Teaching Chess

Chess Coaching Clinic

Check out the videos below for topics that we've covered in our online coaching clinics

Suggested Books for Study

Having a great library of chess books will allow your players to study for themselves. Self-study using these coach-approved texts can be a great way to encourage your team to improve. Most of these titles can be found online for relatively small costs. Used editions are just as good and usually far less expensive.

Chess Progress - by Erik Czerwin, Rockford (Guilford) - Click here to purchase!

The Chess Tactics Workbook - by Al Woolum Click here to purchase

Reassess Your Chess, 4th Edition - by Jeremy Silman

The Amateur's Mind - by Jeremy Silman

Silman's Complete Endgame Course - by Jeremy Silman

Combinational Motifs - by Maxim Blokh (Moscow, 2000)

Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess - by Bobby Fischer

My System: 21st Century Edition - by Aron Nimzowitsch

Modern Chess Strategy - by Ludek Pachman

Secrets of Modern Chess Strategy: Advances since Nimzowitsch - by John Watson

New Ideas in Chess - by Larry Evans

Ideas Behind the Chess Openings:Algebraic Edition - by Rueben Fine

Suggested Software

Having the following Coach-recommended software will be a great resource for any chess player: