World Legacy Lore

On that day in a dazzling light

She lost consciousness,

And then when she awoke,

What she saw was a calm night sky laid out before her.

With the twinkling light of the stars,

Gently illuminating the world around her,

She embarked on a journey.

Sometimes, the sword she held

Would blink and glow

With a faint light.

What laid ahead on the path it guided her on

No one knew.

Still, that girl

Entrusted her hopes to its blinking light

Continuing to journey the world he left behind.

The Creation Myth Passed Down by the Celestial Forest

In days of long ago, there was a God who governed the movements of the heavens.

That God used the dragons as its vassals,

To fulfill their duty of maintaining the heavens in a cycle of creation and destruction.

However, the power of destruction grew each time it was used,

And eventually, the balance of power between creation and destruction had collapsed.

The power of destruction had become so great,

That if it was let loose, it would have certainly destroyed the very heavens it was created to protect.

God decided it was impossible to govern the heavens by themselves.

Using the power of creation, a cage was forged, made of countless layers of the earthen crust,

And the power of destruction was sealed within.

The power of destruction, having lost its way, burned up, transforming into the planet's core.

Its energy blended together with the power of creation coursing throughout the land,

And the energy that flowed forth to the surface of the earth,

Giving rise to life, small existences that repeat the cycle of life and death.

God turned the last vestiges of their being into a 'Key',

Entrusting it to the life that had sprouted across the earth, and disappeared.

Over the countless years to follow, the power of destruction sometimes manifested itself on the surface,

But each time, those small lives stood side-by-side with the dragons.

In time, the 'Key' came to be known as a sword, while the power of destruction came to be known as the 'Great Darkness',

And their story was passed down as the gallant epic of the 'World Hero'.

"Starlight Hero, Raise Your Sword and Gather the Light, You Must Vanquish the Great Darkness"