
What changed throughout the evolution of Chess?

During chess’s evolution there have been many changes that has happened to it. This could be the change in play style, cheating and appearance.


There were many types of playstyles used when playing chess but over the years these playstyles have changed. 

Aggressive (1800's)

One of the first playstyles that was developed was Swashbuckling. This is were the player played very aggressive, sacrificing pieces to try and achieve a checkmate. This was because players hadn’t strong defensive ideas. This style was shown by the famous player Paul Morphy. Paul Morphy “was the embodiment of all of these romantic and aggressive attacking ideas” 2. In his tour of Europe, he played the famous “Opera House” game against Duke Karl Count Isouard. In this game used a very aggressive playstyle and won against his opponent.

On the left is a gif of the game.

Positional (1900's)

A different playstyle that took over swashbuckling was a positional playstyle. This is where the player tries to occupy the centre of the board with pawns. This stops the opponent from advancing their pawns into the middle of the board giving the player control of the centre which is an important part in this playstyle. Players used quiet openings like the Ruy Lopez and Queens Gambit to fill the centre of the board with pawns and gain control of the centre. These players also sought after small advantages to convert to a better endgame. A perfect example of a player using this playstyle is Wilhelm Steinitz. Wilhelm disliked the aggressive playstyles that people played at that time and played the positional playstyle.

Hypermodernism (1920's)

In the 1920’s a new play style was created called hypermodernism. The main idea of this playstyle was to control the centre with pieces that have indirect control of the centre. In this period new openings were formed like the Indian Defences, the Grunfeld and the Benoni. One of the most hypermodern openings was the Alekhine defence. This opening was named after Alexander Alekhine who was the 4th world champion. This new playstyle was considered as an extension to the already existing positional playstyle.

Stockfish, a chess computer that is better than any human at chess.



The "act of receiving external assistance most often in the form of a chess computer."4 Ever since tournaments became a thing cheating had become a big problem and as chess evolves these cheaters will get harder and harder to identify. Cheating has changed since chess was created. As before cheating in a chess tournament was usually match fixing or piece manipulation. (Match fixing is paying your opponent for a draw to increase your chances of winning a larger prize. Piece manipulation is touching a piece and moving a different one.) These two ways to cheat have become basically obsolete in modern day cheating as they are too identifiable. Chess cheating has now changed to more advanced ways as chess computers and external devices. One of the most common ways to cheat nowadays is chess computers. The most famous and strongest one to be Stockfish. Players use these chess bots and external devices like ear pices to gain advantage on an opponent.


One of the most noticeable change with chess is the pieces. Over the years the chess pieces have had many re-designs. The pieces invented in India look very different to the modern chess. This is because chess is the "Sanskrit word for 4 divisions"3 of the indian army (chariots, infantry, cavalry and elephants).  So the pieces were made to resemble the animals and people.

In 1849 a new style chess pieces where introduced and named after a famous chess player. The Staunton Pattern became the type of chess pieces used in chess tournaments all around the world.

The Queen

Originally the queen in chess was called the Vizier, this piece was a male and was the king's advisor. He could move 1 tile diagonally each turn. In the year 1480 a game of between two people had a person who checkmated in the 21st move. This is when the vizier was changed to a queen. This was because of Queen Isabella whoose reign began in 1474. The queen also became the most powerful piece in the game to resemble the powerful queens who were ruling at that time.


2 ColinStapczynski, 2022, History of Chess| From Early Ages to Magnus, Available from: (15/03/23)

3  TED-ed  2020, A brief history of chess - Alex Gendler, Available from: (26/02/23)

4 Wired, 2022, Chess Pro Explains how to Spot Cheaters (ft. Gotham Chess) | Wired. Available from$LnwRHGIHg&ab_channel=WIRED