The Geelong Jazz Club Inc.

Come and  dance and enjoy a great afternoon of jazz

on Sunday 2nd of March 2025

Please phone Noreen on 

0473 565 097 for bookings

Doors open at 1.30 pm

Music from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Come to the White Eagle House Bistro for lunch before the gig. 

Bookings for lunch Ph: 52291009 

The GJC is no longer a BYO food or drink event but nibbles, and bar service are available. There is free tea and coffee within the venue. 

White Eagle House has a Bistro and serves lunches from 12 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. If you wish to book for a meal before or after a gig please book directly with White Eagle House (03) 5229 1009.

Contact details

Postal address:                   The Geelong Jazz Club Inc.

P.O. Box 903


Phone details:         Bron Parsons (President) (03) 5278 8239

Website address:

Email address:

Facebook:                 The Geelong Jazz Club