Neck Pain Treatment in Byron Bay

The Byron Bay Chiropractor – A Pioneer in Chiropractic Treatment in Byron Bay

Are you suffering from prolonged joint and spine-related problems like neck pain or headaches? Are you looking for non-surgical way of treatment? The Byron Bay Chiropractor could be your most sought-after option to receive the best-in-class chiropractic treatment in Byron Bay.

Among various spine-related problems, neck pain is the most commonly occurring problem. Also known as the cervical spine, the neck starts from the base of the skull and is made up of seven small vertebrae. Do you know it bears the complete weight of our head at any point of time? Due to this, it remains highly prone to injury and pain.

There could be several causes of neck pain including:

Daily life - Poor posture and weak abdominal muscles often disrupt spinal balance, causing the neck to bend forward to compensate. Stress and emotional tension can cause muscles to constrict and contract, causing pain.

Ageing - Degenerative problems like osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, and degenerative disc disease directly affect the spine.

Osteoarthritis: a general joint disorder, causing gradual deterioration of cartilage.

Spinal stenosis: causing the small nerve openings in the vertebrae to shrink and trap the nerve roots. Stenosis may affect the neck, shoulder, and arm, eventually leading to pain, numbness, and weakness.

At The Byron Bay Chiropractor, Dr. Garske employs a range of non-surgical ways for neck pain treatment in Byron Bay. His chiropractic experience and a strong hands-on approach are used as treatment options to improve the control and mobility of your spine. Patients usually notice a better ability to turn their head, and a decrease in pain, soreness, and stiffness.

For patients with neck pain, specific gentle chiropractic adjustments are used to improve cervical control and increase range of motion, along with this better function comes reduction or elimination of pain.