Membership details
GEELONG JAZZ CLUB Inc: Membership Application/Renewal Form 2025
Please find $............................... for Family ($20) / Single ($15) Membership
Name …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Membership No ………………
Ph ………………………………………………………
Email ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Month of Birthday for each member if you are paying for a family membership (For monthly birthday prizes only) Name: Month: ………………………………………………………………………………............................................................................................ ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................
I wish to become a member of the Geelong Jazz Club, support its purposes and agree to comply with the Rules of the Geelong Jazz Club.
Signature …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Membership is due first day of January each year – early renewal is appreciated. Memberships lapses on 1st March each year if not renewed by then.
Please print and return this form with your renewal as it helps keep our records up to date. Forward with payment to: Geelong Jazz Club, PO Box 903. Geelong 3220, or email this form to after online payment to our bank account.
Bendigo Bank BSB 633 000 A/C No. 108489279
Reference: The name of the person paying the membership.
Rules of the Association
As set out in the Geelong Jazz Club’s Model Rules for an Incorporated Association (under section 46 of the Association Incorporation Reform Act 2012). This document is also known as the Constitution of the Club. The current document was ratified on the 16th of October 2013.
The purposes of the Club are:
· The organisation of regular club functions at which jazz musicians shall be employed to play
· The organisation of social gatherings for members of the club.
· To publicise and promote jazz music and the Geelong Jazz Club Inc.
A member is required to support the purposes of the Association. They are expected to behave in a manner that is not prejudicial to the Geelong Jazz Club Inc. or people attending our functions. This ensures a positive experience for all people who attend functions at our Club.
The Constitution of the Geelong Jazz Club Inc. is available on request, please contact the Secretary.
All Members are invited to become a member of the Jazz Club Committee at any time during a financial year. If you would like to join the committee, please fill out the form below and contact the President Bron Parsons 03 5278 8239 or the Secretary Ain Utt 041 733 7496
Nomination Form
(Name of Nominee): _________________________________________ Membership No: _______________
Of (address)______________________________________________________________________________________
Being a financial Member of the Geelong Jazz Club Inc. agree to my nomination for the following position.
“Please indicate the chosen position by putting a circle around one of the following position”
President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Committee
Nominated by: _______________________________________ Membership No: ___________
Seconded by: _____________________________________ Membership No: __________
Signature of Nominee accepting above Nomination: _____________________________________________
Please hand your form to a committee member at the next GJC event or forward your form to:
The Geelong Jazz Club Inc.
P.O. Box 903