
What are the continuities with the evolution of chess?

The Vizier Buzurghmihr Showing the Game of Chess to King Khusraw Anushirwan. Image: Los Angeles County Museum of Art. 


During the whole evolution one thing that stayed the same was the board. When chess was invented 1500 years ago, they used the chaturanga board. This board had 64 tiles is a 8x8 area. This is the exact same as the chess board that we have today.

The King

The kings is known as the piece that represents the game (excluding the pawn in and in its 1500 years being in the game it has not been changed a single time except for its appearance. The king unlike the other pieces from the origin of chess didn’t change its name. while the chariot was changed into the knight and elephant to the rook nothing had been changed to the king. This is probably because the king is a feature that makes chess unique to other games.


Throughout its 1500 years chess has had an ability to stay relevant and popular throughout. Chess stayed popular as more people are made to sit inside their homes and more tournaments are held for people to watch. The website is the main reason that chess is still a game that people played in the 21st century. Erik Allebest, CEO of said, “Puzzle sales were through the roof. So did board games. In fact, all gaming surged both online and offline, Chess, the granddaddy of all games garnered a lot of attention.” The POGCHAMPS tournament also helps chess stay relevant as it has professional twitch streamers play chess against each other to win. This garners views from all the streamers fanbase. This tournament gained over 165k concurrent views.