be approved. Once you have been approved you can contact me. During open house I will discuss how I use volunteers in my classroom.