Theatre Studies - Induction

A Level Theatre Studies

Welcome to your induction into the world of sixth form theatre studies. Although this task is more explorative and research based, the course is heavy in practical study of the work of influential practitioners and theatre companies. We also stage our set texts in preparation for the written examination. The course is split into three separate units which are explained below;

Component 1: Drama and Theatre

· 3 hour written examination

· 40% of A-level course

· Study of two chosen set texts

· A Servant to Two Masters by Carlo Goldoni

· Our Country’s Good by Timberlake Wertenbaker

· Study of one live theatre production that we have seen live or streamed online.

Component 2: Creating Original Drama

· Creation and performance of a devised piece of theatre (10% of A-level).

· Must have theory of prescribed practitioner applied to performance.

· Working notebook to support the performance (20% of A-level).

Component 3: Making Theatre

· Extract workshops of three different plays

· Performance of the final extract to a visiting examiner (20% of A-level).

· Must have theory of prescribed practitioner applied to performance.

· Reflective report that details the exploration of all three extracts (10% of A-level).

The specification can be found here:

Your induction task 2021:

The first set text that you will be studying in year 12 is Our Country’s Good. A play set in the late 1780s and follows the story of the first penal colony sent to Australia in 1788. We see the dynamic between a range of officers and convicts as they attempt to stage a play for the King’s birthday on June 4th.

1. Complete some research into life in the penal colony in 1788.

a. What were the conditions like?

b. Where did they sleep?

c. What was it like day to day?

d. What was the journey like to Australia? How long did it take?

One of the officers, Harry Brewer, suffers from hangman’s guilt and turns to alcoholism as an attempt to suppress his paranoia and guilt. He begins to have visions of the two people that he hanged in the colony and these experiences ravage his mental health. In a key scene in act 2, Harry sees both of them at once and eventually breaks down before pleading for help from his lover, Duckling Smith.

It is a challenging monologue for any performer as they are expected to vocally capture all three characters on stage. Flicking between the different voices and physical characteristics whilst showing Harry’s mental deterioration throughout the speech.

2. Attempt the monologue yourself. Many performers place Harry centre stage and imagine the other characters standing stage left and stage right – erratically moving eye contact between the different positions. How creative can you be? How are you able to show Harry’s deterioration?

Harry Brewer Monologue.pdf