Vol. V, 2018


VOLUME V (2018)

Moral Sentiments and Altruism in Game Theory

Joshua Liebmann, Truman State University

Estimating Minority Benefit from Government Assistance in the U.S. Mortgage Market

Maksim Papenkov, State University of New York at Albany

Do High Equity Valuations Predict Recessions?

Ariel Goldszmidt, The University of Chicago

Does Snowfall Influence Ski Visitation to Resorts in Colorado? An Empirical Analysis Uncovering the Relationship

Alex Vergara, The University of Colorado, Boulder

The Transferability of Human Capital: A Case Study of Refugees in the United States

Sarang D Murthy, University of Vermont

A Sequential Game-Theoretic Approach to Student Learning Time

Luther Yap, University of Cambridge

Power, Expected Value, and Excessive Risk-Taking

Johnny Fulfer, Eastern Oregon University