Hello my caseload is exceedingly high and continues to grow. I'm sorry but I have to always prioritize the children or special needs cases. If you are an adult I can still analyze your samples. I have a soft spot for people in dire situations.... if you have a recent BIOMESIGHT test and you are a NON SPECIAL NEEDS CASE adult with severe dysbiosis and you are willing to comply with the process (see below)... I will analyze it and give you suggestions.. pending my case load.. you need to communicate with azbiomedasd@gmail.com... the rules for participation are on this website there is a lot to read . Ther is no charge for analysis but you would like to donate to the tax deductible charity below I would appreciate that. Thank you.

Please Consider Donating to the SPECTRUMOFJOY.ORG - A Special Needs School Looking to Make a difference in my hometown Tucson 

Alternatively you can purchase (no obligation) something from this special needs schools Amazon Wishlist, this is a new school endeavor for children with disabilities so resources are limited and support is needed. Thank you!!  




Assisting with Detoxification and improvements in ASD 

See Survey here  ////// Testimonials here 

Some Videos / Interviews of Interest

I will no longer be analyzing OMBRE GUT TESTING MOVING FORWARD, They have decided to discontinue their coupons. Click Here to order / apply the coupon for Biomesight Testing, if you wish to receive analysis moving forward. This link applies the coupon BIOMEDASD at checkout.

Why do I use 16s Testing? Here is a Quick Blurb on What is involved (More Technical)


Who is Gut Balancing Appropriate For?

Dysbiosis and the State of the Microbiome can impact all of the above - Consider Gut Balancing and see how many people have been helped by looking at the messages and surveys.




Another Audio Message from A Gut Balancing Mom Emily

Another Audio Messages from A Gut Balancing Mom  Mindy

Interview with Mom Jean

Interview with Mom Brooke




Biomesight Interview

Better Health Guy Interview

Visit My Biomesight Profile Read Reviews 

Some Comments are left here 



Here is a Video That Describes Gut Balancing From December 2022 

Here is another Video that goes over some concepts from July 2023

How to Participate????   

Order the Biomesight Test here (save 30% with this coupon)

Single Snapshot is 1 test, 3 snapshot is three tests (only difference is quantity)

1) Fill out the 2 surveys Below (symptom & liability) choose the appropriate symptom survey for you.

2) Email me @ Azbiomedasd@gmail.com - tell me your situation and how serious you are in participating

3) Read the information below so you become aware of the steps and information.

4) Read the ground rules and the rest of this page below - please only serious people.

5) Send me an email after you completed (1-4) and then I will give you the go ahead to start testing

If you fail to email me first, fail to fill out the waiver / symptom checklist, I will not analyze your data!!!!

Please tell me how you found me in the email and what your goals / brief issues are.

6) I do not communicate health problems / history or answer case specific questions via FB Messenger

7) You must remember to set me as Practitioner in Biomesight, Email me when results are ready

8) Failure to communicate effectively is a big red flag of noncompliance for me.

Autism Symptom Survey - If this is an Autism case I need you to fill this out and print to PDF and email me if you will be performing GUT BALANCING. Please include this in your email with your RAW data file. 

NON ASD Symptom Survey - If this is NOT and Autism case I need you to fill this out and print to PDF and email me if you will be performing GUT BALANCING. Please include this in your email with your RAW data file

Gut Balancing Access and Liability Waiver - For all cases and group access I need you to fill this out and agree to the rules and questions. Otherwise I can not grant access or provide suggestions.

There is no charge for analysis if you are a special needs individual (ASD ) - however you must agree and abide by the rules for participation in gut balancing . I reserve the right to discontinue analysis if you can not comply with the rules. You must email me first before sending me your samples in order for me to give you the go ahead to perform the test. I receive a lot of emails / tests / samples so my time to process and work on your cases is limited.

Please its extremely important. If you have specific questions EMAIL me @ azbiomedasd@gmail.com DO NOT USE FACEBOOK messenger to ask specific questions about your intervention etc. I do not know who you are on Facebook, your history, results, and correspondence are better tracked via email. Everything is much easier accessible to me through email so that I can determine who you are and what is going on. If you try to contact me via messenger for your specific suggestions or concerns, it is possible that incorrect information could be provided because of the many people that I'm working with at once. Please be detailed and ask your questions in an email format (Q1, Q2, etc). Thank you, this is necessary for me to be efficient and safely respond to your questions. 

With regard to suggestions / analysis , in order for me to provide you feedback I need to have analyzed your sample. Often times I will get questions where the individual is asking for recommendations and they have NOT either done the necessary stool testing (described below), or filed out the liability waiver, or even signed up for the Gut Balancing Process. I can only engage in limited conversations without having these things in place - there is a general support document that is found just below that may be able to help you, outside of that I require that testing, signup, and completion of the liability waiver. Please remember that you must receive a response from me before doing your test (signup then I email you), The signup area is found below on this page.


Links to Buy Biomesight Test Kits are in the Coupon Section!!!

Read the FAQ for your specific Questions or Email Me

If you are interested in Trying the Thiogenics RS Support Lotion 

Helping Awareness / Cognition / Speech Click here www.thiogenics.com

Please Read This Blurb about participation and trying other things including my Researched Elements supplement line or Thiogenics Thioguard Lotion. Recently I was asked in an email, should I use the lotion and the RE supplements from an individual that I would consider to be "severe" and with "unknowns" as there was no formal diagnosis and no prior experience with biomedical intervention. This is a summarization of the response that I gave. 

 'I wouldn't use the lotion because it exacerbates detox.. and since you mentioned seizures and the fact that you are NEW and don't have a diagnosis that automatically puts you into a severe category with potential for misunderstanding and things going wrong. I have information on my site below how to order the biomesight test.  I only provide suggestions for the biomesight test and for good reason, if you want the answer to that you can read my blog, watch my videos, or just take it on faith that other testing is not usable by me. My load for analysis is always extremely high, there is no charge for the analysis or suggestions but the price is you need to participate the way that I say.. which means following the rules (see the website). There is no mix n match.. etc. If you are looking to take things on your own whether they are my products or products I'm involved in - you can follow this generic GUIDE but that does NOT come with suggestions, analysis or advice. I only provide that related the the microbiome or detox for those that are participating with GUT Balancing which means you need a biomesight test. If you are working with another practitioner - work with them.. but then I can not work with you at the same time. There are strict rules for participating during your time of Gut Balancing. All of these are in place from past experience, Good Reason, and come from a place to prevent bad situations from happening.'

Survey Results for this Lotion product are here

Messages from users are here

Order form For lotion 

                                                 Thiogenics Facebook Group       Gut Balancing Facebook Group (Requires Waiver)

If you are having issues with increased stimming, symptoms of ammonia, oxalates, reaction / reactivity, constipation - Check out this Zoom

Support Topics Zoom https://youtu.be/Mpa3XqYao3A


please read this document (click here) as you might find it to be helpful. Always remember with GUT Balancing you can go choose to slower, give breaks, or go every other day when necessary to minimize reaction and reactivity, aside from the supporting symptom specific supplements described in  this document .


A zoom video that gives some description about Gut Balancing

Its a 6 week intervention which includes a targeted list of prebiotics probiotics and herbs to shift the microbiome with the goal to correct any dysbiosis and bring improvements, those improvements can broadly impact multiple areas whether it be directly GI related or Behavior / Cognition / Wellness. The test requires either an OMBRE or BIOMESIGHT test and for you to provide me access to the RAW data file associated with your sample (note I'm no longer analyzing OMBRE after 2023 since they decided to not honor discounted coupons). There are coupons for these tests down below, they are relatively inexpensive tests. The suggestions that you receive are targeted to your biome so that you can correct the dysbiosis as fast as possible. Depending on how severe the issues are - it can typically take at least 3 rounds of 6 weeks each to get to a stable place, people typically see improvement in by at least their 3rd week in. You can expect to purchase between 10 and 20 supplements (prebiotics / herbs / probiotics) the cost is typically between 250 to $500 depending on how many are needed. There are some Fullscript links to save 20% on certain supplements below along with some other coupons. You do not need to buy the supplements through me (not all of them are available on Fullscript) - feel free to purchase them anywhere you like. Some of them are however very specific. A retest is required after each round to obtain new suggestions for the next round. GUT Balancing has the ability to help many GI issues and those that may affect the brain. You will receive an analytical analysis of the dysbiosis that is unique and like no other available. Gut Balancing does NOT use suggestions or analysis from Microbiomeprescription.com, the analysis is completely distinct and suggestions are based off a combination of the following  

positive researched components

expert practitioner metrics and experience

research supported relationships

analytical analysis of dysbiosis 

combined together in way to maximize drive down dysbiosis. 

How much does GUT BALANCING COST?  There is no cost - it is nice to donate to me if you see gains however I understand that is not feasible for everyone.  If you are interested in Donating use this link. I reserve the right (as defined in the waiver agreement) to discontinue providing suggestions, this rarely happens and only for situations where suggestions are nor taken seriously, or you are purseing other major therapies or programs simultaneously. Please understand that my ability to help others is limited by my free time, so please only request to participate if you are serious about doing so. Thank you.

Typically 3 rounds are recommended, most see improvements during and after the 1st round

The cost of supplements that are recommended in your suggestions can vary form $250 to $500 (but many can be used for rounds 2 and 3). You can purchase many of them via my full script account or wherever you want.

The intervention is about 6 weeks - typically recommended to do at least 3 rounds - typically people see

improvement midway through the 1st round.


 Sorry might sound a bit mean / arrogant to but the lays the foundation for safety and who is serious about the suggestions

1) If you can not follow written instructions

2) If you can not communicate well or write a coherent email

3) If you have a history of jumping from practitioner to practitioner and mixing recommendations hastily without diligence

4) If you are quick to panic and not follow through or read the support materials

5) If you can not dedicate 6 weeks to this protocol (vacation / plans etc.)

6) If you can not take 10 to 20 supplements (we can work with you on how to get these in but you need to be open to the idea) about 5 to 10 per day.

7) If you are too consumed with the past and what has not worked (the past is important but doesn't dictate the future)

8) If you can not implement the recommendations in a reasonable period of time due to other constraints (at least within 2 to 4 weeks of receiving recommendations) Implementing suggestions too far away from testing leads to inaccuracy .

9) If you are not comfortable with the concept that improvement is not immediate and that reaction and reactivity are often necessary to get there

10) If you are not comfortable with evaluating your improvement @ the end of the intervention instead of immediately starting

11) Please only serious people - if you are working with other practitioners and have other big plans (intervention) wait until they are finished to start Gut Balancing. For instance - vacations / stem cells / etc are things that I would not do simultaneously .

12) If you can not commit to testing / retesting, communicating with me when there are issues, I can not work with you. For individuals that YOYO between practitioners, programs and protocols, this is not for you!! Expect the devote three rounds of gut balancing ~ over approximately 6 months. I reserve the right to discontinue working with individuals who are not serious with communication / or intent to follow the suggestions / testing in a timely manner.  There are many individuals that I work with and I need to have these rules in place to be efficient and fair to everyone including my personal time. 

13) If your child does not have an ASD diagnosis or moderate to severe issues this may not be for you, if your child only has some ADHD behaviors, then I would not recommend gut balancing without first emailing and initiating a dialogue. This is geared toward ASD, moderate to severe, please see symptom list at the top of the page. ASD is a very broad classifier - this is most beneficial for moderate to severe situations more geared to ATEC > 50. 

This Zoom video describes the 6 most important modes of support that will be necessary in different ways for each person

Constipation / Adrenal Fatigue / Histamine -inflammation / Ammonia Burden / Liver / Oxalates  https://youtu.be/Mpa3XqYao3A

There are 2 types of people that ask for my help, the ones that ask and listen to the suggestions, the ones that ask and argue about them and want to bring in 3rd party recommendations, I have no issue with anyone pursuing other recommendations however it becomes too time consuming, complicated, and counterproductive to have too many cooks in the kitchen. If your signing up to do the GUT Balancing that means your willing to leave everything else at the door for a short period of time, you can revisit the rest later, If you can't subscribe to this, then GUT balancing is not appropriate for you. This is how I'm able to work with a large group of people efficiently .

If you are planning on other intensive therapies and you can not wait to try this alone for 6 weeks (SCT, Chelation, etc)

I recommend spacing other therapies like Chelation / SCT by at least 3 months

If you have FMT - I suggest that you pursue that - I rather not get involved in these cases unless you have adverse affects and are at least 3 to 6 months out.

Remember you need to stop all gut work in the leadup to the test and after the test and

focus on the recommendations provided in your analysis. I have had to discontinue working

with several people because they either started to take serious antimicrobials or antifungals

before and after the test. This is a time sink for me - let me know upfront what your plans are.

If you have question about this you can email me about your situation. Do not take biocidin - it will kill some of your good bacteria and it is not recomended particularly when you are doing gut balancing. 


Remember We have some coupons / discounts


A way to save up to 20% on supplements typically 20% off supplements (Not all of them are available on Full script)

You must make a new account with a new email to take advantage

This only applied to people in the USA unfortunately. Wellevate has merged with Fullscript and will soon be stopped.

You might be able to take advantage of the discount if you LIVE outside of the USA using https://www.myus.com/  . MYUS is a service that allows you to order from vendors in the usa, providing a delivery address for you and coordinating shipping to you outside of the USA. Check to see of this is a workable option.

https://us.fullscript.com/welcome/alexzaharakisgutbalancing   USE THIS LINK TO MAKE A FULLSCRIPT ACCOUNT AND SAVE 20%

Silver Fern Products

You can use this link https://www.silverfernbrand.com/?wly=14801 and use the above code GUTBALANCE to save 20%

Foods For Gut Probiotics

There is a 5% Coupon Code for the probiotics purchased from Foodsforgut.com using this code AZ5 (5% savings and 5% donated to flight study)

https://www.foodsforgut.com/  there are often several specific strains from this vendor in your recommendations.

There are 2 probiotic formulations that Foods For GUT makes for me. FYI I do not make any commission at all for and of their products. The cost of the 60gram bottles are their the same as other formulations they sell.  I use Foods for gut probiotics because they are willing to work with me, they ship fast, they have a good product, and they offer international shipping.

Layer Origin Pure HMO

We have a coupon code from LAYER ORIGIN That makes PURE HMO a prebiotic that is often in the suggestions. Coupon Code Biome10

Sovereign Liposomal Colostrum

Sovereign Liposomal Colostrum is apart of every recommendation I have not been able to yet secure a discount with sovereign


BIOMESIGHT TEST WITH COUPON  - Purchase This for Testing In or Outside of USA

saves 50% of standard test price- Coupon is Reflected @ Last Step of Checkout


$3000 of the Donations raised have been dispensed towards investigating applicability of

testing in ASD in collaboration with a well known Physician. We hope to learn something positive and useful so it may further serve the community.

Here is a link to Common Q/A regarding the process.


Some Slides that Discuss some concepts of focus in this GUT Analysis / Intervention


Foodsforgut.com has partnered with me since July 2022 to offer customized formulas per my design.

AZ1 Probiotic has been used by hundreds and is the Best Seller Probiotic. I do not make any Money or royalty whatsoever off of these probiotics (email them and ask them if you don't believe me). 5% of the Sales are donated to the Flight Study for which I have provided analysis for

Recent Zoom that explains some of the Concepts behind Gut Balancing

Zoom 12/29/22   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2PRCGZttxI

Video 4: Case Example Of Improvement  https://youtu.be/UfRQ7gM4h-k

Zoom on Support Topics https://youtu.be/Mpa3XqYao3A

Some Slides that Discuss some concepts of focus in this GUT Analysis / Intervention


Some opinions of Mine on Dysbiosis in ASD


Video Interview with Marie - Mom of ASD child who has shared some gains


Snipped Of Zoom Call Where Mom Speaks about improvement in her child of 21 years old starting to speak MOM


Zoom Call


Zoom Call





Dr. Hailey Boyd Explains why DMSA / DMPS are not True chelators for Mercury


Dr. Hailey Boyd Explains how the flexible structure of OSR and location of Sulphur binding

sites allows it to be an almost universal chelator


At 16:30min Dr. Hailey Talks about how EDTA may be not ideal


Dr. Chris Shade Sheds light on ACC and what is really happening


(@45min in talks about ALA not a true chelator for HG)

Dr. Chris Shade talks about Heavy Metals in ASD


Dr. Chris Shade talks about Heavy Metals in Lyme


@ 44 Mins talk about how integral GUT health is for Heavy Metal Detoxification

Dr. Sam Yanuck Talks about how Dysbiosis / Inflammation / Immune Response


Dr. Sam Yanuck Talks about how Dysbiosis / Inflammation / Immune Response Version 2


Dr. Richard Boles Talks about how he has argued in \/axine Court and it relation to /\utism

at 49 minutes in https://youtu.be/SFCuKZWIxac?t=2939

Restoring Balancing Link
