
Loz: Lead vocals, Bass, Ukulele

Lauren is a songwriter and is also in the girl harmony band The Triskelles. She writes songs about the things that inspire her, such as Frida Khalo's paintings, nature and love. She loves nothing more than spending time in festival fields, languishing in her van and drinking coffee, while watching the wild beings do their thing.


Lu: Bass, vocals, guitar

Lu is a songwriter, choir leader, and music teacher. She loves the sea and you'll notice her lyrics tend to have a watery theme to them. She is our chief navigator, with the directional sense of a homing pigeon - known as our Solar Powered Sat Nav.


Rich: Electric Ukulele

Rich spent many years promoting bands before ever being in one. He loves his van and silversmithing. He doesn’t start any day without 20 mins of yoga.


James: Drums

He's the beating heart of the band. An outdoors type; loving a bit of camping, kayaking and communing with nature. He is also a leader in our local XR group.


Paul: Bass & lead guitar.

Paul is a multi-instrumentalist. He'll play anything with strings. He has come on permanent loan to us from his other band 'The Mother Ukers' and is the eternal Journeyman of the music scene.