1| Dogmatika / Tri-Brigade Arc


(the Exiled)


(the Shrouded)

The two of them after traveling their path, being chased by the "Dogmatika", and finally arriving to the "Great Sand Sea". "Ecclesia" gifted the boy, who had forgotten even his own name, the name "Albaz", meaning 'white'. The two of them began to develop a bond ever so clumsily.

In a cruel twist of fate, the boy and girl had nowhere to go. Seeing the two of them reminded "Shuraig" and the others of their own past, when they were chased out by their own tribes and were on the verge of death. With no memories and incapable of trusting even himself, the young boy saw how the people before him treated even "Ecclesia", who was supposed to be their enemy, with kindness. And so, he developed his first sense of trust.

"Shuraig" entrusted the Mercourier to the boy as proof of his identity.

Watching this unfold, the "Tri-Brigade" decided to bring both the boy and the "Virtuous" with them to their hideout.


(Glory Dragon)

Acting out of pure compassion, she shielded the boy, an act which caused her to be denounced as a heretic who went against doctrine.

Upon witnessing his deep wounds and apparent lack of memories, the "Tri-Brigade" were reminded of their own past, and they decided to protect him.

A black-cloaked boy

A black-cloaked boy who appeared after the dragon vanished.

"Fleurdelis" managed to strike down the dragon with a single blow, but a wounded youth remained where the dragon disappeared...


(Ash Dragon)

They succeeded in invading the holy land of "Dogmatika", but inexplicably, the 'Hole' opened up, releasing a dragon with horrifying powers.

The "Tri-Brigade" decided to initiate a prisoner-of-war rescue operation to free their comrades who had been captured in the battles up until that point. 

A Continent Isolated from the Outside World

A world where various groups fight over their difference in beliefs. In the midst of this never-ending battle, a miraculous meeting of a boy and a girl will change the course of this struggle. It is there that an ancient and giant interdimensional gate connecting to the abyss appears, known as 'Hole'. At times, it appears as a calamity that swallows up land and people, but other times as a godsend that bestows unknown weapons, relics, or crystalized energy. Those living on that land fight over the limited resources, either protecting their own or taking them from others. Over the years, this has resulted in these residents aligning themselves with their own tribes or species, creating more and more nations and organizations, in a constant state of turmoil.

- Dogmatika -

Those who have been called into the Glorious Knights of Holy Teachings, carve the 666 commandments of the holy scriptures into your soul, and recite them once a day under the sun.

"Dogmatika Nation" is a land beloved by God situated in the far north of the continent. The holy stigmata given to its people grant their hosts with special powers, referred to as miracles by the people. Those with especially powerful miraculous powers join the glorious Knights of Holy Teachings, battling against the heretics who do not have holy stigmata, such as beastmen or fairies. The current generation has seen the births of 2 Virtuous Vestals with exceptionally powerful miracles, "Ecclesia" and "Fleurdelis", leading the nation to its most prosperous era yet.


The supreme leader of "Dogmatika". He grants people the divine blessing of the holy stigma using the divine sculpture "Nexus", before accepting them as citizens.

Excerpts from the 666 Commandments of the Dogmatika Holy Scriptures

1. Thou shalt not turn thy back on the holy teachings of Maximus, for his magnificence is the agent of God

2. Thou shalt not utter the holy name of Maximus, for his magnificence is the agent of God

3. Thou shalt not lay eyes on the holy visage of Maximus, for his magnificence is the agent of God

4. Thou shalt not touch the holy personage of Maximus, for his magnificence is the agent of God

5. Thou shalt not refuse a blessing by Maximus, for his magnificence is the agent of God

6. Thou shalt not walk ahead of Maximus, for his magnificence is the agent of God

7. Thou shalt not point at Maximus, for his magnificence is the agent of God

66. Thou shalt have no mercy on the sinful heretics

67. Thou shalt have no fear in the face of the sinful heretics

68. Thou shalt lend no ear to the words of the sinful heretics

666. When the Day of Gospel arrives, thy holy stigma shall illuminate, bringing all lost lambs back to Heaven, as children of God once more


The holy stigmas on her 4 limbs grant her tremendous physical strength, as well as unmatched power of thunderstrikes. Using these and the 3 holy relics, this Virtuous protects both the nation and "Ecclesia".


A 'Child of Miracles' who was the first person in history to bear the holy stigma on the forehead. Her bright smile and unprejudiced personality have earned her the favor and admiration of the people.


The 'Knights of Holy Teachings' are split into two companies, based on the legendary creatures known as 'The two dragons guarding the goddess', which the divine sculpture symbolizes. "Adin" is part of the support company, which offers support with the power of miracles.


A member of the close-quarters battle company commanded by the virtuous "Fleurdelis" to battle with the heretics. His iron hammer is a holy tool with the ability to store power for unleashing devastatingly-destructive blows.

- Tri-Brigade -

Since time immemorial, there have been many tribes of beastmen scattered throughout the land. Although they shared similarities in their bravery and honor, the battles over the scarce food and territory led to a cycle of hatred among the tribes.

In the midst of this, young children were expelled from their own tribes due to unfortunate circumstances. What awaited each of them should have been death, but instead they miraculously encountered each other, and created a bond that transcended tribes. The First Three eventually gathered more comrades, and created a force large enough to be called a herd.

Although the group found peace in a distant country of iron, news of the invading "Dogmatika", a superpower to the far north, made its way to them. Having forgiven what had happened in the past and acknowledging the importance of bonds, the group decided to take a stand. After picking up allies along the way, they arrived back at their homelands. Upon witnessing the "Dogmatika" assault and the tribes' resistance, the group proposed an alliance to fight back. The forms of the selfless group fighting fiercely on the front lines moved the hearts of all who witnessed it, and the tribes finally overcame their hatred for each other, prompting the creation of a giant union. At the forefront of these battles, the figure of the quiet and stoic general can be seen heroically battling on. Invaders, hear the roar of the battlefield's iron beasts!

A militarized organization created with the goal of defeating a common enemy, it is composed of those who were exiled or shunned by their tribes. To match the miraculous powers of the holy tools used by the 'Knights of Holy Teachings', they equip themselves with steel armaments that fire concentrated energy.


A young man once mockingly called featherless, he is the leader of the "Tri-Brigade". A man of few words, but he has stood up to the daring "Fleurdelis" in battle countless times.


Once a slayer of his own brethren, he calls himself the Assault Captain. While Shuraig's main battlefield is the skies, his is the land. He not only rallies the troops, but also ensures he's the rearguard in any retreat.


Spurned as a thieving cat since young, "Ferrijit" was eventually chased out of her tribe together with her younger sister "Kitt". Like "Rugal", she leads the ground forces with her big-sister-like dependability. Her eye-catching appearance and dance-like battle style has earned her the nickname "Barren Blossom" from even her enemies.


(Ferrijit's Younger Sister)